Walking causing lots of pain

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Apr 25, 2008
Southern California
United States United States
I had my right hip replaced June 6th a day over 3 weeks ago. At my 2 week check up my doc said I could start walking more and put more weight on my right leg.

I went around the block a few times last week. The 2nd night I noticed more pain and even had trouble sleeping/getting comffortable.

So, I cut back on my block, took a day off. Just went out to the shorted walk. It had been 4 hours since I took percocet, but I have been going closer to 7 hours lately.

My leg started hurting about one quarter of the way around. Little up hills were really difficult (I mean around drainage areas). The last section to my house I was limping a lot (I used a cane the whole time). Home it is really hurting.
I had beeen walking around the house without much of a limp today. Now I don't even want to get up.

Can that little increase in activity cause that much increase in pain??? It wasn't that bad the first few nights.

I also sustained a fracture at the top of my femur during surgery. Could this be causing extra pain?
My doc did not put me on any extra restrictions due to the fracture, I am on weight bearing as tolerated.

Hey Judy,

Was reading what you wrote in "driving thread", and you said you started new one, so thought I'd reply here.

Shoot! I can't remember what you wrote there, but at least I'll reply to this current thread.

You and I are very close together in our recoveries, (I think you're 3 days longer than me?), but I've noticed that the old saying, "3 steps forward, 4 steps back, 2 steps forward, 1 step back" is true. Some days I feel like I'm shooting forward in recovery and in pain levels reduced, and then, all of a sudden, I have a setback in pain or mobility, that tells me, "I'm not there yet". Just be patient Dear, and focus on the small victories. I got up yesterday and stood at attention, and noticed my surgical (Left) leg was notably longer than the right; and it really bummed me out, but I talked to a couple people and my wife who said "the OS said it may do that, it will take time for the leg muscles to tighten, and will subside". I just have to remember to stay positive, "the glass is always half full" for me, and drive on. One day at a time Sweetie... You'll get there. I promise!

By the way, you asked in the other post, "How was my trip to Wal-Mart?" (I think?) Just read some of the other recent posts, and I think I described it.
I'm writing in about 5 or 6 different ones each day, (fun! and keeping me busy), but it's hard to keep track of them in my head.

Talk to ya soon,

Hi Dalton,
My question about wal mart was about your driving to get there. I know we discussed your driving in wal mart!!!

I know about the steps forward and back. I just am having a hard time with doing a little bit of walking causing such a problem. I would think at 3 weeks a little walking would be necessary to progress.
If walking is not added then I don't see much difference between week 2 and 3!!!

A question for my pt this week!!

Well it's late, the extra percocet is adding to being tired!! I took some when I got home from my walk.
I have fun reading all the threads too. I am not a tv watcher so it is the highlight of my day!!!
Talk to you later,

Ok, I gotcha. Driving to and from Wal-Mart wasn't bad at all; I got in and out of the car no problem, and put the walker (collapsed) in the passenger seat beside me. My OS gave me a Rx for a 6 month temporary (Red) tag, "disabled" to hang from my rear view mirror, so I can park right up next to wherever I go. No sweat. Traffic was bad, but the slight "G" forces on my torso and hip were minimal; less than the night before when I went to KFC. I'm healing quick...

Glad driving was easier for you. That opens up a whole new world. My pt told me to get the placard as there is not enough room in regular parking spaces to open the door all the way.
I forgot at my apt. The 2 times I have been out, I faced that problem!!!

I had my right hip replaced June 6th a day over 3 weeks ago. At my 2 week check up my doc said I could start walking more and put more weight on my right leg.

I went around the block a few times last week. The 2nd night I noticed more pain and even had trouble sleeping/getting comffortable.

So, I cut back on my block, took a day off. Just went out to the shorted walk. It had been 4 hours since I took percocet, but I have been going closer to 7 hours lately.

My leg started hurting about one quarter of the way around. Little up hills were really difficult (I mean around drainage areas). The last section to my house I was limping a lot (I used a cane the whole time). Home it is really hurting.
I had beeen walking around the house without much of a limp today. Now I don't even want to get up.

Can that little increase in activity cause that much increase in pain??? It wasn't that bad the first few nights.

I also sustained a fracture at the top of my femur during surgery. Could this be causing extra pain?
My doc did not put me on any extra restrictions due to the fracture, I am on weight bearing as tolerated.


Judy, I'm not sure how much distance is involved in walking 'round the block' and even how many 'a few times' is. Do you mean you walked around a few times in one go? Or just once each day?

It is more than likely that the fracture as well as the surgery area is playing up a bit. Do cut back and make shorter walks. Don't over do it. Three weeks is still awful early and I'm quite sure your OS didn't mean for you to go on such long walks already!

Also, are you keeping up with your pain meds? It maybe that if you are cutting back on them, then you will get these repercussions as well.
I am thinking that there are a lot of extremely good surgeries on here so when you start comparing it is very hard. Even myself I don't think is the norm so I really can't even reply to most posts. I would think hurting at three weeks is more norm then not. When I told my PT about the people on here bending and putting shoes on at 6 weeks, he was horrified and said don't even try that now you have 6-8 month to get back in shape.
I think everyone is different and we just shouldn't compare.
Anyway I hope your pain is because you walked too far and you just have to take it easy so thinking of you.
I only walked around one time each day. After 2 days, I cut back and skipped a day. It was just that last night was the worst and I went the shortest distance.
I have been taking 2 percocet when I wake up as I feel miserable. Of course my back is adding to the discomfort in the morning. My spine surgeon last talked about fusing my thoracic spine. I have scoliosis (mild or moderate depending on who reads the mri) and 5 levels of bulging discs in the thoracic area.

Then after the say 8am percocet, I am ok for about 6 or 7 hours. Then around 4 I take 2 more. That is usually it. My pt keeps telling me to cut back and only take 1 at a time. But, 1 just does not do it. They are 5's. So I guess I have cut back in the last week.

My OS at the 2 week visit said to start walking more. I asked how much and He said it is difficult to say, but ultimately you will do to much and your body will tell you. I guess my idea of too much and my body's are too different things.

Today I will only go to the end of my street and back.

I also keep reading the posts of people at 6 weeks having all restrictions lifted and start thinking I am not trying to do enough!!! I'll just have to get some more books to read!!

Well, you got the message - listen to your body!
I will listen to the body. It is hard for me to accept such a short amount of walking can cause such pain. I will only go for shorter walks this week!!!
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