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View an actual total knee replacement

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Jan 28, 2009
United States
Last September I had the first of two total knee replacement surgeries. A local tv station taped the whole proceedure including the "information" session, the nerve block proceedure, the entire operation, and the start of rehab. You can see the video at broken link removed:
An excellent video, Professor - thank you very much for sharing it. Couple of things to note, folks - the surgeons description of the totaly knee as a 'resfuracing job' and the xrays showing the 'tunnel' view under the patella - actually superb xrays.

And welcome to BoneSmart!
Welcome, Professor! Great video. Thanks for sharing it here!
Welcome Professor,

I'm still to scared to look, just yet :)

Chris :)
Chris.....although it came with a warning of the graphic nature of the video, it honestly wasn't as bad as some I've seen. But I know what you mean about being squeamish right whole body would tingle at the mere THOUGHT of what was done to my body for many months. I'm better it's interesting!!
It's actually very 'sanitised'. Most it shows of the surgery is the backs of surgeons' gowns and the scrub tech mixing the cement!
I used to have a video of my own arthoscopy, and I tell ya, it's boring as heck just watching the debrider clean up my gunk in there...

I really wanted to be wide awake for my TKR...I'd think it's cool to see how it's done. Sure it'd be freaky, but still it's interesting! My doctor told me that he was in his 'spacesuit' during surgery...and I told him that he should've showed it to me BEFORE I got knocked out. bummer.
I could never work anywhere they used those - I suffer from claustrophobia!

And yes, arthroscopied can be boring! For everyone except the surgeon, that is! I always refused to sit during the procedure because it was the only way of making sure I kept alert! But some of those ops can take a couple or hours or more.

[] View an actual total knee replacement

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