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Why Ice?

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junior member
Apr 6, 2009
United States
In my vast experience as an amateur athlete, I've always been told that for the first 24 hours after a pulled muscle or sprained ligament, it's our favorite "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation" (R.I.C.E.)

After that however, I've always been told to switch over to heating pads or hot jacuzzi, or hot bath or whatever to promote circulation and to keep everthing from tightening up. I've got a great heating pad-thing that's like a bean bag you microwave and it hold a nice heat for at least a half hour.

Why aren't we encouraged to apply moist heat instead of ice packs later in our recouperations???
Well Atleast for the first few weeks it helps the swelling and feels great. Heat allows the blood to flow more easyily and quickly and expands tissues and muscles which will promote swelling. This is not a sprain. more complicated. Someone if I am wrong please correct me. But thats what my Dr said. Once your swelling goes down in a few weeks I think you can do heat in moderation. Did you have a replacement? How far are you. sorry all the questions lol just chatting...Oh and welcome you will love there people. GREAT and helpful............
Simply because injuries and surgery is different!

An injury is fairly short-lived both in causation and healing. Also, surgical wounds can take anything up to 3 hours to create and especially in the case of lower leg or arm wounds where a tourniquet is used, heat can exacerbate swelling tremendously. Ice is also a great pain killer and will supplement the pain medication a treat.

I strongly recommend anyone not to use heat on a fresh surgical wound - you'll end up with a leg like a barrage balloon and pain going through the roof. There may well come a time, fairly late on in your recovery, that you get an inflamed ligament and a heating pad may well be a viable alternative to an ice pack. But try it cautiously and if you experience rising pain levels and/or swelling, stop immediately.
Thanks Josephine!
Tex, I had an anterior approach right hip procedure a little over three weeks ago.

I went through a few days trying to cut myself off the good pain meds, and through the good advice of Jo, Jamie, and others, went back to the doctor's recommended pain control strategy. I've felt fairly groggy and not much like writing, but I'll do up a nice 4-week out status report soon.

In the meantime, I'll avoid my beloved heating pad and stick to the ice pack and frozen peas...

I have always been a very active and athletic person. In my experience ice works early on to control swelling. Heat is good for increasing circulation and helps sore muscles.

Some athletes alternate heat and cold for tissue or ligament damage (like an ankle sprain). I've seen some cases where they would do cold treatment for 20 minutes and then immediately do heat treatment for 20 minutes. Other alternate days.

For me, I rarely use heat, but anytime I've aggravated something I'll apply cold to keep the swelling down and help with pain.

Just my observations.
Workbill- I have to agree a nice warm heating pad sounds GREAT, but I have to wait as well. Glad you are doing well, Keep it up..........Kim
Workbill, I love my microwaveable heating pad, too. However, I used nothing but ice and elevation on my operated leg which was quite swollen for a couple of weeks following surgery. At bedtime, I sometimes used my heating pad at the small of my back to help me relax, keeping it away from the incision area -- a helpful suggestion from Jamie. Also used heat on my non-operated leg when I was getting the "shakes" from my pain meds in the first days after surgery. The heat helped calm the shakes at the same time I was using ice on the swollen areas. I felt like a hot fudge sundae -- hot and cold at the same time!
I always was told by my PT to "change it up"...That worked great for me!!! ;)
Thanks Josephine!
Tex, I had an anterior approach right hip procedure a little over three weeks ago.

I went through a few days trying to cut myself off the good pain meds, and through the good advice of Jo, Jamie, and others, went back to the doctor's recommended pain control strategy. I've felt fairly groggy and not much like writing, but I'll do up a nice 4-week out status report soon.

In the meantime, I'll avoid my beloved heating pad and stick to the ice pack and frozen peas...


Workbill.....don't feel guilty about feeling "groggy" at this stage. Right now you are SUPPOSED to be resting and napping a lot throughout the day. That is how your body heals. I'm so glad you went back to your pain management plan. You will not regret it!!
Hi, I noticed the last couple days you were on pretty can you not sleep ? How are you feeling these days ?
oops pretty late I hope you are feeling ok.......Get well soon, sounds like you are doing just fine though.....Kim
Hi Kim,

Whoa, I didn't know you could tell who was online and when! Yeah, it's 1:15 in the morning, and as usual lately, my sleep cycle is all messed up. Fortunately, I'm off work on short-term disability, so it doesn't matter that much. I take naps every day, sometimes two per day!

I actually took a Tylenol PM a while ago, and even that doesn't have me sleepy. Sure makes your mouth go dry though...

Hope you're doing well too. I feel like I've plateaued somewhat, but it's only week #4.

Yes to look for friends on here go to the top of the page quick links and then click who is on line, that way you can find someone you are looking for. I just hapen to notice sometimes you were on. See thats what happens when I get bored lol. . Late at night there are not alot of people on...What kind of work do you do if you dont mind?
I'm an Electrical Engineer with Boeing up here in Kent, WA. I work in the Integrated Defense Systems part of the company, not the Commercial part that builds airliners.

I love the work, but hate the fact that the defense budget is so volitile and political!

Boeing has amazing health care benefits, and that's one big reason so many people don't bounce around. Lots of my engineering buddies move all over the country chasing the best salaries and stuff, but I've got 17 years now with Boeing, and will probably retire from them someday. My whole surgery cost me a $10 co-pay!!!
Yes I agree Boeing is fntastic. My husband just lost his job with Highland Homes after 16 yrs.Stinks. So yeah I agree stay were you are. Sounds like you have a terrific job.. Sure you will be back soon....but not till you are better...........Keep on going.Kim
Well, I tried our hot tub last night. I am 7 1/2 weels out of a TKR. I thought I could get in it and my OS siad it was fine. Also, the "Total Knee Replacement" book said it was great to increase flexibility. NOT. Today my knee feels so swollen ( must be internal) and it hurts musch worse than it has. I was doing great before I tried this . I will not be back in that hot tub for a long time. I will be sitting with ice packs most of today I think.
Lakelover....don't beat yourself up too badly over this minor setback. It just proves everyone is different and what is one person's saving grace (heat) can be another person's torture. Until my TKR I was a DEFINITE heat person. Now I am a fan of icing as it worked for me where heat did just what happened to you. Now go refreeze that ice pack and heap it on today.....the swelling will be gone shortly.
Just because this is a heat/ice thread, when I had my thoracic fusion surgery (which was the most painful thing in my life) I would wake up and come downstairs to my heating pad. It cycles off after so much time and I would just put it back on. My nerves were extrememly inflammed, ice made it hurt so much worse. I don't know if the nerves prefer heat to calm them or what. Then I was sent to a pain management doc and life was better without heat or ice!!!!!
Happy Healing
Well, Judy, there's a whole lot more space for swelling to spread into in your trunk. In the limb, space is limited and pressure builds up, providing you with even more pain but from another source!
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