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Feb 18, 2009
United States
has anyone else had pain in the inner part of the knee after TKR? I was progressing okay for 11weeks just had minor irritation approximately where the ligament goes past the inside of the knee lately pain has gotten stronger and last longer I don't go to orthopedic for three weeks and it is cutting down on my exercises. Any info appreciated.
Hey jonjw! Welcome to the forum! I am a hippie,can't answer your particular question but you've come to the right place! Good luck & I hope you feel better soon! :)
John, you might have a touch of tendinitis. I had it on the outside of my knee for awhile...Take some anti inflammatants along with slacking on the exercises as you're doing...Maybe just do some walking at the mall.
Yes, indeed - cut down on the exercises a bit and get some of the old anti-inflams. It happens to a lot of people so don't get too het up about it.
Hi John,
I'm not sure if this is your answer, but I went for my post op apt last week and the OS explained that under the straight cut down the front of my knee they make a deeper C shaped cut on the medial side. Perhaps you are still healing here and caused some inflamation with over use. He also said that everyone will get some tedonitsis at some point after this surgery. Rest and Ice!!! Wish you the best of luck! Cheryl
Quite possibly so in your case, Cheryl - but just because it's what your surgeon does, doesn't mean that all surgeons do it. They all have their own ways of doing things.
I understand that all surgeons don't do the surgery the same. But I do find your mention of tedonitsis quite interesting. Thank you so much for sharing.
When you do walk it out as Doug suggests, just take it easy! Just to keep the juices flowing!;)
John, I'm just shy of 5 months post-op and much of my pain, both before and after surgery, was located on the inner part of my knee. I still have occasional pain there when I overdo it. I just saw my OS last week, who does MIS quad sparing, and asked him about it... he said there was work done on the inner part of the knee, so having pain there was understandable.
The inner part of my knee has also had periodic pain throughout the year since my RTKR. My doc explained it as soft tissue swelling when I overdo things even slightly. He said the space in the knee compartment is not very big and the swelling has to go somewhere. He said it can hurt from even a slight swelling and inflammation that you can't even see from the outside. For me, icing-elevating-Aleve usually does the trick. Oh, and slowing down just a little too for a while.
I've had it but mostly while stretching in bed before I get up. I know what you mean. I do 19 miles cycling 5 days a week (indoor exercycle) trying to build the quads....
Hi John! Thanks for asking this question--the answers are just what I needed. The inside of my knee has been hurting like crazy the past few days and it was something I hadn't particularly experienced before.

Sounds like the remedy is to slow down (yuck!) and take more meds! But at least now I know it is common and not at all unusual.

This is a good question. I have had quite a bit of pain there too and was told by OS it was related to the extent of my surgery.

I have a question about stretches in PT. When the PT has me on my stomach and is bending my leg back toward the torso, I have intense pain 15 on a scale of 0-10 that starts from the inside of my knee and radiates up the back of my thigh. She has me push down against her as we start stretching and then says relax and starts moving the leg toward the torso and it feels like my entire back side of the upper thigh gets very tight.

On another note, I want to let you all know that I sang your praises to my insurance case manager, she went on the sight while we were on the phone, liked what she saw and she is going to refer her other hip and knee clients to the forum!!!

Oh - way cool, Nana! Thank you!
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