Will I be able to garden next year?

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Jul 8, 2006
I had a cementless hip replacement done on June 8, 2006. I am doing fine, still have occasional pain, but am walking around the house without a cane.
I am 63 years old and am an avid gardener, I do have a kneeling device that has handles to get up with, would this be sufficient, and am I allowed to go on my hands and knees?
This is an excellent forum, I am so glad I found it!!!!
This is my first time to post. I just found this list recently. I am 58, female, and have experienced hip pain for many years, but it is getting worse, and I think the time has come to do something.

I will meet with an ortho surgeon for the first time on Monday, but this post caught my eye, as I too, am an avid gardener. I hope to have surgery done around Thanksgiving so I will have enough recovery time before gardening season in Denver starts next spring. Anyone else out there in Denver?

My question is, what do I need to ask my doc? I've done some research and have friends who have had hip replacement, so I feel somewhat prepared, but want to be well prepared.
I would have to say from experience that just about all activities that do not require any quick inward and upward leg movement (like a mogel when skiing) are possible. It really depends on what size ball and socket and the angle of implant (my hip has dislocated 3 times with very simple movement and is probably due to incorrect scar tissue and muscle healing and or torn muscle according to the last doctor that reset the hip) which determines stability. I was told any activity but skiing, while a person from work was told to ski... It is really up to you and your doctor's directions, but even then, you will learn your own restrictions in time. Since my left hip was done, I can do just about any activity, cross my legs, sit on the floor in odd positions and can't even tell that it was ever replaced. As for my right side, it still doesn't have that "free" non-binding or non-muscle tightness feeling and has dislocated 3 times after revision surgery.
It has been 15 months since my operation, and I garden most days for about 5-6 hours. I have never felt better. I have not taken so much as an aspirin for several months!!
I did not have any physio other than 3 days when the procedure was done. I did everything on my own, plus lots of stationary bike riding later. I had several months of therapy for my muscles before the operation, so I think I was in good physical condition.
I now do lots of walking using trekking poles, swimming and bike riding. I wished I had known about this forum before surgery, I check it every day!! Thank you!!!
Great stuff there, Janis! It's posts like that that make this forum beneficial. I was delighted to read it.

Keep coming back - we need your positive input for others in the same boat you once were!

God bless!

(PS - But are you gardening again?)
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