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junior member
Jan 23, 2009
Surgery went great!

The first day after surgery was actually less painful than the day before surgery!!

Was initially on a pain pump but begged to have my Perc’s back which was granted the day after surgery.

Everything was pretty good and I was so very happy with the result. I came home on Sunday 23rd.

Started my PT at our local hospital on the Monday. I go for one hour twice daily Mon – Fri.

All was just wonderful until yesterday. When I checked in for my blood thinner shot the nurse noticed my dressing appeared soaked through with blood. She changed the dressing but before I could get down the hall to PT the dressing was once more full of this bloody discharge. I went on with my one hour on the CPM before going back to emerg. They checked my blood thickness which was fine so they paged the on-call doctor. The discharge is a combination of some clearish fluid and blood so to be on the safe side he has put me on antibiotics for seven days and is hoping this discharge will stop.

Today it is still running like crazy every time my knee is flexed. I asked to stop the blood thinner injections (it’s only three days early) and I am not doing CPM again until Monday.

They will not aspirate the fluid except as a last resort (before removing knee) as they are so concerned about introducing more bacteria. They have ended the blood thinner however, this morning when they were changing the dressing they found a thick, greenish, yellow discharge at the very top of the incision and a slight reddening around a portion of the knee, the nurse traced the area with pen (so much for sterility) so we can see if it spreads. I am, once again, very worried. I am going to our community hospital every day for a dressing change and I know they will be on the alert for any further complications but I’m still pretty concerned.

Has anyone had a problem similar to this?

I would like them to contact the OS on Monday unless there is marked improvement, do you feel that is reasonable or am I overreacting?

I just don’t understand. I always heal quickly and have never had any problem with infection! Walking is a joy, compared to what it was, even the pain, other than during PT is less than before – so what the heck is going on???

Oh my goodness! That does sound bad, Grandma.Since you're barely 3 weeks post op, this must have happened during the surgery for it to show up this bad so soon. No other answer. Somebody wasn't doing their job properly.

The blood thinners would have no connection with this whatsoever and they are quite right to not start messing with aspirations and such. I also think you should stop the PT until you see your surgeon and
I think you should see the OS ASAP, never mind Monday.Tomorrow would be good. If this is to be brought under control you need intravenous antibiotics. Can you ring the surgeon now? Or his secretary?

Sorry to scare you but I think the truth is always better when quick action is needed. Do let me know how you get on.

And I agree - using a ball point pen is not good practice! They make special sterile skin markers for that kind of thing.
Oh Grandma! I'm so sorry to hear about these problems. I don't have any suggestions, except to say "listen to Josephine." Please let us know how it goes? I'm sending you prayers and good wishes!

So sorry to hear of your troubles! Listen to JO--she always gives wonderful advise. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm off for a dressing change now and will try and get my OS but it would be quicker if another Dr intervened for me.
Jo I only had surgery on the 18th of this month so it has only been ONE WEEK since surgery.

Grandma, Please work hard to get this checked out as quickly as possible!! Infection here is nothing to mess around with and sometimes you have to be very assertive to get the attention you deserve. Let us know how things go, okay?
Oh my goodness! You are having quite a time. You hang in there and do keep in touch with your doctor!
You must be one tough cookie!
Keep us posted on your progress.
Hugs, Kathy
Only one week? Oh dear - another timing woopsie for me! Two in one day - tsk tsk! Must be slipping!

Well, in that case, it's more likely a haematoma but it still sounds infected.
Grandma! Get yourself checked out Asap,,,,,its always better to be safe than sorry! Let us know how you are!Good luck!
Whatever it is you must check it out - and please please keep us up to date with your news. Lets hope it can be quickly sorted with antibiotics and in the meantime I know we are all thinking of you and wishing you luck. xxx
OK Grandma another one praying for you. Don't leave the hospital until it is straightened out. This sounds serious.
Listen to Jo, she is always right on the money
I think that with blood thinners that 1 hour PT sessions 2 times a day is pushing it. It has to heal....then PT starts. If you can convince your PT that you can do alot yourself maybe cut it to 1 hour sessions 3 times a week and you'll take care of the rest.

But an infection of any sort needs to be looked at. They need to aspirate and get the liquids off to a lab. You should also get a blood test to see if there is an infection. (I was tested as well because my knee was/is still a little inflamed after 16 weeks) although this week I am feeling a turning point.

Keep the faith. Push the Dr's to look at this NOW! An infection is not a good operation to go through (I hear).
Grandma, You know we are all in support of you and your decisions, but please listen to Jo. She is the absolute best and she totally has your best interest at heart. When Jo says it's past time to call your OS, then the best thing to do is pick up the phone. I understand that you may not be able to reach the actual surgeon but do contact someone either in his office or as closely associated as possible. We're all praying for the best and fastest outcome for you and please, please do let us hear from you often.
We Care! (((((HUGS from ALL)))))
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the support!

Jo - you are truly amazing!!

The nurse thought I was over-reacting and explained that the antibiotics had not yet had time to work since I had just started them yesterday and proceeded to remove my dressing and clean the incision. I told her that I could see more redness so, although I perhaps could not expect to see improvement, I didn’t think I should see further deterioration and insisted she call the on-call doc for me (she was not too pleased but it’s not her knee). She finally gave in but told me I might have quite a wait to which I replied that I had nothing more important to do and would wait as long as was necessary.

It was only about a 45 minute wait (not bad really) and after we reviewed the events from surgery ‘till now this doctor (a different one from yesterday) immediately said that I needed antibiotics through an IV as pills were just too slow. (Way to go Jo!!) He wants the dressing changed four times a day, has sent a swab to the lab (he hopes to rule out any of the antibiotic resistant bacteria) and recommends doing full PT, as long as I can bear it, as this acts like a pump and the drainage, as he put it “is better out than in”. He will see me again Monday morning and hopes to see some improvement. Even if it’s no worse Monday, if there is no improvement he will contact the OS to see what else, if anything, he would like to try. Oh yes, no more icing for a while, I am to apply heat four times a day for an hour at a time.

I am still kinda scared – but at least I feel that we are doing everything we can do.

You know, if I hadn’t had all of you behind me so quickly I probably wouldn’t have pushed so hard so fast. I feel better knowing that I have been pro-active not just sitting back letting other people make decisions that could potentially change my life.

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God bless you, Diane. You have done an excellent job of being an assertive patient. Way to go!!! I know this is scary, but it sounds like you and this doctor are on the right track. However.....between now and Monday if anything bothers you or you have a concern, do not hesitate to call the on-call doctor with your surgeon's office or to go to the Emergency Room. This is your knee (as you so wisely said) and you need to feel comfortable with what is going on.
Way to go Diane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear that a Doctor saw your knee and is making sure that this does not get worse. And I do not see why a swab was not sent to the lab by the Nurse to start with. They would likely have a idea on what is going on by now if they had!!! Makes you wonder?????????? just saying???????????
Diane!!!! Great work! Monday still is a long wait! If YOU feel unsure, take YOURSELF to your surgeons office! LIke you said, it's YOUR knee! At a time like this, forget the protocol! Keep being persistent! And keep posting!!
Glad they are giving you the IV antibiotics now. Are they having you go to the hospital daily for the antibiotics? My hubby had just minor surgery back in the summer and it was infected during surgery, He went daily for the IV's and dressings for a week. It did get better with out anymore complications. He also went to a meeting at the hospital as this should never happen to anyone during surgery (unfortunately it happens too often nowadays, but I won't go there this time).

The surgeon had a mark against him and the nurses in the ER went for better training for a few things they did wrong while he was waiting to be seen by a doctor etc. etc. It is a thing they like reported in Ontario hospitals apparently so something can be done about bad nursing procedures. Are you in Ontario? If more people stood up to this sloppy nursing care it might stop happening and get back to how it used to be years ago? You never know eh?

Keep posting and let us know how you are getting on? Good luck ((((HUGS))))) Sue
Once again - thanks everyone.

I will certainly keep an eye on it and am quite happy to go to the hospital every day for the IV antibiotic treatment. At least that way if I'm worried about something specific I can ask that the on-call dr have a look at it.

If I was very unhappy about the treatment or feel it is not up to par Judles I will definately call my OS - but as far as dropping in to his office goes unannounced, it is a 4.5 hour drive to get there and with my luck he would be out of town ;-)

I must admit though, I feel empowered by my small success since I was not immediately struck down from above for daring to stand up to those of higher knowledge.

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