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When does the feeling return?

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junior member
Dec 16, 2008
Australia Australia

I hope some you further down the recovery track may be able to help
I am 7 weeks post BTKR and the outside of my knees have no feeling at all. Does this return? If so after how long?

Hi Richard,
Twelve weeks ago I had RKR and still don't have feeling in that area. There is more feeling there now, than when I was 7 weeks out. So many nerves are cut with this surgery. How are you doing, otherwise? Good luck. Cindy
Nerves are the last to come back. Unfortunately, the first thing to probably happen
is you will feel on and off burning sesnsations in that area. Then you'll know its on the way than maybe at a year you'll have some
Thanks for the information. I guess I will just wait and see how it goes

Cindy, I am not to bad for 7 weeks. Things are far from normal but I can now drive and walk around without any aids.

The good thing is the original pain is gone!!!
The feeling started coming back in mine at about 6 months. I'm now at one year and it's still not totally back.
I had a knee scope last month and have a lot of numbness on the outside of my knee as well as down the front at least half way to my ankle.

I still can't imagine how you guys all make it through knee replacement.
One tough group of people

Great post... great information. Doug, a year! I was hoping for the numbness to go away at 6 months. I'm 3 months now and no sign the feeling is coming back. Guess I'll just hang loose and wait.

What I'm still dealing with is the sensitivity on the inner side of the scar. I can't wear jeans yet because the rubbing on my knee drives me crazy. I thought by now the sensitivity would be a memory. When does it ease up?
I lost sensitivity like you describe at about 4 or 5 months. I also had trouble with jeans for all that time. It will go away.....don't worry! Just be kind to your new knee in the meantime and you'll be there in no time. I'm at 10 months now and have regained a lot of feeling....but still have some numb areas.
Hi Judy!
So glad you are finished with your scope! I think the help our family gives us is disproportionate to how much we need them! ( WHERE ARE THEY WHEN WE REALLY NEED THEM????) You always have such a refreshingly positive .encouraging attitude. and I have no doubt that you will be back to your old self (not chronologically. of course!) in time! Thinking of you! Lets here how you're doing!
I'm 9 months + and still quite numb. Not unbearble though and less than initially.
Just to put you in the picture - when you have an operation anywhere, when the incision is made through the skin, the network of little nerves that lie in the top 1-1½ inches is divided. It's highly unlikely that any of the cut nerve ends will be approximated in the wound closure and doesn't really matter anyway as they have an amazing capacity to recreate their networks although nerve tissue grows and heals extremely slowly. With a repair of a major nerve such as in the wrist, it can take up to six months to even begin functioning normally again. But this network of tiny nerves has to recreate itself as well so will take even longer.

I do advise anyone not to be overly concerned about the numbness. It's an inevitable side effect of having a major incision and only (from a medical point of view) a minor thing, albeit annoying to have to live with.
It was 4-6 months before my numb spot started having feeling I'm kinda sorry because I have a little soft tissue puffy sore spot there...I preferred the numbness :)

Either is a very small price to pay for getting my mobility back, so it's all good :)
I am 7 months out on my left knee and have most of the feeling back in that leg. At 5 months on my right knee, I still have some numbness in that leg. It also itches, and when the itchiness starts, it's a sign that the nerve endings are knitting together,
Hi Richard,

I'm the same time frame as you and have only just got a bit of feeling back. Feel it will take a while, I'm off to do my exercises in the pool now, finally we have a sunny day after a couple of cloudy ones.

Have a good day

Re:feeling frustrated

I am very new at this. I had posted and now I can't find it.
I had my surgery Jan 7th and I am not really sure how much or how little I am suppose to do. Prior to my surgery, I was told by the medical staff
how the procedure would go and the stages/steps after. I will try and make this short and so that you can comprehend what I am trying to say.
I don't know if I should sleep on my side at night. I have been placing a pillow between my legs. This helps me sleep a little.
How much should walk/ice and just sit in a chair. I was not elevating my leg prior to last night, I was just stretching my leg on the couch and putting ice to it. I feel like I have lost my coping skills with this. I am also finding it very frustrating that I cannot do for myself. I am finding it hard to sit back and watch my home organization deteriorate.

I am just plain feeling sorry for myself I guess
Poor Jaques! I did a search for all your posts and if you click here, you'll find them all, including this one. Just click on (broken link removed) and when you see the list of searched posts, click on the link I have outlined in red.

[] When does the feeling return?

As for your problems, please don't worry - everyone feels like that at the start. It's all part of the 'post-op blues' and will pass in time as you start to feel better.

You will find it difficult to sleep on your side though you can if you want to try. Some have obtained a body pillow to rest their leg on to help. Sleep patterns and appetite are often very much disturbed by major surgery.

You should be active and resting about 50-50 at this point but gradually increasing your activity as the days pass. The sooner you can feel up to having a near normal life again the better but don't grit your teeth to do it!

Icing is part of the means by which you aid pain control and keep down swelling along with elevation, of course. Therefore, your need should be dictated by the amound of swelling, discomfort and pain you are experiencing. Make sure you keep up with your pain meds as this will help all round, particularly with your PT. And remember, you will feel lethargic, depressed (maybe) and easily tired in spates for the next month or two. The house work will always be there! Don't let it worry you.
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