vicki starting pre op appts monday

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junior member
Aug 27, 2009
United States
ok guys its coming fast
i start my pre op appointments monday

9/14 TKR class at the hospital
then at the hospital, EKG, chest exray and blood work

9/16 he made me an appt with my PCP ? says medical assesment

9/28 appt with my OS surgeon, then across the stree to the hospital and the guy that puts you to sleep

anything i should be aware of for these appts?
still nerveous here.
vicki :sigh:
Oh I bet! Just brings it home that this is actually real, doesn't it? But these are all routine checks so don't worry about them. They should explain it all through, step by step.

BTW, I just got my date for my pre-op and it's on the 17th so will be thinking of you!
17 seems to be your number, Jo!! Good luck to you and Vicki! :thmb::thmb:
Hey Vicki my pre op with my surgeon for back surgery is the 28th as well. When is y;our surgery?
Good luck, it's going to be fine. I'm a little over two weeks post TKR and the original pain I had is completely gone, now just sore from the surgery. This surgery is really a piece of cake, I've had much much worse.
hey Vicki good luck you will be happy you did this in the long run....We will all be here for ya when you get will be ok Post anytime we are all here to help ya..........make you smile if needed..............)Best wishes.............
Vicki--how was your class and appts today?
it went well, the TKR class was good.
then pre register and xray,ekg and blood work
so i have my pcp appt tomorrow
then the 28th my appt with my surgeon and then the surgery
Lots of prep, but it'll all be worth it!!!(:)0)
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