TKR BoneSmart Works!

@NeedaThneed the more ideas we toss out based on what we've tried, the better!

I was introduced to both the theracane and the various trigger point balls back when I was recovering from ACL surgery in 2001 by another martial artist, the woman who had done graphics for the original Travell, Simons and Simons book. My personal preference over those was the foam roller for quad trigger points (scar tissue wasn't an issue) and a plain rubber ball (pink spalding or pensey pinky) in a long sock for self care of my back (ball between the wall and me, the long part of the sock lets me hold it in place from my shoulder). Just as I can't abide the stationary forms of yoga or meditation, my body seems more responsive to the slow rolling or rocking approach. Different "wiring" I expect!

My current PT used a scraper tool to try and break up the scar tissue. It irritated the outer tissue to the point of bruising and inflamed the inner tissue - worse than useless. Some folks here over the years mentioned using a rolling pin and I'm finding it very useful for me.

The day I used the rolling pin then went to the gym to get on the bike was the loosest it's felt since surgery!

Activating those lateral quads - for me standing quad sets against resistance, using a 16" ball against the wall placed behind the outer back of the knee allows me to target ONLY the lateral quads and is a good workout.
Rehab update: I found a gym buddy via nextdoor, a woman, Helen, two years older than me, member of my gym, and happy to try the slow focused system I use. It requires a stop watch and recording weights and times, so is much more efficient with a buddy!
The owner-manager of our local franchise met with us yesterday morning to get us on the same page and to record the right machine settings for Helen.
We then worked out.
Well. I did the leg extensions and curls, starting at 30# , and purposely not working to muscle exhaustion as I needed to give it 24 hours to assess for swelling or pain.
My gait was fine afterwards - after lunch I met a friend and we walked a mile to a cafe and after beverages a mile back.
I have had ZERO swelling and in fact my knees felt looser and more relaxed. My chronic R knee evening lower lateral quad pain related to flexion from sitting was probably 50% improved. The scar tissue seems a bit more pliable.
This is incredibly heartening!
I'm going to continue to keep the weight at 30# for now but definitely feel more secure about increasing the time over yesterday's. Helen and I will meet weekly but I' ll aim for a second solo gym session to warm up on the bike, then do the machine again.

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