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Worried about cycling ability after 2 x TKRs

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Dec 31, 2008
United Kingdom United Kingdom
At 66 years of age I am considering going for a double TKR in 2009. (Left knee due to deterioration after a major motorbike accident 35 years ago. Right knee due to imbalance wear and tear plus osteoarthritis.)

Does anyone out there who has had a double TKR do any serious cycling?

I can't walk more than a few hundred yards due to the pain but I average three to four thousand miles a year on the push-bike (thank-you cocodamol!) and I would hate to have the TKRs and then discover that I can't cycle any more!!

Any advice or experiences?

Best regards :o)

Hi Dutto. Welcome to the group.
I am just one year older than you are and had my RTKR in Dec 07 and LTKR Apr 08. I found that the exercise bike was one of the best post surgery activities for me. It really helps in regaining ROM. I am not a serious cyclist but I didn't have any problem with the exercise bike at all. I do, however ride a motorcycle and all is well with that activity. I also ride an ATV and perform other outdoor activities. What a treat not to have any knee pain anymore!! Only a year and a half ago, I found it painful just to walk down a slight incline. Now I can do anything including kneeling. My suggestion is go for it! You are too young not to enjoy your favourite activities.
Cheers, Ross
There have been quite a few cyclists post on here, all worried about being able to continue. It's the ultimate low/no-impact sport and will be fine for you!
Hi there,

Many thanks for your posts; they have given me food for thought.

I've lived a charmed life. Apart from visiting friends and relatives, my only experience with hospitals is as a result of accidents so I'm still working through the fact that, on this occasion, I will be going in for surgery more or less on a "voluntary" basis.

Best regards :o)

Dutto, that's the most difficult part for everyone dealing with elective surgery....exactly when is the "right" time! But you'll find consensus here from those who have had TKR's that if your life is being impacted and you can't do what you want....then it IS the right time. Just know that your doubts are normal. Go for it!!! Just be certain you have an excellent surgeon and that you check out the facility where the surgery will be done. Prepare for your home recovery (it's hard work!)....especially if you don't have someone to be with you that first week or so. There is an excellent post on this site about questions to ask your surgeon before surgery, if you can find it. And always ask away if you have any questions. No matter what your question, I'm sure at least one person here (usually many more) can answer!
Hello Dutto, I am a fairly avid road rider and have been all my life. I am a little younger than you but had a LTKR last Sept 08 and am currently riding my indoor turbo trainer about an hour at a time non stop. I do this six days a week and have been progressively moving the duration up. I am turning a 42x52 tooth campy front end chain ring and a six speed freewheel that is 24 down to 13 tooth rear end. I will race again and fully plan to do some mountain climbing in the next six months. I have a goal of riding up Elk Mountain in Asheville NC with my daughter before she graduates in June 09. I do not see anything to stop me. BTW my replacement was pretty serious involving bone grafts and a sizable piece of trabecular metal under the tibial implant...
Good Luck & NEVER GIVE UP!!
I am 7 weeks post BI-TKR I am not a big cyclist but started riding a stationary during PT at 3 weeks. I know that ststionary and a real cycle are world apart but the mechanics of the knee are identicle. I am at 127% flex on my right knee and 124% flex on my left and I plan as part of my personal PT(the new me) to get a bike and ride ride ride. The PT tech said there was no reason for not being able to ride.

Ride on!

Good luck!
THANKS, the rescue again!!!!

I feel as if I've joined a huge club!

Your comments have been very reassuring and positive.

I was offered a LTKR over five years ago and shied away - but I think that I may very well just go for it.

To quote a particular actor "I will be back."

Many thanks and best regards to all who have helped :o))

Well, there's a good reason for that - you have! Only membership requirement: impending or completed joint replacement!
Don't know about real bikes, I have never had the urge to do that but the stationary bike was not a problem, they put me on that 8 days after surgery and I had to do six minutes at a certain speed which took me a good 30 minutes to be able to do. I am 67 and do pretty much what I want to do and what I want to do is no longer dictated by my knees. By the way I, also, had both knees done at the same time with no problem. I know a lot of people want to have one done at a time but for me this was the only way to go, get it done and over with. Couldn't be happier. Good luck. Rowdy
Dutto, there is a guy on here named tim. His post name is Ref54, if you loook him up with the search tool you can find some his old posts and even send him a message. He is quite an avid cycler and had BTKR. Best wishes
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