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When do you know it is time........

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May 20, 2008
New Hampshire
United States United States
to remove the high riser toilet seat? I am at 6 weeks post op and finally today took a shower upstairs in the bathroom with only a shower stall. Previously, I have been showering down stairs in the full bath with the tub, sitting on a shower chair.
So, when will I know it is time to remove the high rise seat?
I was told I can finally soak my incision at the end of this week. How I am looking forward to walking down the cellar stairs and getting in the hot tub!
I got rid of that quick - as soon as I could get up with the help of the surrounding hardware! (It sits near the door so I can use the door knob and back of toilet seat).

I too got rid of it ASAP, but then again I had the wall on one side, and the vanity on the other, so I could use these to help pull me up!!

Good luck,
Whick brings up another question. Just how long has everyone found it to take for them to be able to stand from a sitting position without having to use their arms to get up?

Me too Marianne. I tried a couple of weeks ago to get rid of it and put myself in a lot of pain and I have something to pull myself up with on both sides. I don't care if I never get rid of the darn thing. It is in MY bathroom and I am the only one who has to see it and I will not hurt, I just won't. I have been other places without one and had no trouble getting up so I think the john in my bathroom is lower than the normal one..Like everything else it is going to be up to you. Rowdy
Dale, I'm 8 weeks out and back to work for a week now. The biggest problem I have is trying to get out of my office chair without the wheels rolling out from under me. I usually back the chair up into the corner so that I can use the arms but it's still not real secure. It seems like I've been getting up out of my chair about 10 times an hour lately! I should be getting good at it real soon at this rate. Ha ha! I know I'm getting good at climbing and descending broken escalators on the way to and from work!

Two weeks ago when I flew, the TSA people always wanted me to sit in an armless chair until they scanned me. I would ask if I REALLY had to sit there because I was thinking about having to get myself up out of the chair! One lady insisted I sit! She did offer to get my cane but still.......I needed more then that to get up. I've learned in this situation to lean myself forward before trying to raise myself up. Kind of like you are going to roll forward. Still not easy but easier then straight up from the chair when there's nothing to lean on. Karen
thanks, I have problems getting up off the couch or chairs without arms. It is hard to get someone to understand that the legs aren't working right to allow this yet. I was just wondering how long it was going to take before the legs can do this. I have been doing all my exercises and feel the leg is getting stronger but still have not been able to do some things I feel I should be able to do.

again thanks

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