Hi I am actually quite desperate to getting my life back. Just a little to tell you about my knee. In 2002 I had my minicus removed, no problems then in September 2006 I had a work injury which I fell and landed on my already injured knee, (right) I had an MRI and it stated: An impaction type fracture of the tibia, osteochondral injury of the lateral femoral condyle and a possible disruption of the popliteal fibular ligament (one of the ligaments that hold the knee joint in place). So the surgeon did a scope and scraped under my patella repaired a tear and removed more of my lateral meniscus. He has said that there is nothing more he can do for me. Well I don't know what to believe any more and am very frustrated, and wanting my life back. I am fifty years young and healthy and very active and right now this is no life style as they have a knee brace being made right now to help stabilize the knee, but I am on pain killers 4 sometimes 5 times a day. I move like I am 80 years old. Not fun. I can't weight bear and I spend a good portion in bed resting and getting physio therapy three times a week. Currently off work duties for how long is beyond me. So I am feeling a lot of anger right now as this is no way to live life. I know there is always worse incidents out there. I see them at physio and I feel very bad for people with injuries.
Can any one give me a bit of information if a knee replacement would help or is the doctor right by saying there is nothing more he can do?
Can any one give me a bit of information if a knee replacement would help or is the doctor right by saying there is nothing more he can do?