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Wish I'd have found this forum before my TKR 3 weeks ago!

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new member
Nov 24, 2009
United States

I just found this forum and sure wish I'd been able to read it before my TKR. Not sure why I found it now, but for whatever reason, I'm glad!

I had a left TKR on 11/4 after an accident in 2006 and a wrong diagnosis. After seeing 4 doctors, I was diagnosed and needed a total knee done, but they didn't want to do one because of my age. They said I'd probably need 3 more in my life. But, after suffering for 2 1/2 years, I finally had my surgery.

I am so pleased with everything about the experience and am kicking myself for not doing it a long time ago.

I just wanted to introduce myself and am happy I found this forum!:D
Hi Victoria,

I had mine 7 weeks ago today. I love this site. I had gone through 3 doctors, beofe finding one that I was willing to cut one me. You are not alone.

Hi im glad you joined as well..couldnt find a better group of friends...........all you been thru you deserve a great recovery ....I wish you the best..and a speedy recovery........)..welcome
Welcome Victoria!! Happy recup! You've definitely come to the right place!:thmb::wink:
Welcome to the Bonesmart Family!!!! It is a great place to come to for Information, to Vent, and just to be with people who know what you are going through. So glad you found your way here.
Like you, i so wish I had found this site months ago. My GP wanted me to wait as long as possible and prescribed Mobic. Mobic made a huge difference in quality of living - but...then came the ulcer.

The orthopedic surgeon he referred me to (who comes with a great local reputation and who i really, really like/trust) tells me that the knees of the last 4-5 years are lasting 30 times longer in clinical trials than those of just 6 years ago. He didn't promise anything, of course,'s to hoping the new knee will last a long lifetime! :wink:

You are definitely in the right spot! I wish you had found us sooner! I found this forum about a year before my surgery and had all kinds of questions the entire time. There were so many things that I just had no idea about, and didn't know who to ask, and when I did, no one had the answer.

Here, every question gets answered. Everyone has been through so many of the same things. And since my RTKR in August, I have asked alot of questions too. The support alone is wonderful. I have told several people about this site-including strangers!
Welcome, Victoria!!! So glad you found us and decided to participate in the forum. We have a great group of "hippies" and "kneesals" who completely understand what you are going through at each stage of joint replacement. Our forum nurse, Josephine has over 50 years of experience in orthopedic surgery. So don't hesitate to post as often as you like. We're here for you.

Thanks for the recommendations to others, Beth....even strangers!! We are eager to help as many people as we can and word of mouth is sometimes the very best way to get people familiar with BoneSmart!
Welcome to the group, and you feel free to ask questions, share stories, whine about frustrations, celebrate recovery milestones or anything else! This group has gotten me through every step of my 7 week recovery so far and I honestly don't know what I'd do without everyone sharing their experiences!

Happy healing!
RTKR 10/5/09
Hi Victoria, and again Welcome! The help and support I have received from this
Forum has been INVALUBLE!! I Believe you will find that as well. I hope you feelin'
Great! and Best Wishes for a speedy, and comfortable recovery!!
Hi. Welcome Victoria. Only found forum myself a cpl weeks ago, about 5 days post op and certainly felt v isolated the past year..I had a partial repl after a long 2 1/2 degen and trawl to get right result with right person. Good luck with yr recovery and dont stop posting even if it seems trivial, a trouble shared is a trouble halved!!!!

Thanks everyone!

You know, the most interesting thing for me was that I would search and find statements from people talking about their replacements and how horrible it was. I heard that it is the most painful surgery one can have. I had prepared myself for an experience just one step up from what I'm sure hell is like. My husband said that I had prepared myself for such a horrifying surgery and since it wasn't that way for me, I am feeling it was so easy. Still, I can't imagine feeling any less afraid with all that I'd heard.

But, it's over and I'm here now and will try to add some positive input. Thanks again for the fantastic welcome!
Hi there. Do you think the building it up is more cos of hearing grim stories or the way our own psyche makes the pic out to be a certain way or a mixture. I was more the 2nd!!!
Victoria...welcome to Bonesmart! This is a wonderful place! You can learn so much from here it's unbelievable! Keep us informed on how you are doing. We are always here for you!
Hi there. Do you think the building it up is more cos of hearing grim stories or the way our own psyche makes the pic out to be a certain way or a mixture. I was more the 2nd!!!

Quite simply, it's the fear of the unknown. We don't know
~ exactly what's going to happen during the op
~ if we will be safe
~ how much pain we will be in
~ if the wound will heal ok
~ if we'll recover without complications like DVT
~ the people who will be responsible for us in the OR and after

All of this is a big deal and stresses us out to the max. But it's natural. Perfectly natural.
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