Worried... possible DVT?

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Sofa King

Jun 22, 2008
United States
Hey guys,

I have a new symptom that I've been experiencing about a week or more, and it has me a tad worried.

My hands keep falling asleep, especially when I'm sleeping, but sometimes when I'm awake too. Just about every time I wake up, I notice that the distal and medial sides of my hands [with palms facing forward, in the anotomical position], including the pinky finger, and the ring finger, and half of the palm, are having lack of perfusion. In other words, they are numb and tingling, like they'd feel if I was sitting on my hands. Both hands are doing it equally, and it even happens when I'm awake, (like when holding a cellphone to my ear for more than 5 minutes). What's so puzzling is, that I'm not impeding the blood flow in any way that I can notice, no pressure on the brachial (main artery beneath the bicep) artery, no obvious pinching or binding of the limbs, etc. Yet, something is causing the lack of perfusion, and it's growing in frequency. When it happens, I just extend my arm(s), pump my fists, and it goes away within about 30 seconds.

I'm still taking 325mg of aspirin once a day to prevent clotting, (took it twice a day for the 1st 2 weeks), but is it possible I have a deep vein thrombosis (DVT/blood clot) in BOTH arms, or maybe somewhere else centrally located, like near my aorta? Why do my hands keep going to sleep?!?!?! I'm not having any shooting pains, swelling, shortness of breath, or other symptoms associated with DVT, but the lack of circulation is getting noticably worse every day. (Today it's already happened about 3 or 4 times). Maybe I need an ultrasound to rule out DVT? (I also take 20mg of Zocor daily for high cholesterol). Anyone else have this? Know what it could be? Suggestions?

Thanks, ~Dalton
Dalton ... pet, you don't get thrombosis in your arms!

It's due to the use of your walker or crutches, whatever support you are using. The symptoms you describe exactly fit the picture - leaning on your appliances too hard. This is backed up nicely by the fact that it is equal in both hands and that pumping your hands dissipates the symptoms. The time's about right too - 2-3 weeks.

You need to look at the way you are using the appliances. Maybe get some pads on the handles. You're a big lad, you must exert some kind of pressure when you put weight on them,
so try not to lean on them quite so hard. You could also massage your hands and arms with some ibuprofen gel to ease the symptoms or just heat or cold, whatever works.

And crutch neuralgia in the hands and arms is very common - I suffered from it myself after my arthroscopy!
you scared me there when I saw the title. Glad Josephine was around to respond. My doc told me to put more weight on my leg at 2 weeks so I never had any of those problems.
Wish he'd hurry up and respond, Judy - I want to go to bed but not till I know he's ok. And it's 3.30am!
I don't know Josephine
I think wine was part of his evening plans.
I hope you do not have to get up early!!!
Ah - he was online when I posted it - now he's not. Guess it's bedtime! Night night!
Dalton ... pet, you don't get thrombosis in your arms!

It's due to the use of your walker or crutches, whatever support you are using. The symptoms you describe exactly fit the picture - leaning on your appliances too hard. This is backed up nicely by the fact that it is equal in both hands and that pumping your hands dissipates the symptoms. The time's about right too - 2-3 weeks.

And crutch neuralgia in the hands and arms is very common - I suffered from it myself after my arthroscopy!

Whew! Thank you so much Jo!!! Everything you said makes perfect sense. Although I haven't used (but have them) crutches, I'm at about 50/50 on the walker and the old aluminum cane. (The new cane won't arrive til next week due to the 4th of July Holiday). You're right Jo, I am a pretty big boy, (5' 11", 240lbs), and I can see where putting too much upper body weight, with downward pressure on the walker handles, could contribute to this symptom. I've never seen or heard of the ointment you suggested, but will look next time I go to the local pharmacy. Also, I'll start working the upper body and arms again tomorrow, using light dumbells; I've neglected that area, focusing on the lower extremities. Thanks again for your expertise Jo, you're priceless Doll!

Judy, I'm sorry, didn't mean to worry you, (tugs on my heartstrings that you care!) We'll try the additional exercises and the cream, as well as concentrating on putting less pressure on the walker or cane, give it a few days, and see how I fare...

Thanks you Guys!


OH CRIKEY!! I just read the follow up posts by both of you, and I'm sorry I made you worry! You guys are awesome, and thanks so much for the caring compassion! I have been online since the original post, I just left the site and was perusing other things... By the way, check out my thread, "New Pics", I added another, and may do one or two more. Thanks again, both of ya, I'm quite relieved by Josephines' post.

Talk to ya both soon... : )
OH CRIKEY!!!.... Just curious, what does that mean? And, I used Tennis tape to wrap around the walker handles. If it grips the racket good, then why not the walker or crutches...Got it from a Tennis Pro...Helped tremendously....Patty.....
Well, that's ok, Dalton. Just so long as you are okay now. Don't like to think of my 'chicks' feeling anxious, especially when there's no real need!
OH CRIKEY!!!.... Just curious, what does that mean?

Patty, actually, I used that since Jo used it too. I'm most familiar with Steve Irwin (R.I.P. ~Gosh I'll miss him!) the Crocodile Hunter using it often, and I'm fairly sure it's a common exclamation used in England, and Australia. (Since Australia used to be a British commonwealth, a lot of the same euphemisms (sp?) are alike). Anyway, that's that... I guess it's used the same as we'd use "Good Lord!" or "Holy Smokes!" ~LOL
Well, that's ok, Dalton. Just so long as you are okay now. Don't like to think of my 'chicks' feeling anxious, especially when there's no real need!

I'm good Jo, the tingling hasn't happened but once today, and I'm sure I overreacted... thanks for the insight...

Ewww! I woke up this morning, and both my hands were DEAD asleep! I couldn't even move my fingers, and it felt like I had two hams attached to my wrists. I continually raised and lowered them in relation to my heart, and after about a minute they started to tingle like being pricked by 1,000 needles, and after about 3 minutes, they almost felt normal again. Maybe I'm unconsciously binding them somehow, or impeding the bloodflow when I sleep? I guess I'm not too worried though, every time it happens, there doesn't seem to be any lasting effects...

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