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What To Do?

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Feb 10, 2007
Hi I am actually quite desperate to getting my life back. Just a little to tell you about my knee. In 2002 I had my minicus removed, no problems then in September 2006 I had a work injury which I fell and landed on my already injured knee, (right) I had an MRI and it stated: An impaction type fracture of the tibia, osteochondral injury of the lateral femoral condyle and a possible disruption of the popliteal fibular ligament (one of the ligaments that hold the knee joint in place). So the surgeon did a scope and scraped under my patella repaired a tear and removed more of my lateral meniscus. He has said that there is nothing more he can do for me. Well I don't know what to believe any more and am very frustrated, and wanting my life back. I am fifty years young and healthy and very active and right now this is no life style as they have a knee brace being made right now to help stabilize the knee, but I am on pain killers 4 sometimes 5 times a day. I move like I am 80 years old. Not fun. I can't weight bear and I spend a good portion in bed resting and getting physio therapy three times a week. Currently off work duties for how long is beyond me. So I am feeling a lot of anger right now as this is no way to live life. I know there is always worse incidents out there. I see them at physio and I feel very bad for people with injuries.
Can any one give me a bit of information if a knee replacement would help or is the doctor right by saying there is nothing more he can do?
I'm not sure what to tell you but if I were in your situation I would get more than one opinion on your knee before you give up on reconstruction.
I am trying to understand my options with a "bone on bone" knee. I am looking into every possible source of information and consultation before I decide and I sugest you use your very understandable anger and frustration to do the same!
Thanks for responding. I did go to my family physisian and he won't go above the surgeon. I go On the 21st to see the surgeon and see how far I get. I am even considering paying for my own MRI. I do have a list of questions to ask him and see if he will refer me to see another surgeon. I just don't understand why the doctors are so quick at saying there is nothing more that can be done. All I can do is take it one day at a time. Still waiting for my knee brace to come in.
If it were my life I would pay out of pocket to get another opinion from the best knee doctor you can find and get too. Around $50 is all you are looking at to get peace of mind and know you've done all you can for yourself!
then you can get on with the best rehab/ pain manangement possible.
Good Luck.
Hi Who and where do I find some one? Because my surgeon says he can't do any more for me.
I had a brace fitted today and it is a bit bionic for me. I know it is to stabilize my knee but it isn't going to heal the pain. But being on WCB I have to give it a try. The picture on the pamplet shows a jock playing sports and doing well. I did not like the way the brace felt as it is heavy and awkward. I am being a bit negative about it all right now, I guess untill someone has walked in your shoes no one understands the mental anguish not to mention pain.
talk to you soon, thanks
I don't know where you live but the medical society in your area can give you referrals for other orthopeadic surgeons and pain management clinics. A great source of information online is also is a leading online health info source and it is free.
I've seen those braces--they are humoungous! Maybe, in time you'll get used to it??? My heart goes out to you.
Hi Eliza,
I say this not only as a fellow sufferer, but as a veteran RN - get another opinion. There are breakthroughs every day in Ortho and perhaps the doc you're seeing just is not on the cutting edge. Research on the web for any other Ortho groups near you - especially ones that are progressive. Good Luck!I'm off to convince my doc I need surgery NOW, not in 10 years. You're right in that we must have a good quality of life now - no matter what our age - and not be reduced to immobile people in constant pain.
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