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THR Years after hip replacement


new member
Feb 12, 2018
United States United States
I had hip replacement surgery on Dec 13. I was full weight bearing and scheduled for PT. Always had this dull pain in the hip and everyone said that PT will hurt some. No pain, no gain kind of thing. ....I became really anxious and depressed.

At 6 week exam, the doc didn't like that I still couldn't walk and ordered a cat scan. He finds a fracture of the bone on top of socket! He says it was probably done with the actual hammering in of the titanium socket. He was sorry.

Now back with walker non weight bearing for 6 more weeks! He is hoping it will heal on it's own. I am trying not to be angry or depressed, but feel I am justified.

Would like to hear from anyone that this happened to.
:welome:Hi @Zachary,
Welcome to BoneSmart!
I'm sorry for your suffering. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be.
While I haven't experienced what you're going through someone may come along who can relate.
Please read the Recovery Article below. I think you'll find it interesting.
Also check out our library under the blue header at the top of the page. Lots of interesting info.
We'll add your surgery date of December 13th as your signature. I hope the next 6 weeks flies by for you.
Stop by often, we'll keep you company.
Best wishes as you continue to heal!

Hip Recovery: The Guidelines

1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary
2. Control discomfort:
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)​
3. Do what you want to do BUT
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​
4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these
5. At week 4 and after you should follow this

Pain management and the pain chart
Healing: how long does it take?
Chart representation of THR recovery

Dislocation risk and 90 degree rule
Energy drain for THRs
Pain and swelling control: elevation is the key

Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it

Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds
Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it?

BIG TIP: Hips actually don't need any exercise to get better. They do a pretty good job of it all on their own if given half a chance. Trouble is, people don't give them a chance and end up with all sorts of aches and pains and sore spots. All they need is the best therapy which is walking and even then not to excess.

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery. While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each, member have only one recovery thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
Sorry to hear of this turn of events @Zachary. I know with my first thr there was concern of that and they put a band sort of thing during surgery. Non weight bearing is tough. I think you have every right to be a bit angry and depressed. One of the more experienced moderators may have some ideas. They will be posting guidelines for you. Stay in touch with forum.
You poor thing, such a shame and so difficult being non weight bearing,I hope you are able to find a sitting down project to help pass the time.Very understandable to feel thoroughly fed up. Thinking of youxxx
@Zachary So sorry you had a fracture during your op. This does happen but the good news is these fractures usually heal on their own.

Do you have a copy of the x-ray that you could post? Our medical expert might be able to give you advice. Here's a link to the thread A few tips on posting xrays
Oh I’m so sorry. No wonder your depressed and angry. I hope the fracture heals well and you’re soon weight bearing again :flwrysmile:
Since my surgery, I have referred to this site very often. I love reading about all your experiences and it has helped me through some difficult days. Thanks everyone for your kind words. It's very comforting. I go tomorrow to see if I've made some progress. I'm praying that my life can get back to normal soon!
Hi @Zachary I had a spontaneous femoral hairline fracture at 4 months post op. No one knows why, but it is supposed it was damaged during surgery. I had just gotten off of 50% weight bearing because I had had a pelvic fracture and a dislocation immediately following the primary surgery and a revision 48 hours following. So I was back on bed rest for 2 weeks and then 50% for another 4 or so.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. But several of us have had these difficulties too. It doesn't help to know that others are encountering these disappointments as well though. Always a disappointment to hear. My femur healed without any further surgery; I do hope and do think yours will as well. But this doesn't help you face the no weight bearing issue. It is such a brutal difficulty. But somehow you will get through it and the time will pass. Lots of binge t.v. helps. Find a series you like. . .I like the Midsomer Murders. . .love those English villages and the stories are always very good as well as the acting. Lots of nasty ways to murder people in England apparently. And there are scores of seasons. . .you won't run out of them!

Stay with us. It really helped me to have these good folk to talk to and hear their stories too. Hang on. This too always passes and true recovery will happen with a bit of time. Here's to better days ahead. :flwrysmile:
Well do let us know what comes of your interview! As for hearing from somebody with the same experience, to my certain recollection there's never been one before you. I suppose that's a god thing for everyone else but a shame for you!

As for these cracks healing on their own, there is no certainty on it - it's about 50/50 I would say. So I wish you the very best of luck
Oh my stars Zachary. I can only goes how aggravated and upset you must be...he was sorry? You think? Everybody is human and fallible but that really is so unfair.
Please take it so very easy and give this all the TLC you can stand.
So sorry for your struggles.
Hi Zachary. This is my first post in this site. I’m so sorry for your bad news and pain.
I hope I’m not being too nosy but, how was your appointment and what did the doctor recommend?
We are kindred spirits. My surgeon informed me post op that I sustained a hairline fracture on the top of femur during insertion of the prosthesis. He wrapped it with a coil to secure the device and strengthen the bone. He told me everything will be fine and I should proceed with PT and be full weight bearing.
I should proceed with PT
Take my advice and don't!

Hips actually don't need any exercise to get better. They do a pretty good job of it all on their own if given half a chance. Trouble is, people don't give them a chance and end up with all sorts of aches and pains and sore spots. All they need is the best therapy which is walking and even then not to excess.
Hi folks....Im hoping someone here can help me here. I've been to 6 different doctors to help me with the pain on the outside of the hip, seemingly, right under the skin. The pain is so severe, at times I cannot take a step. It feels like a nerve pain on top of a feeling of a hardening of the muscle.. The last doctor said he thought it was scar tissue that involved a nerve. The actual hip is healed. I'm so depressed. The pain consumes me and my life. Some days I'm not sure if I can live the rest of my life like this. I'm 73, but still have young grandchildren to keep me going. Sorry this is so long, but it's been 3 years with this pain. Does anyone have the same problem? I'd love to talk to you. And yes, I have been on all kinds of painkillers, including Oxycodone. It does not help the pain....just makes me tired. Thank you for reading this long saga, but I'm hoping somebody can help me.
Sorry to hear about your problems from THR. I have no answers but I'm sure people would need some more info. What approach and is the pain near or at the incision?
Bursitis? But surely a DR would have picked up on that, as they can do injections to help that. Have you tried deep tissue massage?
I'm so sorry this is continuing with seemingly no end.
I know the opiates couldn't touch my pre-op pain and just made me feel groggy and off too.
The last doctor said he thought it was scar tissue that involved a nerve.
But offered no solutions?:sad:
Has medication specific to address nerve pain ever been prescribed? I suppose they feel the scar tissue is impinging on the nerve ?
Surely if this the case, you would think there could be a solution...
I hope someone has some experience with this though I am not sure I remember members with similar plaints...
How about if we start with the doctors you’ve seen and what each one has told you….would you mind posting that information along with any imaging or testing that was done? It’s likely you’ll need to travel to see a specialist that may be able to better diagnose what is going on and offer some options. We may be able to help you find someone if I know where you’ve been so far.
Hi folks....Im hoping someone here can help me here. I've been to 6 different doctors to help me with the pain on the outside of the hip, seemingly, right under the skin. The pain is so severe, at times I cannot take a step. It feels like a nerve pain on top of a feeling of a hardening of the muscle.. The last doctor said he thought it was scar tissue that involved a nerve. The actual hip is healed. I'm so depressed. The pain consumes me and my life. Some days I'm not sure if I can live the rest of my life like this. I'm 73, but still have young grandchildren to keep me going. Sorry this is so long, but it's been 3 years with this pain. Does anyone have the same problem? I'd love to talk to you. And yes, I have been on all kinds of painkillers, including Oxycodone. It does not help the pain....just makes me tired. Thank you for reading this long saga, but I'm hoping somebody can help me.
To answer some of your questions....I have been to 2 orthopedic doctors, 2 pain specialists, a neurosurgeon, physical therapy twice and 2 chiropractors. I have had, at least, 10 different injections and a nerve ablation. I couldn't feel my leg after that for a day! And yes, I have tried EVERYTHING under the sun to alleviate the no avail. My daughter wants me to use a wheelchair instead of refusing to go places where I have to walk a lot. I know I am older, 73, but my husband and I still have a lot to do! Including 3 grandchildren under the age of 15. Yes, the pain is centered where my scar is from the THR and it is so painful to even press on. And, yes, I have had deep massage....but years after. I want to thank all of you for listening and responding. I don't know how I can live the rest of my life like this. I had the THR to be out of pain....and here I am One last question....has anyone heard of laser treatments to break up the scar tissue? I wonder if it's even possible with a nerve involved. Thanks again for caring!!
I appreciate the information you provided, but I was looking for a little more detail with the orthopedic surgeons you’ve seen. Can you give me names, please? If I know who you’ve seen, perhaps I can recommend someone who may better be able to resolve your problem.

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