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  1. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Well, it's been quite some time since I've posted anything. I trust everyone is doing well. I just wanted to give an update, and hopefully some encouragement to others. I'm about 15 months post TSR (left), and have had my share of ups and downs. But, I have to say that the last four months...
  2. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Hello, I hope all are well. I haven't posted in a long time so thought I'd give an update. My shoulder continues to get stronger, though I've found that trying to push heavy objects causes some pain. I guess it's a matter of accepting my limits. My range of motion isn't great, but it's not...
  3. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    haven't been on in a while, the MRI of my right shoulder was negative, thank God, just a strained tendon which will take some time to heal. Still sore with movement but improving. Doing rom exercises I learned in PT for the right shoulder and that is helping. Left shoulder doing well, getting...
  4. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    MRI scheduled for tonight of my right shoulder. Had final PT session last night, therapist agree's good progress with left shoulder (replacement), will continue strengthening and stretching on my own with home exercises. She had been working on my right shoulder, prom stuff, but I want to wait...
  5. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Well, haven't been on here for a while. So, a little update. Saw surgeon this past Wednesday for 6 month checkup, the replacement, left shoulder, is doing great, he is pleased with progress I am making and I don't need to see him for another six months, he is happy with range of motion and...
  6. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Well, the doc diagnosed a concussion. He's not sure about right shoulder, but based on exam said it seems the rotator cuff is affected. He ordered PT. My question, is it advisable to start PT on the right shoulder immediately while it is still sore and difficult to move or better to wait a...
  7. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Well, so far the recovery has gone well, and then Saturday night happened. Fell down the stairs (about 10), xrays and CT scan didn't reveal any breaks at the ER though did end up with staples in my head, but following up with doctor today, see surgeon on the 28th. Have soreness in the shoulder...
  8. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Hi all, it's been a while since I posted anything. I'm still doing well, pain free. Motion and strength are improving, particularly after I got assigned to a new physical therapist. She uses free weights to both help with strengthening as well as to help with movement. She is also doing alot...
  9. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    I haven't posted in a while, but progress continues. Still going to therapy three times per week, though range of motion isn't improving at to great of a pace, which is a little frustrating, but as I've learned for myself and from others on this forum, this is a lengthy process. My therapist...
  10. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement Finally after 5 years - a new shoulder

    Jamie, so glad to hear that you are progressing, do be careful with those saplings, they can be people!
  11. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement Finally after 5 years - a new shoulder

    Hi Jamie, I was just checking in and wondering how you are progressing. I'm interested especially in how your range of motion is improving as that and strengthening, at least for me, seem to be the focus of PT. I'll keep watching your thread for updates, I really hope you are doing well.
  12. P


    Kmak, first I hope your surgery went well and that you make a speedy recovery. I went through a shoulder replacement about 11 weeks ago, my best advice to you is to follow your doc and physical therapists recommendations, don't overdo it. I made that mistake and learned. You definitely reach...
  13. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Well, I saw my surgeon yesterday for an 11 week follow up, xrays looked good and the exam was great, he's very pleased with my movement. I'm at 150 degree's assisted front flexion and 45 degree's side flexion assisted, I can only lift my arm to a little above my shoulder height, but that is...
  14. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    PT continues to go very well, I'm at my maximum in terms of range of motion based on the parameters the surgeon placed on the physical therapy, the strengthening is ready to advance, but I have to wait until I see my surgeon on the 28th to get clearance to do so. So, for now it's just alot of...
  15. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement Finally after 5 years - a new shoulder

    Jamie, I'm glad your setback has settled down and your feeling good again. As for range of motion I'm right with you, I'm at about 150 degrees and standing I can only get to about 100 degree's, I understand the frustration part. My therapist keeps telling me I"m right where I should be and...
  16. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    I just had to post and say that things are going extremely well, my range of motion keeps improving, my pain is almost non existent at this point, and I feel like my shoulder is getting stronger. This surgery may have been the smartest thing I've ever chosen to do! Anyone out there...
  17. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Thanks for the feedback Jamie, it did calm down and I was able to resume exercises without pain, just some discomfort, particularly at the top of the bicep. Ice really seems to help so I've been doing that regularly. I had PT today and my ROM remains good and I was able to complete all of her...
  18. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Well, made a big mistake this weekend and got ahead of myself. Was at my in laws and decided to help spread mulch, couldn't resist the compulsion to try to unload the mulch from the trailer and shovel it into the wheelbarrow, I just wanted to be helpful. Well, after two hours of shoveling...
  19. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    First meeting with physical therapist today, all we did was measuring range of motion. She mapped out what she plans to do, and it isn't aggressive at all, simply continuing what I've already been doing at home with PROM exercises and introducing some light strengthening with therapy bands...
  20. P

    Standard Shoulder Replacement PJK65 in Recovery

    Met with surgeon today for 6 week follow up, everything looking good, finally out of the sling and released to drive! Still restricted to only lifting a "cup of coffee" with affected arm for the next 6 weeks; starting physical therapy for strengthening next week. Having some occasional...

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