Who's had MIS surgery so far?

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You sound like you are doing so wonderfully. I am amazed and so happy for you. I was thinking of where I was in my recovery at this point. No way was I ready to go home, I don't think I could get out of bed alone yet.
I hope you continue to have such success and speed in your recovery.

Donna thats great. Hope mine goes as well, I've got about 11 days to go. Keep up the good work and keep posting.
The other day I had to carry out a medical on a return to work employee. He was 55 and 12 weeks post op from a hemi-arthroplasty. He walked into the office with just a bit of a limp but otherwise was fine!

I wasn't too happy when I discovered he'd come back the day before expecting to do full time and was now regretting it! He has a very active, manual job. I had a word with the HR people and arranged for him to have a phased return to work which should be better for him.

But he was delighted with his new knee and had an excellent ROM.
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