What is a flexionator

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May 12, 2009
United States
Today husband started with a new P/T. Took advice from some readers on this forum and got a certified professional who deals in sports medicine. Big difference in treatment.
Long story short. He put my husband on this machine called a flexionator which at the end of the session, he had reached a rom of 95! All he could get from the old place was 82 - 85 tops, and they had no flexionator. The best part was you sit in a chair so there was not too much strain on his bad back. Has anyone else had experience with this machine, and is there anywhere you can buy/rent one? On the days when he has no PT, they want him to come in (no charge) just to go on that machine for 15 minutes - how nice is that. Maybe we're finally making some progress.
Being a hip and back primarily, I don't know what a flexinator it. Sounds great. I hope the place is close so you can take advantage of the free time.
Hi Ouch

The flexinator is basically a portable CPM. I was looking at another of their products for extension.

Here is the company website. Your PT should be able to help you work with the insurance company to either rent one or buy one.

broken link removed: https://www.getmotion.com/pc_knee.htm

Thanks Simon I didnt know either but Ouch Im glad he got alot more ROM then the other place. Tell him to watch his back. You dont want more ROM then hurt his back, do what he can do...But great news about the 95 awesome !!!!!!!I really hope this works think positive........
Oh he is, now if only they had a flexionator for his back. He's out there in pain right now.
I have not had a flexanator but did CPRM to 120. I think it helped but after awhile the tightness will come back. Old Goat
Ouch....hooray!!!! Some progress. This is exciting. I hope you can get one of these for home. It would be so much easier than going to the therapy site every day. But....at least it WORKS!!!
Ouch, is there any way you can get him to a pool? We have a "therapy" pool at our local gym, the water is 90 degrees. I can stretch so much more in the water--and that would be so good for his back. if you are in chest deep water, there is very little pressure on your spine or knee. I put on a weight belt and run through the water--or just put my foot on the steps and let my hips sink down.

In the Knee book they have several rom exercises in a hot tub. The hot tub feels great and really I saw a big difference in the tightness of my leg after I began using the pool and hot tub.

I would not buy a flexinator---he will probably only use it for a few weeks in pt. and since they have offered tolet you use theirs, that seems reasonable. His flex will continue to improve with a good pt and it will be an expense you don't need to take on.
Thank you skigirl.
We do have a pool at our home. Unfortunately, here in So. Florida (summertime), it rains every day with bad thunderstorms and lightening. And at night, the mosquitos will eat you alive. We do manage to get in once and a while and we do the exercises in the book.
I used for both of my physical therapy programs. This is an excellent tool for work on the flex....it is a hydraulic pump which allows you to slowly flex the knee and then hold for a specific time period. Bascially you sit in a chair with your foot on a pedal and then you gradually pump the device which moves the pedal (and your foot) toward your thigh....this flexes the knee. Then you hold for probably five minutes....release the pressure and repeat. During the five minute period I was able to gradually flex my knee even more. The angle your foot rests in the pedal is also adjustable which can assist with the flex of the knee. I was able to gradually increase my flex to levels that I could not achieve by myself or even with the help of the physical therapist.

Interestingly, after two five minute reps I would be soaking wet with sweat!!

Your physical therapy facility should have this type equipment.

Since my inurance co. will not pay for one at home, I inquired about the cost of renting one. You can rent them for 2 months for $500.00. And the saleslady said with today's economy, they will give you a money back guarantee! I didn't even bother to ask about that. At least he can use it for free on his off P/T days. But he is doing very well on it. I just hope the reading the P/T is getting will be close to what the OS gets.
I have worked on the Flexinator at PT for both of my knees. At first I was going to the PT clinic 3 times per week and then 2 per week. I would use this machince for 5 minutes each time. I suppose my ROM might have come back a little quicker if I used it every day. However I also noticed that taking days off between use also helped. It did help with ROM. However I can not see spending $500 to rent one. I agree with ski that money would be better spent getting a one year membership at a gym with a pool. I started doing this 2 weeks ago and have seen great improvement. But as everyone always says do what is best for your husband and not what is best for somone else.

Try going with a formal appeal to the insurance company. You could point out to them a MUA will cost them 10,000 or so vs 500. Get the doctor and PT to write letters. The insurance game is to deny as most people don't fight them.

Good point Simon. But since the P/T is letting him come in on his off days of P/T and use the machine for 30 minutes, I'll be happy with that for now.
Im glad we atleast got some good news....Tell him to keep going ...We are all pulling for him..and your sanity...lol We know you worry so much about him. How is he today...
I've been using a rocking chair to work on my ROM. I just sit and rock and move my feet back little by little as the stiffness eases. It is simple (and free if you have a rocking chair) and you can do it whenever you want.
I also agree with Irene, the rocking chair has helped me a lot with my rom. I also have a rocking swing on my patio where I can rock and push my foot underdeath. Really helps. Good luck.
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