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Working & resting

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junior member
Apr 23, 2008
United States United States
I am almost 4 weeks post op after a unicompartmental partial KR. I had surgery on the 12th of August and started doing just a little work at home around the 19th or so. I went back to work last Tuesday for 2 hours a day. I FEEL pretty good as far as exhaustion is concerned but the swelling has been an issue, making me uncomfortable. I'm just not sure when to return to work full time. I've been working about 2 hours there and maybe 2-3 here at home (I live across the alley and up 22 stairs from work), but I've been napping a little in the afternoons. I have a sit down bookkeeping job with a bit of filing, but mostly computer work at a desk. I just don't want to go back to full time too soon because once I'm there, I can't backtrack and say, "Oops, this is more than I can handle." They figure if I can get there then I must be 100% ok. I know it would be early if I had had a TKR, but I wanted to hear from other "Partials" about their return to work. Were they fully recovered when they returned? Should I continue the 2 hours and go to a half day next week maybe? I just don't know how to gauge how I'll do. Don't get me wrong - my employer has been wonderful - it's ME who hates to see my system get messed up by my sweet but temporary office helpers. But I AM exercising, taking my meds, and icing as needed. For those who went back to work at 4 weeks, (even TKRs) do you feel it was a good choice?
A phased return is always a good idea if you can get it. Make a plan to cover maybe 4 weeks or so.

week 1 - 2 hrs every day
week 2 -
½ day Mon, Wed, Fri
week 3 - ½ day every day
week 4 - full day Mon, Wed, Fri and ½ day Tue and Thur

Helps build up your stamina and your tolerance until week 5 you can be back full time

Hey, Beach, you have gotten the best information from the expert on the site, I hope you listen to her and try to remember that while you may not have had a tkr you still had someone go into your knee with a saw. Partial or total there is a lot of trauma caused by our surgery and we need to give our bodies time to heal. I think you are so brave to already be working even what you are currently working plus 22 stairs. I have followed your posts since the first and you are one of my favorite posters, always there to give the word of encouragement to others and listen to their pain as well as voicing your own concerns for yourself and always done in such a warm and compassionate manner. I wish you the best of luck and will continue to keep you in my prayers. Rowdy
Rowdy I think you have confused Beach and me. I'm the PKR with the 22 stairs but Beach has managed to get back to work with both a PKR AND other health issues and has been a Godsend to me in my pre op and recovery. She always has excellent information with great research and is so positive that she has shored me up any number of times. I'm not as compassionate as she is but I hope I've offered encouragement when needed. I've followed YOUR posts too actually. Haven't we all come a long way? Joey
I agree with Jo, we all are pretty great. And, Joey, you are more compassionate than you think you are. I love Beach's post too but I don't have you confused. I have, honestly, followed your posts and you may not realize that you are an inspiration to others because you are in pain. I frankly don't see how you guys go back to work so soon after surgery. I am retired and don't think I could have done what so many of you guys have done. My husband is quite a few years younger than I am and several years ago he had a tumor in his throat. Well, he had to pay child support and his ex-wife was the kind who didn't care if it killed him, she wanted the money. She had gotten him to sigh an agreement that basically took the bulk of his check so she wouldn't have to work. Anyway to make a long story short, he had a tumor the size of a baseball removed from his throat and went back to work two days later with drainage tubes in place. At the time he was working in construction and I really thought it was going to kill him but he made it through okay, just took longer to heal and regain his energy. So I do know what it takes out of a person to go back to soon and believe me the surgeries we have had are far harder on us than his was and his was serious enough. So take care of yourself. Rowdy
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