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will this ever end

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Jul 6, 2009
United States
It is now 8 months since my knee replacement and I am still having so many problems. Had mua in Feb and back in hospital in March for 5 days for removal of scar tissue. I have been in Therapy for 8 months and my leg still will not go straight. I have the dynasplint and jas splint and still no luck. I still live with so much pain and the knee is still very swollen. My doctor is as frustrated as I am. He claims I am the only patient this has happened to. Next week I am seeking another opinion with a surgeon who specializes in revisions. I know this sometimes can take up to a year but my back and hips are in bad shape due to all the limping. My patience is wearing very thin now and does anybody have any suggestions?
Jayno. I am so sorry you are having problems. I agree see someone else. That sure doesnt seem right to me. I know it takes awhile but I dont think you should be in that much pain. Go see the new Dr and get this straight then you can begin to get that life back you want and DESERVE. You didnt come this far for this. Keep going, it has to get better and it should. Please keep us posted I am anxious to see what the new Dr says. Hang in there. Prayers are coming your way........You are definatly doing the right thing by seeing a revision specialist.
I am sorry for all the trouble you have had. And all the pain. What does your doc think the problem is?
We are here for you to vent or explain or whatever you need to do. I am a hippy although I did have knee surgery in dec.
Good Luck with the new doc. I would definately get another opinion of what is going on. Let us know
The doc has no frickin clue what happened. The problem is he is also a friend of mine and I play golf with his wife. He feels terrible what happenend but I know I have to get another opinion.
I am having trouble with scar tissue. My OS did a MUA and he could not get it to break up he tryed for sure knee's are swollen like melons. What did they do to you in March? So to ask so many question but you are the first person I have meet here that is also having problems with scar tissue. I will pray that you find a Doctor who will help you.
calling all angels

he did arthroscopic surgery to remove the scar tissue. then they kept me on an epidural for 3 days so the therapists go bend it with little pain. went from 105 rom to 125 but still can't get it totally straight. it definitely helped the bending. i was loaded with scar tissue. hope this helps
Thank you so much for sharing that. In 7 weeks my OS better be ready to get a move on. Because Hubby is ready to blow now!! OS is lost in lala land or something. And either he starts caring or I wavy bye bye. He acts like it is my fault he could not get the scar tissue to break up. WE told him up front what I have going on with scar tissue. And he said no problem then wait till 2 weeks a go to do anything about it and he was mad that no matter how hard he tried he could not get it to break up. He waited too long before he did the MUA it is not my fault we tried to get it done in May but he kept putting off.
Jayno, you are definitely doing the right thing by getting another opinion and making it a revision specialist. They handle the cases that are not routine, which by now I'm sure you have figured out is the category you are in. I'm so sorry to hear of your difficulty. It makes it tough to keep positive, but hang in there. I'll say a prayer that this new doctor has some ideas. If not, find another. You need to get some answers and options to go forward!! Be assertive!!!
thanks for the encouragement and i really am trying to stay positive. I really want my old life back so I hope this new os has some answers,
He claims I am the only patient this has happened to.

:skp: Medicine man speaks with forked tongue! There's no such thing as 'never had this happen before'.

Word of caution to all - never get things like this done by a friend! When trouble occurs it makes it doubly difficult.

Get yourself to the new man and get it sorted. Prayin' for ya, girl! :pray:

This site is so great. Everyone is so caring and I do appreciate all the replies. It sure makes you feel that you are not alone. I thank you all for your support.
Hey Jayno,you for sure are not alone. I am very sorry to hear of your problems. You must for your own sake keep pursuing a top notch surgeon. Where do you live ? Close to a Metro with choices for a revission surgeon? Try hard to keep a positive attitude,someplace ,somewhere,your help is in your future.
Very best of luck!

Keep pushing till you get some REAL answers. There is a solution to your problem just like there is one for callings. Technology is too advanced today to allow you to continue in such a state. Will be praying for you and calling to find some QUICK and FINAL relief!

Jayno, like they say "Misery loves company" as I so relate to your problems. I had my LTKR done 10 months ago, and after two manipulations where OS got my knee to ROM of 135 both times with no resistance, I still can't get past 100 ROM even with continuous physio. The therapist is just as frustrated as I am, and I was beginning to believe it's my fault and must be all in my head.

That was until I had my RTKR three weeks ago, and it's a dream. Same ROM as the left after just 1 week, not near the pain, can sit easily, go for walks etc. One really big difference I have noticed is that numbness in my first knee never fully disappeared til the ninth month. My new knee I have no numbness. I'm sleeping on my side, can move knee sideways with very little discomfort etc. In the xrays of both knees there is a noticable difference in space between the two parts of the prothesis. My newest knee has more space between top and bottom pieces. Oh and just a reminder the first knee is the one the drill bit broke in my bone during op, but have been told by everyone, that shouldn't have made a big difference. (just added 2 hours to original op to chisel out the bit)

I'm at my wits end, and not willing to accept 100ROM and wondering if anyone can suggest some good hard hitting question for my OS whom I see tomorrow. Very intimatating man but supposedly one of the best.

I'm sorry to hijack your thread, but feeling as frustrated as you as you can see. I'm also very worried that a major nerve has been cut, as it seems that the messages aren't getting from the brain to the knee. Does anyone have any ideas for me?

Thanks for all your help and again I'm sorry for hijacking your thread Jayno.


Do you have a copy of your surgery reports? I picked mine up at the hospital from medical records and was able to see everything they did. If you are questioning the spacing, the report will answer your question. I don't know if you can get it before your appointment tomorrow, but it would help you to ask questions you feel need to be answered. Everything is recorded including the size of the cuts, spacers, etc. Maybe he could explain it to you???

I have been told 1 knee usually does better than the other. Not sure if it's true, Jo is the expert. I know we are all unique and heal at different rates, but it seems your two surgeries are also that way. Thankful you didn't have any trouble with the last one. I would have been afraid to have the second one done after your experience with that broken drill bit. Sounds awful painful!

Hope you get some answers tomorrow and some more ROM in the near future. I feel for you as I am struggling as well. Will keep you in my prayers.
Jennifer! It's NOT in your head! Some of these therapists just don't "get it!"! Hope you get the relief you so desperately need SOON!!! :)
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