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weights or heavy shoes = any harm?

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junior member
Dec 29, 2008
United Kingdom United Kingdom
At physio yesterday she made me put a weight on my ankle and do an exercise bending my TKR knee. Couldnt even lift the leg with the weight on.

Would it be safe for me to generally wear heavier shoes to help my leg muscles develop? My trainers are pretty heavy and I have other heavy shoes (that I just couldnt have worn before my knee op because I felt they were miles too heavy and hurt my knee.)

(I didnt like to butt in to the other recent post which is about shoes - but high heels!)

Thanks in advance!
kipper x
Good question, But at 5 weeks out I do not believe that I could lift my leg with a heavy shoe on. I am a whimmpie.
LOL No youre not a whimmpie! Im 10 weeks after and Im still wondering - - - -!

kipper x
Why not, kipper? If you can do it, go for it. Sounds like an ace idea.

BUT ..... don't overdo it!
Thanks Jo! Whats worrying me is the idea that the heavy shoes might pull the two parts of my new knee apart! Or strain it. Im so neurotic I know!


kipper - in stupid mode today
Pull them apart! Oh mercy me, the very idea!
Just think of it this way, Kipper. You might get a little taller!
Thanks - Oh I know! I get such mad ideas! Too much time on my own to think about it. NOW Im going for a walk! spring is in the air!

kipper x
Kipper,,,,,how HEAVY are your shoes anyway???? Remember,,,HEEL TOE,,(KLUNK!!)
In sports, it used to be popular to wear heavy ankle weights for leg strengthening. However, many people found that eventually, they had knee problems.
I had to take a "exercise and motion" class in college that was really interesting. If you wear a heavy shoe, or ankle weight while walking, you really aren't working the quads(thighs) to any great degree.
You are placing the stress more on the hips or hip flexors.
I would suggest if you want to exercise with heavy shoes, you sit in a higher chair and practice extending the leg, holding it for a count of five and slowly lower it. Then stand up and simply lift the knee high in front of you.
I don't think heavy shoes are a good idea. My surgeon and PT and common sense advise that leg extensions are a terrible idea. Conversely I think that adding weight to the leg will create an extension and this is not a good idea as well.

Leg press=great idea, squats, cycling.....much better. Extension not so good.

My dos centamo's.
I used to lay on my tummy on the bed at night and get my hubby to push down on my ankle to help with my leg extension. I found it helped me.
in reply to Judles - my shoes are called Wolkys and they are pretty heavy. I bought them becsause they are flat but have a bit more style than wearing lace ups when I go out.
broken link removed: (Wow! I didnt pay THAT much for them!)

They are not for exercising - but for general wearing.
One of the reasons I was so worried was I had a pair of shoes called Chung Shi that have an uneven sole which forces you to walk with a heel to toe action - I was trying anything that would help me with my problem feet! Those shoes helped to wreck my knee.

Doug your comment about the heaviness not helping the quads but putting more stress on the hip does answer my question ! Thanks for that!

happy now
kipper x
i only just saw there is now a page 2 so Im behind in replying! Thank you to you all for advising me! I just want to say again I dont want to use heavy shoes to exercise - but for general wear but Doug has pointed out that it could put stress on the hip.

Thank you friends x
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