Hello, I'm new here. I just found this site and I was hoping to find some answers. My wife is 25 years old, and she has had knee pain since she was a kid, even while still in primary school. She has been told that she hasbeen told by a couple of doctors that she has something called "Chondromalacia". She has had three knee surgeries altogether (one knee twice). Our last doctor told her that the only thing left after the surgeries and the physical therapy didn't help her much was knee replacement. The doctor told her that no one would do that sort of surgery on her because she was too young and would return to an active lifestyle. That didn't sit very well with my wife and I because she hasn't had an "active" lifestyle since she was in grade school(K-5th), and even then there was some pain. I understand that research has shown that if it is caught "early" that rehab with physical therepy, and knee injections can keep it from getting worse. It's been probrably 7-10 years since she started all of this and the pain is just getting worse.
My questions:
*Has anyone had to deal with this from doctors?
*Did you have to just find a good specialist yourself?
*Have you known anyone this young to have problems like this?
*Has anyone had a problem like this and something other than "replacements" helped thier situation?
*Can you really be "too young" for knee replacements?
*Anyone had to do this with military (NAVY) doctors, or TRI-CARE?
*Is there a link to a site that I can find out information on GOOD Military doctors. No offense to them, I have just hear too many horror stories from inexperience.
*Has anyone had military doctors do thier procedure with success?
Thank you for reading this. I am in the Navy and I can't just stand to the side and let this issue be baindaided with pain killers from doctors anymore. I want to help my wife, I just need some advice from some people who might have gone through this before. Any information is helpful, and appreciated.
My questions:
*Has anyone had to deal with this from doctors?
*Did you have to just find a good specialist yourself?
*Have you known anyone this young to have problems like this?
*Has anyone had a problem like this and something other than "replacements" helped thier situation?
*Can you really be "too young" for knee replacements?
*Anyone had to do this with military (NAVY) doctors, or TRI-CARE?
*Is there a link to a site that I can find out information on GOOD Military doctors. No offense to them, I have just hear too many horror stories from inexperience.
*Has anyone had military doctors do thier procedure with success?
Thank you for reading this. I am in the Navy and I can't just stand to the side and let this issue be baindaided with pain killers from doctors anymore. I want to help my wife, I just need some advice from some people who might have gone through this before. Any information is helpful, and appreciated.