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Wow I'm Not Alone

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Sep 18, 2009
United States
I'm suprised by the number of people on this board that are in the same situation that I'm in. 52 yrs old been healthy my entire life and had the hip bomb fall on me. I have never spent a night in the hospital my entire life, am scared to death. Sept 30th is my date. I live in Northwest Indiana, did a lot of research on the internet about hip surgeons & hospitals. Although its several hours away decided on Rush Medical Center in Chicago. Anyone have good or bad experience there?
Welcome to BoneSmart!! I have not had experience at Rush Medical but it sounds like you're in the right direction if you did your research! The important thing is that you feel comfortable with your hospital and your surgeon.
I just had my hip done 5 days ago and am feeling great...We have a slew of September surgery dates on the board right now so welcome to the club. This board has been a great resource for any questions or concerns you may have. Again welcome and best of luck to you!!
Hey Classic Im a knee but I wish you the best and sure you will be much happier in the long run..............Post anytime............Good Luck to ya!!!!!!!
I am also 52 and had my right hip replaced last year. Let me tell you how much I love my new hip. Actually can't tell it's in there!!! Only by the x-rays. You will be just fine. I'm sure they are experts at hip replacements and will know exactly what to do.
"Wow I'm Not Alone", Not by a long shot.

I am curious as to what options you were offered? I am having anterior approach RTHR late October. I am quite pleased that the surgeon I'm seeing is well versed on ant. approach, as the rehab appears to less intrusive. The surgeon I am seeing actually has a video on the "OR-Live" website. It is not a great production, but the video by Dr. Joel Matta is quite a good production. If you go to the "OR-Live" website (I don't know about the hyphen, might be just a space or no space) and plug in "Joel Matta" as a search parameter, you'll find it. They have the HANA table at the local hospital.

I've noticed that they do not seem to encourage private correspondence on this board, and I have not seen much in the way of hot-links so I will not go that route. Correct me if I am wrong.
I am 41 yrs old and had the hip bomb dropped on me. It was a big suprise .... but I am now on day 9 post op and working on recovery.
You will be absolutely AMAZED at the support you find on this forum.
If you dont mind my asking....what happened to cause your problems? I have AVN which just dropped out of the sky on me.
Hang in there...
Erika..... I guess you can call it paying for sins of your youth. No cartilage left in the joint. I played basketball, softball & dabbled in some martial arts my entire life, I guess it has just caught up with me. Whats motivating me now is that I can't get around at work anymore, I still have 5 to 7 years before I can retire, & I'm paying the bills for both of my sons going to Purdue .... still need to work. Also, its really cutting in to my fishing (thats the real issue).
Re: "Wow I'm Not Alone", Not by a long shot.

I've noticed that they do not seem to encourage private correspondence on this board, and I have not seen much in the way of hot-links so I will not go that route. Correct me if I am wrong.

Hi, Joe...welcome to BoneSmart! PM's of course are fine. Many of our members write personal messages to each other that way. I think what you may have seen is a reference by Josephine or me that we prefer to have specifics related to your surgery and recovery posted on the forum. It helps others to be able to read about your problems and successes. That's what we're all about on BoneSmart....providing help and support for those going through joint replacement surgery.

As for using links, it's fine to provide a link to a web site you are discussing in your post. In fact, it's encouraged to allow people to more easily understand what you are talking about. The only time links are not allowed would be if they are to a commercial web site that promotes products or services that a member is selling or (obviously) links to sites that are inappropriate for this forum.

So do post as often as you feel like it! We love to hear from our members!!!
52 must have some magical anti-hip significance, I was also 52 when mine was replaced. Just celebrated my 53 a week or so ago and I feel 10 years younger than one year ago, not one year older!

Classic, it is a bit of an ordeal to go through, the nerves you are now experiencing were probably the worst paqrt for me. I can tell you with no uncertinity that as early as 5 weeks post-op I knoew beyond a doubt that it was the best thing I could ahve done, and now 10 months post-op, nothing has changed my mind.
Welcome Classic and Joe! Just to reiterate what the other Bonesmarties have already will get your life BACK!!! And believe me, we ALL get it!!! Sooooo worth it!!! ((:0)
52 must have some magical anti-hip significance, I was also 52 when mine was replaced. Just celebrated my 53 a week or so ago and I feel 10 years younger than one year ago, not one year older!

Classic, it is a bit of an ordeal to go through, the nerves you are now experiencing were probably the worst paqrt for me. I can tell you with no uncertinity that as early as 5 weeks post-op I knoew beyond a doubt that it was the best thing I could ahve done, and now 10 months post-op, nothing has changed my mind.

Thanks for the encouragement. Deep down I'm sure its the right thing to do. Its the waiting thats wearing on me.
We're all in the same boat there, classic! Part of the deal, I think.
Hi Classic, Yes, the hip bomb fell on me at age 58. I am a female and ended up with a THR. I am very happy with the result. I hiked a rugged, 5-mile trail at Zion Canyon this summer with nary a thought about my hip at 5 months post-op.

At your age, especially if you're a male with good bone quality, you should consider being evaluated by a surgeon that does hip resurfacing to see if you are a candidate for that procedure which preserves more of the femoral bone. Both THRs and resurfacings are very successful procedures, but resurfacing is more demanding on the surgeon and you have to make sure you have a highly skilled and experienced practitioner.

Whichever way you go, I predict you will be happy with the result.
Hi Classic,
Guess what I have just turned 53 and waiting on my date. We must start a 52 club. lol:evil:
Hi Joemax, I had an anterior thr.....I won't hesitate to go again when the other hip finally starts to seriously was a really trouble free/painfree recovery....I'm now 5 months on....
Just an update. Had my new left hip installed at 12pm on weds 9/30. Was discharged from the hospital on thursday at 3pm. Rush Medical Center believes that you heal better at home. Other than some pain from the staples I was not taking any pain meds by friday. Currently walking with crutches, althought I can put my full weight on my left leg. Keeping the swelling down in my leg is currently my biggest obstacle. Amazing no arthritic pain!
Congratulations. That was a very fast discharge. Keep elevating and icing and laying down to reduce the swelling. souds like you are doing awesome
Great news!!! Hope you keep doing this well.
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