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worrying about flex

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junior member
Dec 31, 2008
I haven't been on for awhile. I am 4 weeks 2 days PO. I am comfortable with advil and extra strength tylenol. The excercise I have most problem with are the ones for flexing. My leg was very bent for a long time and the PT says most likely it will take quite some time for it to get to 0. On Wed I was 105 for my ROM and 5 for my flex. I was -10 to start with. I have gone shopping, mind you it took me two days to do Walmart. I ice/elevate regularly. I am still swollen and wondering if this is why I am having little problem. I am not complaining, just wondering if the swelling was gone if I would have higher rom and lower flex

I'm sure the swelling has a lot to do with what you can and can't do.

I'm 12 weeks today, my extension was -10 when I went a few weeks ago, but I know it's improved because I can feel it. I feel now that when I stand I'm standing straight and sharing the weight. It feels extended when I stand, where as before it was tight and felt bent like it wouldn't staighten.

I think you are doing well, hang in there.

Chris :)
Well, I said it to someone else earlier today, wise words from one of our members which are worth repeating again, and again, and again ....

"It didn't take our
knees 4 weeks to get in the condition where it needed a TKR and it's not going to take 4 weeks to get it right again."

Actually, 4 months minimum might be nearer the mark.

You're doing fine, don't fret it.
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