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Jul 14, 2007
united kingdom

My Mum Is Having A Knee Replacement In About 3 To 4 Months. She Being Waiting For This For Years.

She Is Only 51 And She Feels She Is Too Young To Have It But She Does Need It Her Knee Is Nearly Gone.

She Is Scared About What The Op Intails And What She Can And Cant Do On Her New Knee And If Their Will Be A Scar.

Can Anyone Give Me In Advice Or Information From People Who Have Had It Done.

Hi there dominokat. You came to the right place for answers!

The first thing is that there will be a scar of course! Kinda difficult to do an operation without leaving a scar of some sort!

As far as her age is concerned, she is on the lower part of the age scale but if she needs it, she needs it and that's what matters. Knee replacements nowadays are pretty reliable and the success rates are really good.

If you read through this site, you'll find a post from someone who has returned to his/her athletic career which includes walking and horse riding! But many relate that, after given a period of time for recovery and rehabilitation, normal mobility is pretty much restored and there's not a lot folk can't do afterwards. It rather depends upon the type of knee replacement she's having - a full one or a one-sided one. From what you say it sounds more like the full McCoy!

As for her feeling scared, that is very natural. I worked in theatres for almost 48 years and even I was scared when it came time for me to have my various surgeries. As I've said before, it wouldn't be natural when you consider that you're being required to place a considerable amount of trust to virtually put your life into the hands of total strangers. Takes some doing, does that.

Tell me which hospital is she going into and do you know the name of the surgeon?

If you do a Google search you can find some sites by Physios that will give you much detail about the op and what to expect afterwards in the way of pain control and physiotherapy and how long she'll be in hospital and stuff.

She will need quite a bit of care and support for the first few weeks as she won't be able to do too much for herself for a while but things will improve over time and within some months, she'll be out and about and almost back to normal.

I am sure others will chip in here and offer you their first hand experiences. I do hope all goes well with your mother. Give her my best regards and let us know how she gets on. OK?
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