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When will normal walking without any aid is possible????

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junior member
Aug 29, 2009
United States United States
Hi all this is srikanth and i had bilateral hipreplacement. First my right hip and after a week my left hip. its been 7 weeks now since my right hip surgery is done. Initially i walked with walker and as of now i am walking with two elbow crutches.

1) when will i be able to walk without any crutches. if i try to walk without any aid i walk like a small kid(toddling).
Hello and Welcome........When you feel like you can do it try it. I would make sure you are near some walls for just balance, but give it a try. Dont be nervous your hip is stronger then you think.....Im a knee and it took my awhile to trust mine but it worked out and Im happy.. Good luck and happy walking..........)baby steps best way to go........)
Welcome. I had my right hip replaced and was using crutches at a few days post op. Then at about 4 or 5 weeks I switched to a cane. I'm not sure as you had both done. My doc wanted me to use a cane for awhile. So at your point i was still using it.
Do you have pt? They would be a good guide for you. Try to search through old threads too. I really don't remember when I was aid free. I onlly know that at 3 months I was off all restrictions and hiking again.
Could be a couple of months, honey. There's no specific date, different people get there at different times. Don't rush it, be patient!

And welcome to BoneSmart!
I used one crutch for ages, but like Judy, at 3 months I was aid-free. I had a walking stick but never used it - felt more stable with the crutch .
Hi Srik,
As wise Jo relates, different strokes for different folks. I had 8 weeks between surgeries. Was on a cane with the first almost immediately; hardly any pain. After the second, at 5 weeks past, I was walking aid-free. I am now walking about a half mile each day, with up and downhills. For me, the more I move around, the easier, and especially after I do my exercises; when I sit for a while, or when I first get out of bed, there is stiffness and minor discomfort, but getting better and stronger every day.

Welcome; I am an ex-kiwi myself. Born and raised the north of the North Island.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Hi Srik,

I kept with one crutch for longer than most just to avoid that "toddling" effect. After limping for years before surgery I wanted to make sure I was walking "properly" before I handed back the crutches.

Gidday Glenys, I'm a Hamiltonian :)

All the best,
hi all,

No i am 10 weeks post right and 9 weeks post left... Today i switched to a cane in my right hand. My right leg seems a bit paining(pain at the joint)while walking. Not a serious pain but it is paining a bit. i am not sure is it because i am walking less post op or because is there any problem. i am confused..Jo please reply..
Hi Srikrocks,

I am 10 weeks post op w/both hips replaced on same day. If your pain is minor, I think it may be muscle fatique or healing. You will see your OS sometime soon and he will take xrays to make sure everything is in place. My guess would be that if something were out of place, the pain would not be minor. When I over-do it, I have a dull pain which is fatigue and the next day I am not able to do as much. I am still experiencing stiffness (just like Glenys mentioned) everytime I am idle either sitting or getting out of bed but everyone tells me that's the last of the healing process. Just keep on walking but listen to your body. BTW, are you taking any pain meds? I almost stopped taking them but after talking w/folks in this forum, I realized that the stiffness was still pain and limiting my recovery so if I begin to feel pain, I will take one and continue with my day.

Maggie Mae
Welcome Srirocks! (Love your beautiful country,BTW!!)...Give yourself more TIME...we each heal at our own paces! Sounds like you're on the right path! ((:0)
At such an early stage, one's bound to get aches and pains in the operation site from time to time. When you do, just put the brakes on and rest up with a pain killer and some ice. You'll find it will get easier as you go along.
Hi maggie and jo,

Anyway today i am back with two elbow crutches. as far as i observed yesterday..may be use of one stick might hav lead to improper weight bearing on the opposite leg. so i think i tried to put extra weight on opposite leg without my knowledge. When i walked without any sticks i felt more comfortable. It was not a pain which req any pain killers. some cramp type of pain.but i felt lik its something to be worried. i am practising walking without any aid at home now. My plan is to walk with two crutches till the end of 3rd month and then walk without any aid. wat u people say??
As far as x-ray is concerned i visited my os at the end of six weeks. he said x-ray looks good.
I would follow Jo's wise advice regarding your discomfort. As for the walking aids, just go with what your body tells you. If you feel like you need a little extra help, use the tools, that is what they are for.
We all heal at different rates and no two surgeries turn out the same; my two had entirely different outcomes at the beginning.
Sounds like you are doing just fine, and keep up with your exercises/therapy; I find they help in loosening up any stiffness, just don't overdo.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
I overdid it once in recovery and boy did my hip tell me. It hurt more than any pain . So I had to rest, cut back on my walking and it got better. That is probably what your pain is telling you , to rest.
My husband is still using his walker at almost 5 weeks post op. He still has pain in the joint if he bears weight on the leg, so he puts toe touch pressure only and plans on using the walker for a little while longer, then will try crutches. We can both see that this is going to take some time. It is amazing that some folks walk really soon without aids, but I don't think you are alone if it is taking you longer than what it takes others.
Yes i sued walker for 6-7 weeks and then i came to elbow crutches.
Don't worry - some people take longer than others. He'll naturally transfer just as soon as he feels ready.
Hi all,

To day i am 12 weeks post right and 11 weeks post left.

I came to office without using any aid. i am walking fine but my right leg seems a little but pain at the op site. I observe this very frequently in the mornings after i get up from bed.

The one thing i want to ask is before my office there are 5-6 small steps. can i climb those stairs without any aid?? i am mainly worried about this. sometimes i feel whether i can bear my entire weight freely or not because as long as i am conscious i am trying to minimize my weight and that could lead to a little bit limp right?? please suggest me.
I think you need to do whatever feels right at this stage of your recovery. If you are more comfortable using a cane or crutch, that's what you should do. You'll know when you are strong enough to leave them behind. The most important thing is gait control....not walking with a limp. Some people need the aids longer than others to be able to walk correctly.
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