When is it too late for a "MUA"?

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junior member
Nov 6, 2007
United States
My TKR was Dec. 10 and my ROM was stuck at 108. I was scheduled for my manipulation on April 10 but it was cancelled because my Dr. wouldn't release me for the procedure after my pre-op physical.

This is what happened....

We went on a cruise March 22 and on the 3rd day I had to go to the infirmary. I had a temperature of 101 and had acaserbated (sp?) diverticulitus. (it had been acting up again, probably due to the constipation of my oxycodone and the stress associated with my TKR) Anyway, he prescribed antibiotics and told me not to eat anything after midnight in case I needed to go to the hospital in Puerto Vallarta the next day. (that was a scary thought! Didn't really want to go to the hospital in Mexico!) Anyway, was better, assumed the antibiotics did the trick. I explained the story to my Dr. for the pre-op and he put an instant halt to my manipulation I was scheduled for. He prescribed two more antibiotics and wants me to have a colonoscopy first. Unfortunately they can't schedule that for another 4-6 weeks after I finish my medication. Then when he gets the results, assuming all is well, will approve me. Anway, I'm looking at an additional two months before I can be scheduled.

So, will a MUA be successful after 6 months?

Sorry, to ramble on, but I'm really depressed and I guess I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.

Laurie, so sorry you had such a miserable time. Also sorry your manipulation has been put on hold. Jo will probably be along to answer your question about the time factor, I have no idea I am afraid.

Hope all goes well for you. (((((HUGS))))))) Sue
Sounds like you have had a rough time there, Laurie. My sympathies.

As regards the manipulation, there's no 'text-book' of statistics about it. It depends upon so many different parameters and something you will have to trust your surgeon about. I wouldn't really think he'd would go ahead with it if there wasn't anything to be gained.
Thanks for the sympathetic ears...I guess I'm just feeling alittle sorry for myself. Should I still be doing "Quad sets" and other excercises for my ROM? Will my ROM get worse if I don't do the excercises?


I would DEFINITELY continue your exercises! Even if you don't gain much more ROM on your own you need the muscle tone to walk normally and do many more activities once your ROM improves. AND you never know--- you might have a breakthrough with your ROM on your own. If you stop your exercises you will set yourself back after the ROM.

Best of luck to you....
Laurie, I am sorry to hear of your problems. At least you were fortunate enough NOT to end up in a hospital in Mexico. Getting sick on a trip has always been a concern of mine too. I agree with Beach that you should continue your exercises....maybe even step up with some aerobic ones if you can. In addition to ROM benefits that might occur, the exercise creates endorphins that will keep your spirits up as you wait. All of us on this forum have had bad days, weeks, or more. The group here really helps to get you through that....USE US!!! Hugs to you! ...Jamie
I thought we couldn't do aerobics. is there some version we can be? Sorry for your delay Laurie, I know for me, when I was ready for any knee procedure I was ready. Glad that jo said trusting your doc was a good plan. hope it all works out well for you as soon as possible.
Jen--- there are aerobic exercises we can do--- but not "aerobics" with all the jumping around. You can do water exercise classes for cardio as well as bicycling and other cardio options. Probably ellipticals eventually too.

I am doing pool therapy for my back now and actually starting to enjoy it. I "jog" and "bicycle" in the water. You get the resistance from the water with decreased stress on your joints and spine. I go to the therapy pool at my PT once a week and go to the community pool on my own once or twice a week. They have classes, but I am not ready for that yet so I just go and do my own thing. I just need to find a time when I am not having to dodge quite so many kids and their parents during "family swim" time.
Laurie, I would trust your OS. If he/she goes ahead, then you'll benefit from it, I'm sure. As for the colonoscopy, if you haven't had one, don't fret. They are no big deal. The prep can be hard, but just go on a liquid diet for a couple of days in advance of the prep day and you'll do fine. I've had several as my Daddy had colon cancer...they give you some stuff to help ensure you don't remember anything and you are "asleep" for the procedure. Let us know how things go for you and when your manipulation is scheduled. I'll pray for you in the meantime. Stay with all your current PT exercises so you'll have the best chance for improvement after the manipulation. God bless you, Skeet.
I thought we couldn't do aerobics. is there some version we can be? Sorry for your delay Laurie, I know for me, when I was ready for any knee procedure I was ready. Glad that jo said trusting your doc was a good plan. hope it all works out well for you as soon as possible.

I don't mean "aerobics" like jumping all around.....I mean cardio exercises for your heart like cycling, walking, elliptical, etc. My trainer always calls that the "aerobic" part of my workouts, so I just picked that up from her. Sorry for any confusion.
Well, we have many learning how we can do things like ski and so on, so ya neve know....
I started aquafit last week Laurie, and I find it beneficial to me. I feel I have more movement in the water. Yes I would definately keep up the exercises, you need to keep those muscles working and strong for after the MUA. I may need one too, I am 12 weeks and at 87-90 at a push. I am going to go with what my OS says on Tuesday at my appointment.
THANKS EVERYONE! I really appreciate the feedback. I will definitely keep doing my exercises and will keep you informed of my progress.

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