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What would you do differently

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Jan 8, 2009
Australia Australia
Hi Jo,

An idea just came to me and if you don't think this is a good idea for a thread take it off the forum, I won't be offended.

I thought if those of us who have been through the surgeries put down what we would do differently if we have to do it again, and some of us do. It may help those in the waiting room to address things they may not have thought of.

For me, I would ask more questions, I have no idea what I have in my hip and knee, I didn't even know where he would cut me and why. Also I will push for more quality PT next knee.

Thanks Mother Hen,

Chris :)
Frankly, I am one who likes to know everything beforehand! I watched a video of my anticipated surgery so I knew what to expect. I also was prepared by having read the Total Knee Replacement & Rehabilitation Book before surgery and used it as my "guide" for recovery. If I had the choice to have only one TKR done rather than BTKR ,I would not have only one TKR done, I would definitely do them both and allow my knees to recover equally as I did..... I would not like to go thru it twice. Having them done at the same time was great for me. One time in the hospital, one time in rehabiltation and only one time recovery! I was 58 and was back enjoying Alpine skiing @ 7.5 months post op.
I understand how you feel Crystal, with the Bilateral, I was a bit nervous about that and I still have some time to go before needing the other knee done. Sounds like you had a great recovery, congrats to you.

I did an enormous amount of research before hand also, couldn't watch a video of it, but did a lot of reading, just never asked the OS what type of prothesis he was actually going to use in both hip and knee. I'll ask next visit. You did so well.

Chris :)
It's fine, aussie. We had a such a thread once before.
Chris! I am another VERY fortunate hippie! I couldn't be happier the way things have been going,,, But I have REALLY been working HARD to get to the place that I am,,,,& am being reward every day with being able to do things pain free,,Thank G-d!
The ONLY thing I wish I would, have done differently was find this wonderful forum BEFORE my surgery! ;)
I would have done more investigation into the surgery etc and talked more to my OS. If I had of prepared more, I think I wouldn't have had many of the low days that I did have.

My hospital experience was not good because I failed to prepare and missed many opportunities to use the CPM machine, needed flexion, etc. My advice to folks getting ready:
1. Ask Questions of the OS before and after
2. Get on the forum and ask Josephine and those who can share real life experiences about things you want to know too. I know when I started outpatient PT folks wanted to run from me because I would ask what kind of surgery they had had and how long ,etc before I found the forum.
3. Set realistic goals for yourself based on your actual surgical experience. The need for blood replacement, extreme swelling, etc set my back and I had to revamp and let my coping mechanisms kick in so I could quit having too many pity parties.
4. Plan ahead for coming home based on how much support you will have those first two-three weeks.
5. Don't plan of returning full time to work in 6 weeks and if you find out you can it will just be fluff!!!!
Thanks Jo.

I would have liked this forum too Judles prior to surgery, but I did find it at just the right time, when I was wondering what on earth I had done to myself. Fortunately I found lots of "kneedecessors" who could reassure me it was all going as it should, I've since realised I have been very fortunate in my recovery.

Very helpful post Nana, thanks for answering.

Chris :)
1) Find this site. It contains so much information.

2) Took the offer to do 2 weeks at a rehabilitation hospital. I should not have came home so soon. I was home sick.

3) More rehab the first 3 weeks.
Gary,,,,sometimes you don't know what's worse,,,,being home sick or homesick!!!!!
1) I wish I had found this site before surgery. I had thought I would be fully recovered in a few weeks or so!!
2) Pre cooked meals to take in hospital, food was like slime, I always liked hospital food in previous experiences.
3) Get my OS to talk to ward staff about having CPM they never wanted me to have it.
4) I wouldn't have refused my stool softeners for the first two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) I wish I had found this site before surgery.
6) I wish I had found this site before surgery.
7) I wish I had found this site before surgery.
8) I wish I had found this site before surgery.
9) I wish I had found this site before surgery.
10) Ditto the previous 5 comments!!!
I did know about the stool softeners and continued to take them at home for about 3 months...... Something else I did to prepare for the surgery was to have meals already prepared and in the freezer for when I came home. I also had purchased a twin size feather bed and made a cover out of a queen size flat sheet for it that was easily removable for washing. I slept in the recliner for 2.5 months in the living room with my knees elevated above my heart. I purchased a stationary bike (schwinn 115) on ebay as it was damamged.... It was missing the fan to blow cool air on me when I pedaled. For the price reduction, I sure did not need it!
The total gym has been very helpful too.
Being totally prepared for this surgery and l a good 4 month recovery is what one should anticipate.
I slept well and comfortably even with icing in the middle of the night. Keep yourself well medicated especially 20-30 minutes prior to a PT session, even home exercise.
Those are the only othe things I can think of at the moment. I found reading the book the best help of all because it goes thru the 3 months prior to surgery and the full year post op....... getting your life back and participating in the things you love to do again is the very best!
Good Luck!
Nursepair-What is CPM?
All-I'm reading this diligently--30 days till surgery--want to learn from your reflections.

CPM - Continuous Passive's a device that you put your leg in and it automatically and gently performs flexing and extension motions for you. Some people get this treatment in the hospital. Others use them at home after surgery. You can set the flex levels and length of time that movement is done.

For my knee surgery, the CPM was used in the hospital only. I liked it and was able to use it a lot....even sleeping in the machine! You will hear different opinions as to whether the machine helps with recovery, but in my opinion anything you do to move as soon as possible after surgery is a good thing.

Ask your doctor what he will be prescribing in terms of a CPM and why.
O yea I forgot get a stationary bike. I bought a recumbant (spelling) bike. I didn't get it till a few months out. I should have gotten it sooner. Man I love that thing. I feel good when I get done. I should have gotten on it about my 1st week out. I do 10mins to 30 mins a day now.
The main thing I wish I had done differently before my first TKR was exercise and PT. The second knee (after 6 months of PT with the first) recovered so much more quickly!
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