Jayno, like they say "Misery loves company" as I so relate to your problems. I had my LTKR done 10 months ago, and after two manipulations where OS got my knee to ROM of 135 both times with no resistance, I still can't get past 100 ROM even with continuous physio. The therapist is just as frustrated as I am, and I was beginning to believe it's my fault and must be all in my head.
That was until I had my RTKR three weeks ago, and it's a dream. Same ROM as the left after just 1 week, not near the pain, can sit easily, go for walks etc. One really big difference I have noticed is that numbness in my first knee never fully disappeared til the ninth month. My new knee I have no numbness. I'm sleeping on my side, can move knee sideways with very little discomfort etc. In the xrays of both knees there is a noticable difference in space between the two parts of the prothesis. My newest knee has more space between top and bottom pieces. Oh and just a reminder the first knee is the one the drill bit broke in my bone during op, but have been told by everyone, that shouldn't have made a big difference. (just added 2 hours to original op to chisel out the bit)
I'm at my wits end, and not willing to accept 100ROM and wondering if anyone can suggest some good hard hitting question for my OS whom I see tomorrow. Very intimatating man but supposedly one of the best.
I'm sorry to hijack your thread, but feeling as frustrated as you as you can see. I'm also very worried that a major nerve has been cut, as it seems that the messages aren't getting from the brain to the knee. Does anyone have any ideas for me?
Thanks for all your help and again I'm sorry for hijacking your thread Jayno.