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When do you know that it's time to replace the replacement?

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new member
Jan 30, 2009
United States
Hi! I'm new here, but I have a question. My boss had his hip replaced about 10 years ago and has recently had problems walking when he first gets out of a chair. He's wondering if it's time to replace the polyethyene in his replacement. Has anyone had this done? How invasive is it? What is the recovery time with something like this? Are there certain symptoms that lead to to know it's time to have things checked out? He is thinking maybe he just needs to go see the mechano-therapist (kind of like a chiropractor, but not) to adjust his back instead. Any ideas?

Thanks for the info, this is a great site to look for info!
I have a wonderful relationship with my surgeon and my first stop would be to see him and discuss what is going on. All I have heard I would think 10 years was too soon to need to replace anything, but anything can happen.
Good Luck to him
The only way to really gauge the wear in a THR is by comparing an xray with the original post-op xray. The specifications are what clinch it. However, vague aches and pains might or might not be indicative. Without the xray you just can't tell.

Hi, Orthogirl and welcome to the forum! I would have to second the above suggestions to have a chat with his surgeon about what might be going on.
"problems walking when he first gets out of a chair"

I have that right now with a brand new hip. I was just wondering if after confirming if there is or is not a problem with the device, if some physical therapy might help him. How active is he? Is it really painful or just stiff to get started after sitting a while?
Hi there. I am a new member today and have been enjoying hearing the stories from everyone. Makes me feel at home. Finally someone that understands... I am 46 years old and I had my first THR 11 years ago at age 35. I had AVN which caused a colapse of my R Hip. I received many cortizone shots up until I could not put my shoes and socks on any longer. I am so glad I had the first surgery. It was atomatic pain relief. It was well needed as the hip actually fell in the doctors hand when he got in there to replace it. He could not believe I went as long as I did but everyone told me to wait as long as I could. After that surgery I was without pain for the first time since I was in high school. I was able to go back to regular activites and even played some volleyball and racquetball without pain! My doctor had x-rayed my hip a couple times during the years and then started x-raying every year after I reached 9 years and in June of last year, he noticed the ball was no longer sitting in the middle of the liner, which meant I had started to show wear. I had surgery again 12/19/08 to replace the liner and I also received a new "sports" ball that is larger and should wear a little slower. He said he removed some scar tissue and didn't have to cut as many muscles but other than that the surgery was basically the same. I still have the same precautions as a THR and actually I wasn't in pain before the surgery so wasn't looking forward to going in again but it is overwith and I am at 7 weeks today and have started walking outside again at lunch and have even played some golf. I do have quite a bit of pain and night and still not sleeping well as I am not a back sleeper. I know that the materials 11 years ago were not made to hold up as well as the material I have now so I am hoping I get more than 11 years out of this one but I will be a lot more particular about the activities I choose to play and will probably stick with walking and golf from here on out.
Hi there, Ironside! Welcome to BoneSmart. Your revision seems to have gone pretty well, it seems. A surgeon I once knew used to make his patients measure and calculate the wear on their cups themselves (on the xrays of course)! He said it made them feel more involved! Hope you get 20+ minimum from you new liner.
Hi, Ironside!!! Glad you found us here on the BoneSmart forum. We're a crazy, caring bunch that can provide whatever level of support you need. Welcome....
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