where can I find Jo's pain chart?

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This one?

[Bonesmart.org] where can I find Jo's pain chart?

No the one pain chart ya have if you miss behave here. I have seen that chart . It's painful,,eeeeeeeks.
You're not being a wuss are ya, Mark???:hehe:
Oh course we care...we miss you when your not on....:)

Ok now whats up KIM KIM,,your being nice,,,this is going to cost me max pain,I just know it. You notice I ALWAYS stay focused on the thread,,lol.
Nope - just this ...
[Bonesmart.org] where can I find Jo's pain chart?

or this
[Bonesmart.org] where can I find Jo's pain chart?

[Bonesmart.org] where can I find Jo's pain chart?

and when you show me this
[Bonesmart.org] where can I find Jo's pain chart?

I go all
Jo! Love those avitars! 'Specally the little whipper snapper! Can you add those to our list??? And how are you feeling today, Dear Mother Hen?
Haha Jo. See she keeps us in line.....The best one is when she said some posts look like Christmas trees...lol
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