new member
:pzld:Next Monday I will be 10 weeks, 2 weeks ago I had a MUA, the next day I had gone from 68 to 90, I have done everything PT everyday(ex weekends) and 4-6 times a day of excercise. I can tell I`m bending more at home, but at PT yesterday I was only 80! At my last drs vist he said during my MUA he had it at 98. I am ever going to get any more? All I want to do is ride my bike but can`t get the peddle around! Is there anyone who measures you the same? At the Hosptal before I left she had me 86 a day later at PT she measured 68, a friend just had her knee done the same thing happend to her-96 in the hosptal only 70 some at PT what up with that?
I have a bad proplem I keep raising my hip when I sit, I strive to control this any suggestions. Help!
I have a bad proplem I keep raising my hip when I sit, I strive to control this any suggestions. Help!