THR Seeing the Light!

Hi @lovesstars
Sorry you're dealing with some discomfort. Posting this in case the link didn't open, or you haven't read it yet. I hope the pain eases soon. I wish I knew more about it to help, but I'm sorry I don't.
Wishing you comfort.

People often get confused about psoas pain as it seems to be so spread out. But the psoas is a huge muscle so if you get inflammation/pain, it can occur almost anywhere. You can see the spread of it here

Seeing the Light!
Seeing the Light!

The psoas is a unique muscle. It connects the lower spine to inside of the hip and then (through its associated muscle, iliacus) to the top of the thigh bone. When it contracts, it brings the thigh toward the torso. It’s also instrumental in helping us sit up from a lying down position. In this diagram, the uppermost X shows the common location of the (right side) upper psoas trigger point. If present, it usually occurs about an inch or two to each side of the navel and sometimes slightly below it. The trigger point at the lower black X is found just inside the most prominent aspect of the hip bone. The yellow X shows an iliacus trigger point which occurs on the inside upper thigh, just below the groin. Tension at any of these three points can produce pain or numbness in the upper thigh (and also in the groin, genitals, and lower back).

You can access this muscle most easily if you lie on your back with your knees bent and resting together on one side.

Seeing the Light!

This allows you to feel the psoas on the side opposite from where your knees are lying. Use all your fingertips together to press deeply at the uppermost X first (you may want to trim your fingernails for this). Start an inch or two to the outside of your navel, and search a few inches in all directions. If you raise your head, this will contract the more superficial rectus abdominis muscles. Keep in mind that you need to feel outside and underneath these muscles to get to the psoas.

If the psoas is overly rigid, it will feel like a firm vertical band, roughly like a banana, and it will be tender. If this is the case, do some self massage here (you will likely need to repeatedly work on it to encourage the muscle to really let go). If you are feeling the psoas on the left and notice a strong pulsation in our abdomen, this is probably your descending aorta (a major artery) and you should move just slightly outward (toward your side) to find the psoas.

Next, you can follow the psoas downward and outward to its lower attachment inside the pelvis. From where the pelvic bone sticks up the most (the anterior superior iliac spine or ASIS), you’ll be feeling just slightly closer to the midline. Feel a few inches up and down. If you encounter a very tender point that produces the pain you have been experiencing in your groin or pelvis, do some gentle massage.

It is less likely that you will need to address the iliacus trigger point (indicated by the yellow X in the diagram above) if you work on these upper points. However, if the pain remains, especially in the thigh, you can search for this trigger point by lying flat with your legs extended and pressing deeply against the front/inside surface of the thigh bone about an inch below your groin. If you find a significantly tender point that produces the pain you have been experiencing, you can do some massage here.

The text for this article was obtained from this site Thigh Pain by Dr Peter Borten
Right. I read the article. It’s not super tight. I guess I’ll just deal with the discomfort then. Thx.

Pain is in Inguinal groove and massaging psoas does not relieve.
Hi @lovesstars
Hoping whatever it is, it eases soon.
I believe you mentioned this pain before because it was the first time I heard the word Inguinal and had to look it up. Do you think it's anything your OS could help you with as far as suggestions to obtain permanent relief?
Wishing you a good week :SUNsmile: and a little sunshine :praying:
I had the pain, where you describe it, for up to a year off and on. To varying degrees and don't know exactly when it finally went.
The instances got fewer and farther between.
But in hindsight likely due to some activity...maybe as stride getting longer or strain when walking on my case, possibly from climbing up and down on trucks without proper arm support. Lifting heavier objects with weak hip muscles could have caused a groin strain in my case also.
I don't remember if you are doing any particular PT, cycling or?
I really couldn't say what agitated it and what resolved it, but maybe you can by process of elimination.
Yes, things CAN still improve.
And you CAN still aggravate new hips.
If it is a groin strain it will need rest.
  • Returning to activities too quickly after an injury. Groin strains need time and rest to heal completely. Trying to come back from a strain too soon will make you more likely to injure your groin again.
I'm rooting for you, friend.
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@Mojo333 @Layla maybe the increase in stride length. No, I have never had this before. No it is not groin pain. It is different. I hope it resolves. Back in actual winter now and all I can say is: :shocked::shocked::shocked:
:shocked::shocked::shocked: < those always remind me of you now.
Just as these > :chuckmarch::chuckmarch::chuckmarch: always remind me of Mojo.
Nice way to start the day.....with a bunch of nonsense.

I hope you find the origin of the pain, or better yet, it just goes away, never to return.

Stay warm in this crazy, snowy, icy, cold, gloomy weather.
I've just thoroughly depressed myself!
Hump day @lovesstars :chuckmarch:
Hope life is treating you well!

Six Months Tomorrow!:yahoo:

You know...
“We aren't where we want to be; we aren't where we think we ought to be; but thank goodness we aren't where we used to be.”
Thank you @Mojo333 for remembering! Yes, I am bumping along. Distracting myself. Powering through.
Thinking of spring and Yellow and Orange.
Trader Joe’s has small bunches of daffodils for $1.50 each! I AM SO EXCITED!
TJ's has great deals on flowers.
Fresh flowers are the best. Daffodils, tulips etc. You'll be tip toeing through the tulips in no time.
Remember that song? Remember him? I saw T T once at an airport in Boston, sitting all alone,
with his longish unkempt hair wearing a hot pink blazer. Stuck out like a sore thumb, couldn't have missed him.

The snow is falling here today, schools cancelled, once again, the first of three rounds we're supposed to be getting by the weekend. When Will It End?!

Hope you're doing well. Have a good one!
Of course I remember him. He used to be on the Ed Sullivan show! Yes snow here....they are adding extra days now onto the end of the school year because the kids have missed so much!
I wondered if all of your schools would be extending the school year into the summer. Y'all have had an incredibly difficult winter thus far. I don't have a TJ's closeby but my daughter LOVES it there and makes the 40 minute trip at least once a month.

We joined in the "snow dump" on Friday - ended up with a good 10" at our house. Quite a bit melted yesterday (I did NOT go out in it). This morning we did some grocery shopping (I'm making meals for some dear friends who are returning from Detroit late tonight - a death in the family) so we'll venture out again later. I am one achy mess today, not sure why. I did very little yesterday - haven't even been on the treadmill for a week now (tax season is my nemesis). After putting groceries away and getting the crockpot and Instant Pot going, I am now sitting with my good friend Mr. Icepack (and I took a Tramadol). My right leg feels very achy all the way down to my ankle.

I missed your 6 month anniversary @lovesstars - hope you're still making forward progress. Take it easy and stay upright while trekking through the snow!
@NanaKP do you think it is the cold and damp making you so achy? I am definitely feeling that here. I was wondering if I should go back to some of those other meds (like Tramadol...some of which I still have). Today I took all the Tylenols and still in pain.

TEN INCHES! Welcome to my life.

For you and other two-hip (@EL11) folks....the pain in the OTHER hip that is worse after the first one settles — is it perhaps that thing that you are finally feeling the other hip after the operative hip has been is maybe also that your system is readjusting to walking with the new hip? I don’t know what is happening but I am having a ton more pain in my right hip. THIS IS NUTS.
I hear you!
And there is more snow to come. Average high here is supposed to be in the low 30's by now and we're going to be in the single digits for highs again this week.
The Winter That Will Never End! :gaah: :tantrum:

:swim: :walking: :biking:I guess the warm weather emojis will have to suffice for now.

Your discomfort could be from your changing gait. Wondering when you last had your right hip x-rayed
and what kind of shape it was in...

Stay warm, be careful out there and have a great week!
This is what I need to do, @Layla . I need to call patient relations about my OS so I can get a new doctor. Then I need to call the new doc and get an appt about the right hip. Yes, there will be a waiting period to get an appt. I need to call today. Putting it on my list... thx!!!
Oh @lovesstars - I would definitely get that appointment made to check that other hip. Everything works (or doesn't) together. I'm sorry you're having pain in the other one now.

I definitely think the cold weather is messing me up. We had 62% humidity yesterday, that's a lot for us. (I know, that's NUTHIN' compared to what y'all have). Today I feel better, we are in the mid-40's and tomorrow we may see 60. The sun is shining and the sky is bright blue - I hope it heads your way!!:SUNsmile:

Less than 2 weeks and we get to "spring forward" . . . Spring is Coming!!!!!:wowspring:

Now to get through the 987,569,872 bookkeeping errors I'm finding from 2018.:headbang:

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