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Whole Body Virbration Exercise after TKR

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new member
Mar 10, 2008
United States
My husband purchased a Soloflex Whole Body Vibration platform that is supposed to increase the effects of exercise.

My question is this - can you use it after having a TKR? I have called the company and they do not know. I asked my physical therapist and they didn't know. I asked my surgeon and he didn't know. The only thing I saw on it was a story on how it helps osteoarthritis.

Has anyone used one of these post TKR?
I had never heard of one. I googled it and read up on it. I have lifted weights and worked out for years but as far as that thing is concerned I have no idea. I do think I would wait until you're comfortable walking before you stand on something that vibrates. Can you adjust the intensity of the vibration??
I would think the worst that could happen is you would jigger your knee so it would HURT!! Wouldn't hurt the implants, not shake them loose or anything.
I might try it in a couple of months. Here in Pittsburgh, we have a large hospital system (monopoly) that has an extensive Sports Medicine Facility (they treat the Steelers, Panthers, etc.) and they did a story on WBV Platforms but it was for helping with osteoarthritis. I can't seem to find anyone over there that will commit to the statement that it is not harmful.

So, I agree with Josephine that it will probably be ok for the implant and will try it in a few months.
I would think that it MIGHT be a little uncomfortable to your knee, early in recovery. I know that when I'm driving or riding in a car, sometimes the jiggling hurts somewhat.

just my two cents....what do I know??

hmmmmm...I wonder if I need new tires??
I bet it would feel good to lay down on and stretch the back out.
It would just be good to have time to lay down for any reason!! I have to get into a crying frenzy before I think to rest!
Take care of yourself first. Since I've been married 32 years, I'll say it again. Take care of YOURSELF first!!! You may be back to work but you are still recovering. You sound like my wife who will run herself ragged until she crashes.
I think it might be genetic. or I caught it from Patti and Beachcomber. I'm trying to take care of myself but I get so excited when I have a good day that I just want to get some stuff done! My house is a wreck and next week I have two additional teen age boys (17 and 15) for the week. I'm gonna need those pain meds....
In case it wasn't clear, I do hear you, Doug. You sound like my husband. He'll be in here in a minute to make me go to bed. He hits the hay at like 9 pm and if he wakes up around 11 and I'm not in bed, he comes to get me. He literally makes me go to bed to get some rest. He's the best - well, in my humble opinion. A true southern gentleman, much like yourself.
Hope you've got the groceries. My son is in an eat everything that isn't tied down.
I buy four frozen pizza just to make it though the weekend with him and his friends.
I know. We do have to go shopping this weekend. These guys graze constantly. And they all play football so they understand the knee issues. They are the greatest, all call me mom, expect a hug when they come, when they leave, etc. Just the nicest kids. It should be fun.
Glad to hear they understand about knees Skeet, sounds as if they will help you out a bit. It's great that there are still alot of great kids around, we have always had our kid's friends around the house. In fact we have had several of the nicest ones, but with lousy or just sad backgrounds living with us over the years. Actually one still lives here. He has been here off and on since he was 13. He is 28 now, his 18 month old daughter is coming this weekend again, she is a real cutie, an extra "grand child", seeing as we call him our adopted son!!

Take care Skeet. Hugs, Sue
My daughter is 8 years old and loves to ask me about my knees and help me ice it. I couldn't imagine taking care of young children after this procedure for a while... I am estimating that 2 years from now raising small children should be less painful then before my TKR,s.

I'm sure it will be easier. Especially when you are walking in a mall and they step in front of you, hold their hands high and go "Pick me up daddy"!
I've been trying to get my 14 yr. old to pick me up. He would have to call a wrecker.
Whole Body Vibration sounds like my bed in the morning when I want to sleep in and my dogs want me to get up. I have three little Chihuahuas who can make the whole house vibrate. THEY ARE SO BOSSY! It is easier to get up and go back to sleep in my recliner. SNNNNNNZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. SEE YA. Rowdy
I have two boxers who decide when it is time for daddy to get up. None to gentle about it either.
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