Revision THR hip replacement gone bad<

Joe certainty is around.
But not as much as in the past.
I think if you take on board Josephine's advice you will turn a corner this time.
Your tackling the problem head on now which is the right thing to do and don't push it at all during recovery.
Your challenges physically and mentally have made the going tough for some time now and that is clear from your posts.
My mother (who'd kill me if she thought I was writing about her) is in her 80s and has osteoarthritis for many years. He philosophy is simple.Take the tablets, do what you can and enjoy it, meet people as much as possible and be thankful for a life lived.
@zinnia you can tag me like I just did you if you want to ask anything.
I wish you the best.
Hi @zinnia .
Glad you have a date.
Remember the plan is not immediately walk walk is rest, ice, elevate, only walk where you have to go...for many of the first weeks.
Then, walk ...walk. Rest, ice, elevate.
Let's let this one really have time to get well first.
You sound like a beautifully active type woman who hates to wait on recovery...better practice patience.
Rooting for you.:yay:
@zinnia I was away from the forum for a view days playing patient champion. Sounds like you are really on your way to better days. Now just a bit more patience while you wait for your op day. We are with you on this!
Hi @zinnia
Nice to meet you through your thread. I'm very sorry for your pain both physical and emotional.
My heart goes out to you in all you've suffered. You sound like a little, spitfire, dynamo type.

You have life left to live and I pray you set some of the physical activity aside and enjoy life in a quieter more gentle way. As a lifelong active 82 yr old you've earned the right to NOT need a personal trainer.
I fear if you continue on with all the unnecessary exercise, trainers, deep tissue massage you will spend your days in a constant state of pain and rehabilitation. Through your description of how you live life, continually living on the sidelines would be difficult for you. The phrase "quality not quantity" comes to mind.
You are receiving this advice from many concerned, caring people coming from a place of love.

Please take all you read into serious consideration. We'll be here to encourage and cheer you on as you
take on this next surgery. Prayers for the best possible outcome and peace of mind as you journey through.
Sending a warm hug your way....
My new surgeon has a way he encourages bone growth using my own blood to encouraged the bone to grow and he has had success with that formula.
I've never heard of this procedure and HE might have had success with it but his patient cohort will be a very small sample and therefore not really reliable. So I'd respectfully decline it!
But I am troubled and want to push for using bone cement for the reasons you suggest. Can both methods be used at once?
I am very antsy about this surgery for obvious reasons. I am anxious about having another failure.
Of course you are - I'd be most surprised if you your weren't.
I am also convinced that the femur was weakened by the emergency revision and the spontaneous fracture of the femur was caused by that and the PT having me do leg presses.
Actually that's not how these things work. What's much more likely is that the crack was caused either during the revision or even during the primary surgery, and any and all activity and exercise you did thereafter could have gradually made things worse.
The result of all this is that I am going to follow your recovery plan by the day on this one and walk, walk, walk with or without an assist.
"walk, walk, walk with or without an assist" is NOT what we recommend. If you look back you'll see it says "All they need is the best therapy which is walking and even then not to excess."
I will be back to pester you again.
Feel free! This shop is always open!
Okay, now I'm in tears from all this caring encouragement. Thank you all. . .Joe, Josephine, Jaycey, Layla, Mojo333. . .what beautiful people I have cheering me on.

Don't be concerned, Josephine, I know it's walking but not to excess. I am just impressing on myself that walking (after a certain amount of rest, ice, and recovery) is the exercise I most need to get back to normal again. You all do have my number. I am impatient, determined and impertinent. But at this point I am tired of being the odd patient out; I'm ready for some normality but afraid I won't get it.

I am trying to stay busy while waiting for this third surgery. I am cleared by my primary doc for it, the date is set as is the pre-op. I am not twiddling my thumbs exactly but I don't drive now or use the cane much when out and about. I am unsteady even on the cane; my rolling/sitting walker is the most stabilizing support for me now.

After 2 years with only a short time for walking at the end of the first year before this problem with the loose cup set in, I am so anxious about whether I'll even know how to walk when the time comes.

Keep talking to me everyone, please. It helps me to quiet down and concentrate calmly on recovery. I have some time now to talk to myself and to read and re-read what all of you are saying. I will be back for more encouraging, thoughtful words.

Thank you so much, all of you, for being here for all of us who need you so much. Until next time. . .perhaps even before surgery; probably most certainly before surgery.
I know you feel like it is going to be forever but it is coming in one month. Just don't want you to cause any emergency now that you know what the current situation is.
It is hard when you feel the it's nothing you can do to "work" on the situation.
I can only suggest to eat well, keep that immune system kicked in on high. Do some upper body strength exercising, light weights while cooled out watching TV so you can move yourself about without help.
Practice's the hardest thing. I'm not good at it either.
But you are going to need even more idle time after this surgery so...Really want this to work well for you this time.
Hopefully, by next summer you will be doing what you do with no hip pain.:SUNsmile:
Thanks, Mojo. I'm so lucky to have you guys to talk to. No one, not even the most sensitive (like my husband) really knows what it's like. I feel like the weight of the world is on me.

I am fighting the feeling that this too will go badly. So much has fallen on my husband. He's 7 years younger than me but no spring chicken himself. He's in perfect condition but I do worry that I have put a great deal of pressure on him. I try not to complain but he knows I'm in pain especially when I move.

I have very good upper body strength and since I stopped the sessions with the personal trainer I have been exactly that. I am doing 5lbs each hand 3 times a day for about 10 minutes, biceps, triceps, etc. because I may have to go 50% again on that hip for 6 to 8 weeks.

Anyway, many thanks for being there to coach me. Please, keep it up. I need it. The time lays heavy on me. . .I want to think about recovery.

I don't want to go into PT. It did me no good that I can point to and I know all the moves anyway. I would rather go into the pool at the Y, walk around in there and swim on my back if the surgeon will let me. But I guess I won't able to get in the water for some time after surgery, huh?

And walk, not to excess. Rest and ice and elevate! All of the above.

You had your hip replacement this year in May. How are you doing? Id love to hear about your experience.
I wish I could master this "new thread" thing. So far no luck. I don't see, for instance, a button for adding a new thread. Does this mean, if done right, that entries for both forums will appear on the original thread as well as the thread in the pre-op forum?
Hey @Zinnias. Nope, no wetting that incision until fully closed. I was sad about it too. It's gonna be okay.:friends:
Yes Zinnia I can relate to you with the exercises we want to get back to normal,and forget that our muscles need time to heal .I am currently on 50 % non wt bearing on my left leg that recieved a nice new hip on Sept 14 th this year .I am so tired of my walker ,and have gotten a flare up in my hands from adjusting to 50 % wt bearing . I am lucky I am fairly light but I still have to lift it .I just want to wish you all the best and I think listening to the responses from this Forum will help you a lot .I am so grateful I found this forum prior to my surgery .
Hi Margo. I'm so pleased you are recovering nicely. I was on 50% weight bearing with my first revision; no piece of cake, and then to 25%. I imagine it will be the same with this one. I have strong upper body strength and am back lifting free weights to keep it there. I am grateful too for all you fine people who take your time to coach and encourage me. I'll be looking for your news as you progress. Every success encourages me to think positive. So much has gone wrong since my primary surgery, it is hard not to get discouraged. I have a wonderful husband who is always there for me no matter what. So I'm a lucky woman. Will watch for more news from you. Are you presently in PT?
No wisdom here but I had hip 2 done it's been all done in less than 5 months. I think being honest with you be I'd FEEL discouraged too but trust me hang in there go easy and soon roses...or um in this case daisies :flwrysmile:
I wish I could master this "new thread" thing. So far no luck. I don't see, for instance, a button for adding a new thread. Does this mean, if done right, that entries for both forums will appear on the original thread as well as the thread in the pre-op forum?

@zinnia, since I see that you have found your original thread, I have moved this post into it. You do not need a thread in the post op section since this is a second revision on the same hip. I have added you to the November surgery list as you requested.

I am so sorry that you are having to go through this again. Let us hope and pray that third time is the charm for a permanent fix.

Take care and keep us posted. We care!
hip replacement gone bad<
Hi @zinnia
Hope you've had a relaxing weekend.

While your husband may not know first hand what you're experiencing....being 7 years younger and as you described in "perfect condition" I'm sure he'll be able to handle this. You mentioned he'll be there for you no matter what. are not alone. Take comfort in that. All are not as blessed.

Aside from your hip it seems you are in good physical health. Be thankful for that....many in situations such as yours suffer additional / multiple health issues. Just as Mojo mentioned, concentrate on a clean diet. Ramp up your immune system with a good pro-biotic and get plenty of rest. Practice stress relief through deep breathing, calming music or whatever works for you aside from exercising with a trainer or deep tissue massage. Don't engage in activity that causes you or your body undue stress or a need for recovery. Reserve your strength and energy for now, you'll need it soon.

I was advised by my OS not to sit in a bathtub, pool, hot tub or swim in any body of water for three months post op. Basically no submersion. I've heard varying opinions on this. To choosing a surgeon I was putting my trust in him and my life in his hands! I also made a decision to follow his protocol. While there's no harm in comparing notes with other BS members on matters such as this, I'd seek the opinion of my OS first and foremost.

I noticed you kindly asked Mojo how she was doing and expressed a curiosity in her experience. While I've yet to read her entire thread I'm familiar with a lot of her story being just two months behind her. Not sure if you realize she's a bi-lateral, as is Irish Joe. Great people, both of them. Point being ....there are MANY very interesting people and stories to follow here. Familiarize yourself with some. Not only may some of your trials pale in comparison but It will be a healthy distraction as you await your surgery date.

You've lived a full life thus far. Along with that comes a wisdom many of us younger folks don't have. I can only imagine the wealth you could share. Jump in, join us in lifting and encouraging others. I have a feeling you'd be great at it!

We're here. We'll be here. We will cheer you on and encourage you through the journey. We care!

Best wishes for peace of mind over the next days and weeks. Stay in touch....
Yes, @zinnia I agree that you are already an inspiration to those of us who haven't had the complications you have suffered and how something that goes wrong can be made right if you don't give up.
I was sure that I might have made a terrible mistake the first week after BTHR. Walkers, potty chairs, dependence on lived ones for pretty much everything...but I had no choices. My hips were becoming more debilitating by the day, and sleep was nonexistent.
Some choices are made for us, but I hope they will get this straightened out and YOUR job is to not see the restrictions as permanent.
Temporary until recovery complete.
Hope you have a great day.:SUNsmile:
I hope I can help others as I am being cheered on by so many folks with hearts full of caring. The neat thing is too that you all have so much experience and knowledge to share. I am going to keep a diary of this third surgery and recovery. I wish I had done that with the first 2 which was really one recovery. I have every one's council tucked away in my the corners of my mind and your caring in my heart. I have never had a chance to recovery from the first ordeal so this will be a new experience for me and I'm going to get it down on paper. I will certainly be in touch especially as the time gets shorter. Cheers and good days to all.

P.S. @bottomshollow I'm not understanding the forum thing obviously. I just assumed I could join the pre-op forum since this is a revision with a new problem. I did want to be a November Nimble but I guess I don't understand what that is either and how it differs from pre-op forum. Please advise. Thanks.
We have threads each month for members who are having their surgery that month. Obviously they are therefore in the Recovery Forum. It seems that people quite like to socialise with their month buddies but this shouldn't be a place where you post all your post-op issues. This thread is the place for that.
I just read through your thread, and wanted to send my best wishes. I'm so glad that you found out what was wrong. I hope you have an expert surgeon, and that this time your surgery works well for you. I am so glad that you are going to stop all of that exercising. All the Best...
Hope you are doing here and taking it easy on that hip.
I had to back off some activity these last weeks including forgoing some "fun" stuff that was going to require long car ride and too much walking.
We just have to take care of those hips for a while and quit expecting more out of them than they are ready for.:sorry:
It will be worth it in the long run.
Hope you have a peaceful weekend.:SUNsmile:

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