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TKR When oh when oh when

@EalingGran - But you did not get the steroid jab? I wonder why not, if your back was hurting so much. My surgeon thinks the back pain's connected to the leg tingles and pain that I have. Everything is connected.

I am trying to be tramadol free. I worry it could be somehow causing pain.
I am rubbing my knee as I write this. I still have not heard from my doctor who said the MRI showed problems with the L4 area of my back could be the cause of my numbness and tingling knee/leg. She told me to call a pain management doctor, gave me his name, and of course he doesn't take my insurance. I left a message with my surgeon yesterday and today, also with the assistant. Nothing. At night my leg from the knee down becomes stiff, tingly and even cold. What a mess. I think this will never, ever end.
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time between the symptoms and not having gotten a referral to a specialist you can use. It's especially frustrating to feel nobody is willing to assume responsibility to get you the care you need.
If you're not able to get an appropriate referral from your surgeon perhaps your primary or insurance company can help.
The reason was that my surgeon reckoned that straightening my leg with my PKR would help my sciatica. I didn't want any steroids just before surgery because it can affect infection risk.
Fortunately he was right in my case.
My sciatic pain is almost entirely gone now. I just get the odd twinge in my right buttock if I sit too long in one position ( like a long car journey).
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Aww, I am sorry. What you described sounds uncomfortable and frustrating. I hope someone is able to get to the origin of your pain soon so you find relief. With any luck you heard from your surgeon's office today.
Keep us in the loop, we're here and we care. :console2:
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@Layla - Thank you. I finally was able to get the MRI of my back to a pain management doctor who's about a 45 minute drive from here, and have an appointment to see him (supposedly to get a shot) on December 5th. In the back of my head I am wondering how this will make my clunky feeling knee with the tight band around it feel any better. Coming up on a year and I still feel every step. PT has helped some but it doesn't feel anywhere close to good or normal.

@EalingGran - I always wondered about your BoneSmart name, until I was reading my Lisa Jewell book and found it mentioned. It's part of London! Well, duh. I assume the "Gran" part is easier to figure out!
Really hope that the back injection works and helps both your back and your knee!
Yes- Ealing is a suburb on the West Side of London. Now less than15 minutes from the centre by the new Elizabeth tube trainline. It's an old Victorian suburb with lots of trees/ parks- but that was tricky this time last year with wet leaves and bumpy tree roots on the pavements. I was terrified of falling and kept my stick for ages. I must look out for that author. Is the book set in London?
It can take longer for some. Many noticing improvement into the second and even third year post op.
If you have a one year anniversary appointment scheduled with your surgeon, possibly you can discuss your concerns then and hopefully receive reassurance. I wish you luck with the injection next week.
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@Layla - I will write about the back injection experience. I'm hoping people who are taking a long time with recovery might want to ask their doctors about their back, if they have pain there. I said something to my doctor about my sore back long ago and finally got an MRI and now am getting a shot for it, months later. I have a one year follow up scheduled with my surgeon in December but am so annoyed by her I'm thinking of not going.

@EalingGran - I think it's set in London and read Ealing in there. It's called The Truth About Melody Browne. The print is so tiny though!
Turns out I am just seeing the pain management dr for a consult. My insurance has to certify stuff, and send it to the doc, which will take days after I see him, and then I will get an appointment (probably in January, for crying out loud), and get a shot of whatever. Hopefully he can do a lobotomy.
Sorry it will take so long. I guess Xmas slows everything down.
Hopefully the pain management team can help figure out the cause of your residual pain and what's due to which joint or to the back etc. Then they may be able to help- fingers crossed. I know how difficult it is when you have multiple issues and don't know what's may be linked.
I find it helpful to write a bit of a summary before I see doctors- to make sure I focus on the most important stuff and don't forget something crucial.
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Oh no, I'm sorry you have to wait. Hang in there, Jammy. :console2:
I hope you have a peaceful weekend.
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at least you still have your sense of humor! Good luck and I hope you can get this lined out quickl.
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I am quite disturbed. My knee has been killing me. Mostly it's the tight band feeling, only really bad and achy. I told my husband but try to limit my depression to keep things not so unhappy here. I can't tell anyone else, no one cares anymore, or they can't believe it. I find it unbelievable. On Monday I will look into seeing another surgeon. @MSuki - thanks, and that's a nice looking kitty.
@EalingGran - I was thinking of writing out what I wanted to say to the doctor at the consult, otherwise my incredible mind might forget. Will forget. Thanks!
I’m so sorry that basically at one year that you still feel this bad. A new set of eyes on your knee is a good idea.

Have you ever been checked for infection, or a metal allergy? If not, you may want to look into it, with a new surgeon.

I did not get a good outcome with my PKR, almost 7 years ago, and people do seem to get tired of me mentioning it. Well, excuse me, but I have to live with it every single day, and I definitely don’t mention it every single day.

Look for someone who has no association with your original surgeon, you may have to drive a bit.

My surgery was done in Delaware. I’ve had 3 second opinions, two in the Philadelphia area, and one in the Baltimore area. In my case, none of them found anything wrong, but they didn’t look very hard, either. My X-ray always looked fine, so they didn’t look further. I hope things go better for you.
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I hope you can find someone to give you a second opinion. If it hadn't been for COVID, I probably wouldn't have had to wait 5 years for my revision. I still don't know what went wrong after I injured my patella tendon at physio. All the X-rays came out normal. Thankfully, my surgeon is one of the best at my hospital.
I'm so sorry, for the pain AND the worry AND the isolation.... well you have us on your team. Please do follow the advice to go to a totally unaffiliated medical system to find a specialist.
I’m so sorry. I know what this feels like and it’s a very lonely position to be in. If you can’t tell the people near you how you’re feeling, you can always tell us here. We will understand, believe you, and support you.
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That's not true, you can tell us and we do care. Only someone who has been through this surgery can understand what we go through.
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