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vicki -getting bilateral knee surgery

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junior member
Aug 27, 2009
United States
hi i am vicki
i am a healty 62 year old woman. no health issues, dont drink or smoke. never smoked.
i have to go in Oct 5th for billateral kneww surgery.
any input would be so much appreciated
a little nerveous as it is major surery
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Hi Vicki and welcome.
First you are a healthy 62 young woman!!!!!

You will do fine. There is lots of info on here that will help you.

Go to some of the older post for the bilateral knee surgery. There
is a wealth of info there.

Make a list of questions and if you don't find the answer here take
it with you to your next visit with your OS. Or, you can fax it to
the OS and maybe the nurse will call with the answers or they will fax it back to you.

Just do as your OS says, but the one thing is to ice, elevate and do
the stretching exercises. Just don't over do as some on here have.
If your body says I hurt, pay attention and rest.

You may experience not wanting to eat certain things, for me it was meat. Could not stand the thought of it. Also, be prepared for no sleep except for shot periods of times. Some here also experienced
the blues and crying a lot. I did not have that, but I think the meds have something to do with the mood changes. Talk to your doctor about this before the surgery.

But you will do great, and do post any questions you may have.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Hello Vicki,
It is so nice to meet you!!!! And everyone gets a little nervous before any surgery that normal!!! But replacement WOW thats even sound scary!! But it isn't You will be surprised at how easy it will go.
Pat gave you alot of information that should be very usefull to you. And when you have any question post it please someone will be able to answer it for you.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Hi Vicky--there are quite a few other folks that have had bi-lateral TKR on this site and I'm sure some will respond to your post. Cindy--a fairly recent bi-lat is doing very well--will be glad to give you excellent information and support--she'll be around.

You sound healthy and being nervous is very normal. You'll do great and afterwards the recovery seems to go quickly. I had my LTKR on 8/10----I'm doing well and am so thankful that I have this new knee joint. So nice to meet you and keep posting. Bonesmart people are wonderful and supportive. Regards. Nancy
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Hi Vicki,
Welcome to BoneSmart. I'm so glad you found this site. It's a great place where you can get so much information and a whole lot of support! Feel free to post anytime! I had BTKR July 20. It was the best thing I could have done. I am doing great with my recovery. One thing to remember is each person is different and each person will heal differently. Along with the healing, having both knees done at the same time, each knee will recovery at different speeds. Think of them as your kids, no 2 children are the same. It is normal to be nervous about a major surgery but you will be fine. Take care and ask questions...there is no such thing as a stupid question.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

thanks everybody, for the welcome and info.
any suggestions on what to stock up on, or have.
i know to clean good b4 i go in, and hair cut, nails cut.
any other suggestions.
what does the hospital send you home with?? anything of use. walker, toilet set/holder?
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

ok coming up with some ?'s
how long to recover, how much pain are you in? i would hope its bearable.
my doc says he glues you back, no stitches.
he says both my knees are toast. which i knew.
i have been in a lot of pain and discomfort for several years and its getting worse.
so i have to do. this is as young as i will ever be.haha
and no health issues outside of knees.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Go to recurring knee information and there is a list for pre and post surgery information. As far as recovery goes, each person is different. Pain? I am not a good one to talk about pain because since the 3rd week after surgery, I have none! I'm one of the lucky ones. But keep in mind, there will be pain and if yours is really bad and not lessening, then you call your OS so he can find something that will work for you! Keep the questions coming.:D
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

i think Cindy just send me an email it wont let me open it , say pop up blocker
could you email me at [email protected]
and i will get it. thanks
i want all the info i can get
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Hi and welcome. You will find many of the answers to your questions by just reading the older posts on the site. There's a list of things in the recurring information section.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

how do i go about looking at old post??
new to the site:wub:
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

I tried sending you a message to your E-mail and it wouldn't go through.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Try using the pm's instead then!

Vicky, click on the links at the top of the page - Information Centre, Knee Replacements, etc, and you will find the whole forum displayed. When you click on the 'knee replacement surgery discussions' you will see all the old threads listed. Just click on a heading and read. You'll soon get the hang of it but you need to click on things and see where they take you!
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Hi Vicky, and welcome,

I had BTKR three months ago. It's hard, but well worth it. If you haven't started to do some preop exercises, start now and don't forget upper body--it really helps you to move in bed and on and off chairs and toilet seats.

For me pain was very manageable. Pay attention to your body an take what you need to stay ahead of it in the beginning. It isn't the same pain you have now--it's a healing pain that goes away when your body is done healing.

This is the most wonderful group of folks--they are sooo helpful and careing! There is always someone here if you have a question or a concern.

Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Hi Vicky welcome and good luck yo you......we are all here for ya.........anytime....You sound very healthy I think you will do just fine he is even some things Jamie wrote down maybe this will help as well............)

Stock up on pillows of all sizes and thicknesses.
(2) try to sleep by yourself
(3) keep that plastic water jug from the hospital, it will keep a load of ice and water handy thru the night
(4) get one of those "grabber" sticks, the floor is further than you think
(5) stock up on ice bags. As my Pt said, "ice is your new best friend".
(6) If no children around, put medications at bedside, so they are handy in the middle of the night.
(7) get a pedicure or have someone cut your toe nails before surgery in case you can't reach your foot
(8) for the post surgical dehydration and for times when you feel bad, those frozen juice pops are real soothing; (you gotta go get an ice pack anyway).Stock up on easy to prepare meals or make and freeze food
* Arrange for a walker, crutches, toilet riser or rails and/or cane (they may be provided for you at the hospital
* Arrange for someone to be with you if at all possible the first couple of days
* Set up a place for you to sleep that is close to a bathroom and ideally on the same floor as your living area
* Remove any loose rugs from your floors
* Get stool softeners as the pain meds can make you constipated
* Get some type of icing system - either an automatic one like Polar Care or enough gel packs to use 2 at a time and have 2 in the freezer.
* Have something available to eat when you take your pain meds (crackers, cookies, brownies) need a little something to keep your stomach from getting

Got this from the best Jo and Jamie.......and all the other terrific people I wanted to share it helped me greatly.......
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Try using the pm's instead then!

Vicky, click on the links at the top of the page - Information Centre, Knee Replacements, etc, and you will find the whole forum displayed. When you click on the 'knee replacement surgery discussions' you will see all the old threads listed. Just click on a heading and read. You'll soon get the hang of it but you need to click on things and see where they take you!

that was me, not her.
i asked her some info and an email did not come thru but a box came up said from her.

just want to get all the info and suggestions that i can
vicki :wahey:
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

Dear Vicki,

Welcome to BoneSmart! You have found a miracle here! Everyone here is so supportive and kind I get tears in my eyes thinking of how they have helped me.

I'm 59 and had Bilateral knee surgery June 4, 2009 after 12 years of trying not to have it done. My surgeon was the Best in PA in 2007 so I felt good about that plus he really cared.

I am healthy also and thin. That helped my recovery a lot. It will be 3 months this Friday and then I start therapy to tone up my muscles and body.

Sorry---losing track of what you need to know. Yes clean before you go in and have someone afterwards clean too. You'll need someone for several weeks to help you with many things. Like a shower, your meals, laundry--my surgeon didn't want me to do a thing and believe me you can't!

You'll need a toilet seat riser. A Cane, A walker. If you want to lay on your side to rest put a pillow between your legs. If you want to lay on your couch you may want to buy a large pad for you couch to cover with a sheet to make it comfortable if you don't have a TV in your bedroom.

I was so fortunate because the cleaning lady I have is the sister of my stylist and she herself can do hair. So that helped unreal.

Vicki--ask me anything because I'm sure I haven't covered something. I will be thinking of you and I know you'll be fine! And yes ICE is a big deal and remember to take your pain pills before the pain gets bad.

I'm here.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

how often do you take pain pills?
every 4 hours
does he give you pleanty of these
i am lucky, my best friend is going to move in for 6-8 weeks and take care of me.
and work is being great
so its meant to be right now.
my surgery is Oct. 5th
i am nerveous, it is major surgery
but i have no health issues at all
just bad knees.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

You take them according to the doctor's instructions. Some meds are 4 hourly, others six hourly.
Re: vicki -getting billateral knee surgery

You will do great and with your friend there that will be great.
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