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Will it be worth it?

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Mar 2, 2009
United States
I am somewhat unsettled about my upcoming surgery for BTKR one month from tomorrow. My physiatrist sent me to a mobility clinic at a rehab hospital for an evaluation. I currently ride a small mobility scooter at work to keep me off of my legs so that I can use them when I need them. The scooter does not have good range, is not good on uneven ground that I sometimes need to navigate as part of my job, and is really too small for my plus-size body so I expected them to recommend a larger scooter.

The PT who did the evaluation along with the rehab specialist have recommended I move to a power chair. I told them I was having my knees replaced in June and I hoped they would improve my mobility but even with that in mind they still feel I have other issues that warrant the power chair recommendation. I was so surprised by this outcome.

I guess my question is, will this major surgery and the long recovery be worth it if I am going to be in a power chair anyway? The PT says it will because it will reduce my pain and allow me to walk better when I have to do so, but I should ride whenever possible to preserve my ankles, etc. I was so looking forward to a new, more mobile life after the surgery. I never saw this coming.
Hi and welcome. Jo and Jamie will answer your questions. I know those that have had the TKR for a while think it is the best thing that every happen to them I just had mine on 3/27 so I am still in recovery time. I was hoping to be further along but everyone is different. My PT says I am doing great and maybe so.

But Josephine and Jamie will be on later. You need to let Jo know why you will be in a chair later. She is great.

Post anytime there will be someone on just to say hi and incourage//you.
Think positive!!!! Of course it will be worth it! Especially when your surgery is over and you can really begin healing!! :)
I agree that you will be happier if you have less pain after the knee replacements. And you SHOULD have less knee pain once you are through recovery. But I understand how the idea of still having to use a power chair would be a real downer! They tell you it's to preserve your ankles? Do you have ankle problems or are they saying that because of your weight? My concern with that suggestion is what type of physical therapy do they have planned for you?? I would be asking some questions because in the months after knee replacement, one of the primary things you need to do is get those leg muscles strengthened. How do they propose for you to do that if you are in a power chair?

I'm sure Josephine can give you more information from a medical perspective and she should be online soon. It's late evening now in Great Britain and she may be offline until tomorrow morning.
Thanks for your encouragement.

Though both knees are bad, my right knee is more unstable so I have favored it for many years. Due to that, I tore my posterior tibial tendon in my left ankle and the ankle completely pronated. It was also diagnosed as very arthritic. I had surgery almost 5 years ago and five large screws put in it to fuse the ankle (called a triple arthrodesis). The surgery was not a complete success and I have had some pain (though far less than before the surgery) and swelling since. I have been told I am wearing my joint out which is why I started using a mobility scooter at work four years ago.

My weight issue is relatively new having gained it only in the past two years after an accident. I am now working at losing the weight.

As for the power chair, I was told it will take at least 2 to 3 months before I get one - if my insurance covers it.In the meantime, I will continue to use my mobility scooter.

As I understand it, I will be doing most of the regular physical therapy that most people have with care not to put too much stress on my left ankle. Part of my therapy will be in a therapeutic swimming pool.

I am still so surprised that the power chair was the recommendation. I went to the mobility evaluation with a totally different outcome in mind.
Hi Big Red and Welcome. I sure hope you feel better soon . I use the pool as well....aaaaa you will love it . I do. You can do so much more in the water then you can on land. Sorry I cant help you with the other problems, but I wouldnt feel comfortable since I dont know much about it. I can tell you I will keep you in my prayers. hang in there it will be ok..............Kim
TKRs are one of the most successful surgeries going on today. Something like a half a million a year in the USA alone, UK doing another massive amount, India, Lots of other places around the world. And the studies I have seen say that there is a 95% Happy Customer rate.

That's gotta tell you something. I understand a LOT more about the ankle comment. The plan to use hydrotherapy is perfect. The water will make for great resistance in your exercise routine and at the same time will cushion your ankles from stress.

You certainly have a lot to deal with, but I think you are doing the right thing to get your knees repaired. One step at a time!!! Pain-free knees should make it easier for you to move around and that will help with weight loss. Losing weight will take additional pressure from all your joints and may improve your ability to move around even more!

You sound very dedicated and that great attitude will help more than anything to see you through any difficult days in recovery. And we'll be here to support you too!!
Hi Big Red. I agree with Jamie. Not much more to be said there.

As for your ankle, have you been offered proper footwear to
support your foot and ankle? That would take a lot of pressure and stress of that ankle. That would be something akin to this which would be custom made for your foot (no shop bought will suffice) and probably lace-ups. Sure, they're not exactly fashion footwear but they do a job!

[] Will it be worth it?

I've helped with many a triple arthrodesis in my time and they're great when they work but sadly have a not too impressive success rate. In the end, the proper boots/shoes are the only alternative but for some strange reason, it seems that a lot of modern young doctors don't seem to think of them.

I think the TKRs and the physion should help you lose weight and that in turn will help you contain this problem. Not knowing what your PTs knows, it's not really possible for me to comment much further except to say I know you will feel a lot better when you're rid of that pain.
Thank you all!

As for shoes, I wear orthopedic shoes with orthodics in them and compression stockings but no one has ever suggested the custom boot you have. I will look into them.
Keep up the good work with the weight! That has been a main problem of mine too. I have lost in the past and then gained it all back and more. Typical situation. This time I've lost it very slowly and I am only trying to stay away from fat, and keep the calories under 1600. Go to a site called The Daily Plate. There is a place there where you can enter each item of food you eat. As you enter it, it calculates how much fat, fiber, sodium, carbs, protein, etc. you have eaten for that day. It's been a life saver to me be because that I was kind of floundering. There are forums on there and alot of suggestions. Don't get too heavy into the forums. They are kind of know-it-all crowd and sometimes they are kinda mean and condescending. Anyway, the Daily Plate will surely help! I love it! I still need to lose at least 50 pounds and then I'll still be overweight, but much much lighter!
Beth, as someone who has struggled with weight practically ALL my life, I really appreciated the web site you provided. It's fun and it automatically computes what goes in my mouth along with any exercise I might do. Neat!!! Thanks....

For those interested the address is broken link removed: . I'm going to give it a try.
Jamie, I'm glad you like the Daily Plate. It really has saved me this time around. Otherwise, it's hard to keep track of calories, fat, protein, etc. This calculates it as you go, and is such a big help. Some of the people in the forums say that on the pie chart, if you have 1/3 fat, 1/3 carbs and 1/3 protein it's been a good day. Others, of course, say that the fat should be a bit lower.
I personally like to try to keep the fat portion smaller than that, but I'm not always successful.
Judles, you crack me go have a piece of chocolate and calm down....:hehe:
I wish I could Jame......I just worked out for an hour! But boy des chocolate cake sound perfect for a cloudy, damp day like this! :)
She is to funny. She just throws these lil comments in there. I just sit back and laugh. She can think quick on her feet. lol...Jamie to ...go have chocolate...haha
Is anyone elso hungry? I am trying to be so good!!! :)
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