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just having a fussy day

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Feb 11, 2011
United States
I do not have much to complain about, it is not really in my nature anyway! HOWEVER.
after a GREAT first 2 1/2 weeks post surgery I was at 0 and 113 I felt awesome.
then I think we over did it at my next PT session had a back slide and today almost 2 weeks later I'm back up and over that number at 115, but it was not easy. My concern is that my tightness is not in my muscles..... it is the front of my knee. My PT is working hard on the tissue infront of my knee as I had 1/3 of my pateller tendon removed to make a new ACL in 1988. My 10" beauty - the bottom runs through that same scar and the tissue is really thick. (at least for massage and working tissue it has NO feeling)

I know I still have some swelling, and I am icing/elevating taking anti inflams etc....

But as I work on my flexion ALL the tighness is in that front part of my knee.

so am I fussing and worring for nothing? for whatever reason,,,,,, I'm a bit anxious about my progress today. figured this was a good place to vent, instead of driving my friends crazy!
Hi Catherine,
I can so relate to how you feel and the tightness I have that too. Your numbers are excellent for only three weeks out from surgery. I am almost ten weeks (on Friday) and I am just at 115 flex and almost 0 but it has taken all this time to get there. This surgery is tough and our bodies heal different but it does seem to get better each week even if it is small. Don't fret you will get there and the tightness you are feeling is normal I still have that although it is a little less now. Hang in there you are doing great !!

Catherine, I know just how you feel! I wish I could bend me knee more, but it feels like I don't have *enough* skin on the front of my knee! My PT says that it's just swelling that's causing this. Hopefully we'll get better as time goes on!:th_console:
thank you both,
the 21st was 4 weeks from my surgery and after such a good start I worry a bit that I'm a bit stuck. for whatever reason? today I'm anxious about it.
Hi Carousel,

Your PT and the others are right; it's most likely just the swelling. I'm close to three months out now and have great flexion on both knees but my left has been 10 to 15 degrees behind my right the whole way and still is today. I also get that too tight in front to bend feeling in the left knee. It'll come around. You're doing great, so don't worry about a thing.

You are one day short of a month; you are making great progress! Please keep in mind that this roller coaster ride you are on takes a little bit longer than we would like, and it can be rather frustrating at times, too. Your ROM may come and go somewhat, and you will, for no apparent reason, get somewhat stiff at times without any explanation; it is all how your body heals.

In short; yes, you are fussing and worrying over nothing.:snk: Vent, rant, let us know how you feel; we have all had this happen before. I would put a string of absolutely great days together and think everything was past me, and then WHAM! one of my knees, (usually the right one) would announce ""I'M BAAAACK!!! I would then get cranky and fuss, too.

Just keep on doing what you are dong, icing and elevating, and you will be fine. You have to be in this for the "long haul."

Tim c.
Tim is spot on!!! This is a time for patience....and the knowledge that you will have steps backward as well as forward as you recover. Things are still healing inside at this early stage of recovery. Try to take things slow and find that perfect balance between activity and rest/ice/elevation. It's tricky!!!
I am feeling it with you today myself. I will be 11 wks tomorrow and I am feeling just awful today. I did a lot of stairs yesterday because the blasted parking garage I have to park in for work is under renovation and I went out at lunch so 16 flights of stairs in total. My hamstring is so tight and swollen I'm not feeling the love this morning. Hang in there we all experience what you are feeling - as you have read, and it is completely normal. I can't elevate all that well here but I am definitely icing and I've already taken Aleve and a pain pill and hope to have to relief soon. I'm not going out at lunch today so that will minimize my stair use.

This is a great place to vent!
this is a super group THANK YOU
I think I worry that some of the mess of my 2 reconstructions from the mid/late 80s are getting in the way of my progress (as I said, a bit anxious and fussy about my knee). My first reconstruction surgery in 87 was a diaster! but I need to remember that the one that fixed it a year later in 88 improved my life A LOT. so... as I said, I'm fussing.

also I train dogs (well I did but not so much the last few years, I'm getting back to that next week!)
And I have heard my friends that also train their dogs make the comment "when do I get my cookie???" - ie - the dog gets food rewards as part of training, they were hoping their dog would make a break through and help the trainer feel good about the progres :smile:

So I want my knee to give me a cookie :thmb: LOL remind me that this work is paying off <G>

I do still feel that this knee is an amazing gift of getting my life back! I have tasted it, I want it now :th_2tantrum2: ahaahh.

it will all be better!!!! thanks again for the support.
Hi Catherine,
Tuesday was my FREAK OUT day and all these nice people were so supportive it really helped. We all need to vent sometimes and everyone here understands the pain and anxiety and everything. These surgeries are tough and you are doing great.... I am at 10 months and I want my life back too-- and every at bonesmart says it will come back so be HOPEFUL!
I wanted to say something about your dog training. I have two wonderful Maltese dogs that have helped get me through this. They know when you are having a bad day and curl up next to me. My older dog also truly detected bone cancer in my mother's shoulder and sadly he was right and she had to have it amputated. The weird thing is I still have problems with extension and at about 4-6 weeks post op he wanted to sit on my right knee -- he weighs about 8 lbs... so I kept pushing him off. He continually, as the months went by, tried to sit on my TKR knee. I totally think he was trying to help me get extension and I wish I just took a pain pill and let him lay there. So now on bad days he just curls up next to it and is my own little heating pad when I feel too bad to get it myself. I know he wishes he could bring me ice but his mouth is too small! haha
Chin up, Catherine, you are strong and tough and you will recover!
We are all here for you!
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