Let me start by saying that I'm a Registered Nurse with years of ortho experience, my nephew is an orthopedic surgeon, and I'll be the owner of a brand new bionic knee on Monday (4/7).
That said, here goes:
There really aren't any studies, let alone clear cut studies, stating one prosthesis over another -- the comparative research just has not been done.
The prospects of the Smith & Nephew Journey Knee look good in theory, but the surface is somewhat brittle and has not withstood the test of time. I don't want to be the guinea pig.
I've had several friends (ski racers, tennis players) with the DePuy Rotating platform and several have stated it feels "catchey" or loose at times. They've had problems. They originally chose it because of sports -- skiing for the sole reason that it allows for knee angulation. Well, actually, angulation in skiing comes from the hip (rotation of the femur), and knee angulation really isn't the goal in present day technique.
Others with success have received the Stryker Triathlon knee. If your surgeon is aware of some of the issues with the "cutting jig" used to shape the surface of the knee and can work around these issues, then it might be a good choice.
My orthopedic surgeon and my nephew and I have chosen the Zimmer Gender Specific, High-Flex knee for me. It is bone sparing (cuts away less bone) and for someone young who will need several re-dos over a lifetime, this one seems right.
Hope this helps.