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What About Bone Spurs On The Hip?

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new member
Jul 7, 2007
United States
Hi folks:

I've been reading many of the posts here and am encouraged by the people that have had successful THR results. My left hip is fine but does have some bone spurs. The right hip is going to be replaced and I'm meeting with the surgeon this week to set a date.

My most recent x-rays show bone "spurs" on the hip joint and another doctor says that what causes much of the pain I feel, even on the left hip. Has anyone had to deal with this problem?
Hi there, Oldskool. So sorry you haven't had a reply yet.

The spurs you refer to are called osteophytes by the medics. A bit like stalactites but not! And very much par for the course. In fact, all part of the arthritic process. Some people get them more and bigger than others.

Arthritis causes all sorts of bone deformation and abnormal bone growths such as these are quite normal.

I expect you've seen the surgeon by now and got your date. Do let us know how you are getting along.
Thanks for your reply. I have seen the surgeon and he explained some of the things you've mentioned.

With the word osteophytes, I was able to do a Google search and came upon a very good website that not only explains osteophytes but the whole THR process: broken link removed:
It's quite detailed and informative.

My surgery is on August 9, and am looking forward to having it done.

Thanks again.
Yes, I've seen that site before. It's on my bookmarked list. I applaud anything that explain things that clearly and simply.

Let us know how you get on after your op.
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