Wright Medial Pivot Knee

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Sandy R

Jul 4, 2008
Southern California
Saw the OS nurse yesterday and she answered a list of question I brought in before my Sept. 29th TKR. Would never have thought to ask the type of TKR used until I found this board. My husband has had 2 Wright Medial Pivot TKR's and he's doing absolutely great. Just wondered if anyone else has the same prosthetic.
They're all pretty much of a muchness at the final analysis. You do get pretty good rotation with the standard TKR though the rotating platform will give you a little bit extra. And trust me, the success of the op is much more to do with the quality of the surgery than the prosthesis.
Thanks, Josephine. My husband has the Wright in both knees now and is having great success. Our OS is considered one of the best in SoCal. I wouldn't go under the knife with any other OS! My RTKR is coming up fast... Monday, Sept. 29th.
They're all pretty much of a muchness at the final analysis. You do get pretty good rotation with the standard TKR though the rotating platform will give you a little bit extra. And trust me, the success of the op is much more to do with the quality of the surgery than the prosthesis.

I think this is one of the most important pieces of information to know--it should have its own sticky spot! I think many of us worry about the hardware, when we just aren't experts. Good surgeons know what they want in a prosthesis, and if they have had continued success with something, who am I to argue?
You're right as always. For some reason though, it didn't hit me when I read a while back like just that short comment. My surgeon prefers a fixed platform, and that made me a bit nervous. I had so much positive feedback on him from others, and I had seen him myself for a few years, so I decided to go with the person I trusted. I am glad I did.
I got the Wright Medial Pivot on June 9. I am very happy thus far, but I do agree, it is the surgeon, and the amount of work that you are willing to put forth that will give a true measure of success! Good luck with it, I'll be thinking of you!
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