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THR Hippie Chick’s Recovery Journey

Questions oh wise BoneSmart staff-
I still cannot climb or descend steps normally. I am still doing baby steps. Just past 3 months. I can do that much better.

I can rise from a seated position if the chair is a normal height and not too fluffy and if I have not been sitting long. Low or fluffy seats I have to push up with arms. I still back into the car, it’s low, but positioning legs much better.

Walking is much better- gait worsens if tired or on my feet too long. Inclines are not fun. Fast walking is a no.

Sleeping on my non-operated side is limited to about 30 minutes. Still feeling quite stiff turning over with hip remaining in proper placement.

Still experiencing swelling in lower leg ankle foot area.

I can pick things up from the floor successfully. Putting shoes and socks on is getting better. Can carry in light packages- not huge bags of dog kibble.

My non-operative hip acted out and almost had me unable to walk for about five minutes. Took Advil and things improved. I feel like I am making decent progress with my new hip but sometimes you need a bit of reassurance. Not doing PT except for self PT which means no input. I am looking forward to the holidays and may attempt going to the pool. Having another hip that needs replacement seems to impact recovery of the first hip. I am in awe of those who had both done at once.
Hang in there, I was still pushing a walker at 3 months some days! I was finally on cane by May.
Then recovery seems to come in little bundles. Like small gifts from the recovery Gods.
I love those ah ha moments...when you do something w/o even thinking about it that you couldn't do 2 days ago. Those are the best little gifts.
First time I went into the car "normal" I didn't realize it until I was actually in & sitting. Wow, that was great & it didn't hurt.
Now when I can get through an entire busy day and not have to sit and rest a bit or lay on ice or heating pad, well that's the BEST!
Been doing lots of walking, managed 4 miles yesterday, (broken up over course of day), usually do mile & half, then back home and then more later. I walk dogs so that adds to my walking.
You will get there, just takes some of us a little more time for one reason or another.
Hi @Hippie Chick, its good to hear from you and it sounds like your recovery is going well with lots of positives. Just wanted to let you know that your not alone regarding the things that you are still struggling with, I too can't walk up stairs normally, when I tried recently my hip made it quite obvious it wasn't happy so I'm going to leave it for a couple of weeks before I try again. I'm fine with leading with different legs when it's only one or two steps but a whole flight of stairs is just too much at the moment.

I still have lower leg swelling too and also have difficulty sleeping on my side and getting into position to sleep on my side isn't easy either. I can now bear to lay on my operated side but I'm not able to fall asleep that way and I wonder if that is because I find it difficult to relax in that position.

Sorry to hear that your non-operated hip is being troublesome, it can't be easy trying to cope with an on-going problem with one hip while the other one is recovering from surgery. Do you have any idea when your other hip will get done ?
:wave: @Hippie Chick
All of the things you mentioned sound reminiscent of my experiences with recovery at the 3 month mark.
It WILL keep getting better and easier.:ok:
After being out and about... I would take time to "assume the position" - feet up and icing.:ice:
It sounds like you are being mindful about a slow transition back to some of the activities that are more challenging for our new hip as it continues to get stronger - which is the best way.

At the 3 month mark, recovery is getting OLD and normalcy is what we are longing for...:bored:
I'm sorry hip #2 is causing an issue and the change in gait and posture caused me some other odd aches and took time to sort out.
Keep the faith, friend... lots of improvement to come over the next year.
Hi @Hippie Chick

I hear you! I am turtle pace still. So, I have progressed, slower than I would have liked and I’ve still a long way to go. I’ve only just in the last 10 days started to climb stairs normally. It aches doing so I must say. The PT had me doing the leg press in the gym with the smallest weight which she said is the same hip loading as stairs and I think doing that as well as my other exercises is starting to pay off.
I can’t lie on either side yet also, so back sleeping continues.
I’m also needing to push up from chairs. And walking to start after sitting brings my limp back until I get going. I’m not doing long walks yet either. It doesn’t help that the UK weather has been AWFUL! We went from a deep freeze and lethal pavements outside to an increase in temp but raining everyday!
Thanks @myglasshalffull , @Esmeralda , @Mojo333 , and @Clairebella! Hearing from you all helps tremendously! Someone at work asked me if I would always need a cane this week. I replied that recovery can take a year or so. Not what you want to hear. Remarkably it’s the adults who do not seem to understand. My students are happy to have me at work, remind me where I left my cane if I leave it in a different spot.
I had a hip pain and function survey from my OS this week. It is not easy to answer none, mild, moderate, severe or extreme. I need a short answer survey so I can explain different scenarios. My mind wonders how one gets up the stairs when the second one is fixed. @myglasshalffull and @Mojo333 you provide great reassurance and support!
Knowing that we late summer hippies are in similar stages lets me know that I am still on track and progress is being made. Thanks for sharing what is working. On that note, I saw to use a fluffy pillow between legs for side sleeping. Who knew- it works much better than the flat pillow I had been using.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I am hoping my yard service will come and get my leaves today. Rain is supposed to set in Sunday and Monday.
Yes it is interesting to see how all the late-summer hippies are getting along. I really need to exercise my patience muscle at this stage and remind myself that 4 months out is not a long time really.

I slept through until 9:30am this morning on my side. Hip v stiff on waking up. It still does not like side sleeping much.

But so much to be grateful for as can drive again and making progress - albeit slow.

I need to remind myself still
To ice and take paracetemol when needed.

The damp chilly weather doesn’t help but I use thermal leggings to keep my hip warm when out and about and this helps…

Roll on the Spring.. and Merry Christmas.
Attempting small flights of steps at work one foot per step. I did four on Tuesday and three today. Soreness yesterday in hip muscles. Tonight I am best friends with my heating pad. 5 1/2 months out is this to be expected? Too feet per step is okay for small flights. Walking is going well- still have a cane as a buffer more for keeping people from walking too close. If someone steps into my space, my balance is not fully back yet. Chairs are getting much better. Uneven ground is fine if not rushed. Still doing the sit and pivot for my car. Driving is back to normal. Sleeping with knee pillow is going well. I would very much like a recovery thermometer where you point and it gives a quick reading of your progress. My other hip acts out occasionally, seizing up and what feels like sliding when sitting or standing at different times. My x-rays indicated it was also needing replacement. Thus my concern for having my right leg ready to do the hard work when hip #2 is fixed. I cannot imagine having both repaired at once. The cane is also useful when this happens. @Layla and other BoneSmart wise ones- is this typical? I am walking more at work and am standing most of the day.
Hi @Hippie Chick :wave:
Reading through your recent update, I see several positives with your recovery.
More positives than negatives, for certain.
You are very wise to use the cane, you are back to work and if using the cane helps stabilize you, especially with the other hip needing replaced? Well, please don’t feel badly about it.
Some of your soreness and achiness after doing the stairs could actually be stemming from your other hip!
I had quite a bit of referred pain, even into my foot when either of my hips were gasping their last breaths!
Your description of the other hip seizing up and sliding brings back painful memories of my hips, before surgery.
Hang in there, I think you are doing very well!
Yes, I remember all those concerns after stairs, uneven ground, and even alot of extra bending when I was into the mid year portion of my recovery.

So hard to get past that "Is this Normal - am I always going to have this - when can I just go back to regular activities without paying for it later" mind strain :sigh:

Another bad hip does play into it but since I did have both at once, you Can manage if you are able to get #2 on board before you feel #1 is optimally operational.
All a process, and things will keep getting better.
Keep the faith, friend
Thanks @CricketHip ! It’s hard not knowing exactly how much I should be doing or able to do at this point.
You likely aren't doing too much... just try not to worry if you have to baby that hip by the end of the day...
I was back to resting and icing after the day's activities for most of the first 9-10 months.
Hi Hippie Chick . I am in a similar position 6 months in. I can manage stairs but do stiffen up if I do too much or too fast. I still need the stick occasionally when I’m tired or have a heavy computer on my back.

I took the advice here and back to sleeping with a pillow between my legs and it is helping. I also take paracetemol in the morning which helps with the stiffness.

I’m thinking of having a bit more physio to concentrate on this issue. Scar stinging a bit too.

I do calf stretches and knee raises to help with stairs and try to do alternate steps going down albeit a bit slowly. Retraining the muscles seems to take time. Best of luck!
Hi everyone thanks @CricketHip re 9-10 months still ice and rest. I don’t know about you all but I’m so tired! Had Covid before Easter and has been a big set back. Also general anaesthetic for a uterine polyp removal in Feb. Just got started training when Covid hit now hip feels inflamed and recovery feels so slow. Struggling to lose any weight but have been doing Pilates weekly since Xmas, which helps. 1 May hoping to get back into training and icing which I have done for months! Prob bcos always felt so cold in winter. ❤️❤️❤️

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