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May 23, 2008
United States
Well, I returned to work last Tuesday 8 weeks after RTHR. I work at a desk job with a minimum of walking around all day. I am still on a waiting list to replace my left hip and it was giving me a lot of pain. I hadn't taken any pain meds since 1 week after my surgery. So, in order to make it easier to get around at work I took a Vicodin tablet on Wed. It seemed to help. So, I took another one on Thursday and 2 throughout the day on Friday. By Friday evening my left leg was swollen almost twice it's size. My right leg is fine. It's very painful to walk on this swollen leg. I've been in bed all weekend and the swelling isn't gone yet. Any comments or suggestions? Was it the Vicodin that caused the swelling? Why not my right leg? This is very confusing to me.
I doubt it was the Vicodin - if it were, both legs would be swollen! This is just a guess but I would think it's part of the disease process that is causing the swelling.

When you say swollen - to what extent? From hip to ankle? Less than that? Is this unusual? Is it red or blotchy?
It is swollen from hip to toe. My husband says it was purply on Friday, but he says it looks better today. I still can barely bend it and it is very painful to walk on it even the few steps from my bed to the bathroom.
Sounds to me like you need to get it seen by a doctor ASAP. It could be cellulitis which is a superficial skin infection. If this be the case, you need antibiotics and soon.
Well.....I contacted my doctor and he told me to go to the ER asap. Turns out I have a blood clot (DVT) in my leg. I've been on blood thinners ever since and will have to be for about 6 months. The doctor had me wrap the leg in elastic bandages to reduce the swelling, then get compression stockings. The swelling is down quite a lot, but not completely. It is still a little painful to walk, but getting better. The compression stockings help a lot. The leg feels much more supported. So, I will try once again to return to work next week. I'm now much more aware of symptoms of blood clots and will be much more aware of what is going on in my body.
Thanks for posting that Pharman. Sorry you have been in so much pain and have to deal with a clot, but the info is invaluable especially to me as I'm always wondering would I even know if I had a clot.

I hope your return to work is more comfortable but please take care.


Chris :)
Jo, how common is blood clotting 8 weeks out?

(the question is obviously a little self-serving...)
Jo, how common is blood clotting 8 weeks out?

(the question is obviously a little self-serving...)

Take a look at that bud, hopefully it helps you / answers questions.

It is a very good explanation on Blood Clots, specifically relating to Hip/Knee Replacements.

My surgeon has me on a 2 Syringes that i would Inject into my stomach everyday for 30 days to prevent Blood Clotting.

It worked wonders, i do not know what other surgeons have others do for blood clotting.
Thanks, Tyler - couldn't have answered that question myself ...
Thanks Youngguy, appreciated!

Chris :)
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