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What about these TEDs?

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Aug 12, 2008
United States United States
YO! Gang,

Well I finnally made it to the other side. I had a rough time after the second TKR on my left knee. I had a hematoma after a week, and I had to go back to surgery. I am now home and looking for a full recovery. What I would like to know is how long do you keep wearing these TEDs? Do you take them off for a while and put them back on? Do you just leave them on? I am a guy, just what in the HELL do you do with these TEDs!!!!!!!!

Congratulations Rick,
Sorry to hear you had to go back to surgery. I always wore them during the day when I was up and about and did not wear them in bed at night. They were rinsed out at night so they could be clean & dry to wear again in the AM.
Hope this helps!
I am 3 months out now from BTKR. I go back to the OS in another month.
Congrats Rick on making it out of the hospital!!!

All I can say is I am a hippy and soooooooooooo glad TED was not a part of my recovery!!!

Would been here in the UK, Judy! We use them for almost any surgery.

Rick - glad you made it through ok. Now the work begins!
Hey, Jo, I was going to say when I had my hysterectomy they had me in the white surgical stockings. However, they did not have any big enough for me when I had both knees done in May so I didn't have to wear them at all, the doctor didn't seem all that upset, said as long as I was up and about he wasn't worried about it and I didn't have any problems and the lack of them surely did motivate me to keep moving as the last thing I wanted, naturally, was a blood clot. Since you have already had a problem they might want you to wear them a bit longer. And in my defense, I don't have fat legs or big legs and my legs weren't swollen after surgery to any degree so either they don't carry anything in stock for larger sizes or they only expect to do surgery on teeny-weenie people. Before I began the shrinking process that they refer to as old age I was almost 5' 11", and considered thin. With 'age' and an arthritic spine I have shrunk down to 5' 8", so you can see that you really do shrink as you get older. Anywho, I am glad you made it through the surgery and are now posting on the already had surgery side. Now, as Jo said, the work begins, but rest assured you will get better and very soon you will be happy you had the surgery and the pain you are in, and have been in for some time, will be distant memory. Good luck and keep posting! Rowdy
It is also an excellent idea to wear them when taking plane flights regardless of your physical condition. That bit of advice comes from the orthopod, internist, cardiologist.
I wore mine 23/7 for the first 14 days. The OS said I could stop wearing them when we went to steri-strips after the staples were out. Have had trouble with swelling so PT asked me to start wearing the one on my surgery leg again. Did that for 2 weeks - Saw the OS and he said just wrap it from ankle up with Ace bandage if needed to hold down the swelling- Basically once I was up and around the teds weren't needed for blood clots - more so for swelling - follow what your OS says - seems like each one of us is different.

Hang in there!
Thanks everyone,

I will wear them by day and take them off by night. Today is my first out patient PT, wish me luck.

a simple question about TEDs:
they suggest putting the stocking on before putting your foot down in the morning to avoid fluid heading south to the foot once you stood. my question is
how do you shower/bathe in the morning if you have to put the TEDs on while just getting out of bed.
My guidance was to wear them for all but an hour or two each day so I took them off in the morning before getting in the shower and then let my leg breath for a couple of hours before putting them back on. I only had to wear them until the staples came out.
Do as I am doing with these horrible TEDs at this time in my life. I take them off at night and shower, then the first thing in the morning I put them on, brush my teeth, wash and shave my face and then comb my hair and I am good to go.

The only issue I think there might be with not wearing them at night is that they are supposed to help prevent blood clots during long periods of inactivity and hopefully you aren't up to too much activity at night so I personally would think that is the most important time to wear them.....just sayin.... I say ask your OS' office when to wear them and for how long.
My guidance was to wear them for all but an hour or two each day so I took them off in the morning before getting in the shower and then let my leg breath for a couple of hours before putting them back on. I only had to wear them until the staples came out.

I read that you need to elevate (above the heart) the leg to reduce any fluid that has migrated down your leg before putting the TEDs back on. If you move about a bit w/o reducing the fluid and put the stocking on, I read that it defeats the optimal function. Just what I read. I am trying the shower, raised leg for 20 min + TEDS and the swelling and hematoma on the leg down to the ankle has been reduced significantly. I see my surgeon tomorrow for my first post surgical visit and I will get his input. Great results for not a lot of money these TEDs. Look kind of odd w/shorts when you go out however.
I read that you need to elevate (above the heart) the leg to reduce any fluid that has migrated down your leg before putting the TEDs back on. If you move about a bit w/o reducing the fluid and put the stocking on, I read that it defeats the optimal function.

Wayne, right? That's good advice about raising the leg above the heart, teds or no teds.

How is your second knee coming along? Isn't it great to have it over with? No more knees to deal with!
Wayne it is. I am at day 15 so it is still a pretty raw surgical spot. The 2nd knee feels great, no more bone on bone crepitus or excruciating pain. My OS told me I was days away from the joint ripping through the skin from the deformity caused by the crepitus.
The leg hurts above the knee as last time, to the sides and below the knee as last time but not nearly as bad behind the prothesis as last time. That may be coming w/more intense PT> I just can't sleep (as last time) and yes, Thank God the knees are done and done and done. My ankle and up my leg by my calf is
one beaut of a hematoma but it it starting to fade already. Makes the first few steps very stiff. Thanks for asking.
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