I am glad for one thing, that I did not clean the house before i had surgery!!!
As far as visiting last summer was the same pattern as this.
Day of surgery as there are no time limits on visiting hours. He and the kids arrived at about 9pm, stayed about 10 minutes. This time the kids did not come on surgery day, the next evening around 8pm. He called and asked me if I wanted him to make them come???
Then the next 3 evenings same thing, except only my son came one night, the girls never again!!!
OF course I explained my going home day in a different thread. Morning of day 6, really can't wait to get out of there and he wanted to pick Jamie (same kid who could not come and visit) up first and have me sit tight for an hour and a half. Yes, I blew a fuse then. So I got the first ride, he told me to hurry up as Jamie was waiting at college!!Basically dropped me off and ran out the door.
My first day home he was out the door at 12noon . It got earlier from then. so I got coffee and that was it. Last summer I told him I needed him to stay home as the pre op nurse told me not to even reach for a glass of water, always get someone to get things for me. Jeff is ready at 9am to go to work.
OK enough of the complaining, except this is the best of all.
Last child born at about 6pm. I get booted out of the hospital at like 10am next morning. My parents had driven across country to be there (first time). He leaves my mom at home, loads the kids up to come and meet their baby sister, he took my dad too. I'm totally ready when he gets there, I had a baby about 15 hours earlier and he says we are going to stop and eat at his favorite restaurant on the hour drive home. I don't know how I let him live through that one. So when I told him no way, he left me there and said he would come back and get me when they were done eating!!!!
Now I am done!!!!
Marianne,I hope you are feeling good and getting stronger every day