I am soooo sorry. This really is a nightmare.
From the little I know a PCL is difficult to diagnose. You probably already know that it is usually caused by the classic "dashboard" injury- motor vehicle accident when a patient goes flying and knee is struck and bends backwards by the impact of the dashboard. (I'm a nurse and have worked ER awhile back.) But it doesn't sound like that was the case for your original injury no?
I've not a clue how this occurred tho- did you have an MRI? And is it a complete (grade 3) tear? Glad you are at the Cleveland Clinic. You are very fortunate- you should get the best of care. It would be within the realm of possibilities that you original OS could have missed a PCL tear- like I say difficult to diagnose, especially since you had a lot of other stuff going on with your knee prior to your surgery. (You did have a knee replacement recently yes?) In any case, it's understandable that you would be really angry. Take your time being upset, you deserve it....it will pass and soon you will be in a recovery mindset.
I've written in another thread that last week I tore (no I didn't tear-my neighbor's 150lb dogs did it for me) my MCL. It is generally not surgically repaired. I'm on bedrest for a month and then will have it "re-evaluated" by my OS. Most people are 6-8 weeks off or until you don't limp anymore- then it's considered to be have formed enough scar tissue to have mended. It's killing me. I was doing fantastically after my surgery, returning to all usual activities- back to work in 4 weeks. And then I started trying to please people, not offend people and it ended up with the dogs charging into me and bending my fresh post-op knee backwards. We have similar injuries, but yours can be repaired surgically. I am a little envious.
Will be anxious to hear more from you. I am doing nothing but lying in bed, crawling to the BR, reading, sewing, computering.
keep in touch. My heart goes out to you!