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Vacation in Mexico After 4 Weeks?

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new member
Nov 6, 2009
United States
I have partial knee replacement scheduled Jan 5th on Left knee. I want to leave 4 weeks later on vacation to Mexico. I am healthy,not overweight. I have heard of danger of blood clots; any suggestions or advice?
Re: Flying after total knee replacement

Welcome, Gladys! First have your surgery, get some PT under your belt, and once you get your OS's OK, those TED's compression stockings and taking frequent walks on the plane will be most beneficial!
You might want to take insurance out also......what happens if you just aren't ready in 4 weeks to travel? :sct:
Hi, Gladys! Welcome to BoneSmart. We're glad you joined us.

I have moved your post to its own thread so it would be more visible and people would be more likely to comment.

As for your vacation....ummmm.....I'm thinking you are terribly optimistic about being ready to travel in 4 weeks. Actually the recovery period for a PKR can be equal to a total knee replacement....significantly longer than a month.

Have you already made your travel plans? I hope you have the ability to delay it at least another 4 weeks. You don't want to be miserable on your trip! Plus...if you have any type of complication (things can happen, you know), you are in a foreign country.

Did you discuss this with your surgeon? Did he think you'd be okay to travel?

If you absolutely MUST make this trip, Judi is correct....compression stockings when flying are a must. And you need to purchase trip insurance in case something happens and you are not well enough to travel or you have a problem when you are in Mexico and must fly immediately home (expensive).

Don't want to ruin your fun, but you ARE having major surgery! Some folks think that a PKR (because it is not the whole joint) is less of a procedure, but you are still cut, sawed, hammered, and all the other things that make recovery uncomfortable at the beginning.
Hi Gladys,
RPKR here.
I doubt you will be ready to travel and be a tourist only 4 weeks out from your surgery.

I healed really well and quickly, but this year we didn't get to visit our kids in the UK in Aug - Sept as usual (5 months since op.), because I was still recuperating, 24+ hours flying was daunting. Now when I feel ready, it is too late and too cold, so will have to wait until next year. :sigh:

I did have all the incentive in the world to travel, but there was no way I could have coped with all the hustle and bustle and energy needed to be a tourist. (Could have hired a crutch again and used it to beat my way through the crowds, perhaps ? maybe ? :hehe:)

Give yourself half a chance to heal properly, then go for that vacation, you'll enjoy it all the more.
I hadn't even left the house at 4 weeks never mind go on a trip!

I really wouldn't. 4 weeks is slap bang in the middle of the "what ever made me think this was a good idea? :doh:" phase. You're much better off at home and within hailing distance of your doctor.
I am 4.5 weeks out of my RTKR... I cannot even imagine going on a trip at this point in my recovery. I'm 42, have always been super active, and currently a trip to PT and the grocery store and I'm needing rest bady. In my opinion you'd be so much better off to postpone your trip if you can.

RTKR 10-5-09

I have to say as everyone before....DON'T DO IT!!!!! You won't even be able to function properly at home let alone on vacation, in a foreign country. Please listen to everyone and do yourself a HUGE favor.

Good luck with your recovery.
Thanks everyone for your input; maybe I need to reconsider my trip. Too bad , cause I was looking forward to recoop in the sun.
And you CAN, Gladys! Just wait a little longer!!! You won"t regret it!!! ((:0)
Whoa.....going on a trip after 4 weeks; doesn't sound like a good idea to me either. I am in my 11th week, doing fine but am glad I'm not going on a long excursion. One day I am feeling fine; the next day I feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz. You just never know what your knee may have in store for you; thus, at the beginning, it's best to stay close to home.
I am at 9-10 weeks and I wouldn't want to go at 4 weeks. I so understand your wanting to get away and relax and sun. But myself, I am just getting to the stage of thinking about a car trip...haven't done it, but planning on one in a month for a family celebration back in my hometown. Good luck to you.
Hi Gladys i just had my surgery wed i cant even imagaine going on vacation but i hope you can......i do agree with the ins though..........good luck to you.....i hope you can make your trip sounds great
I think the general consensus is ......

pretty obvious! :hehe:
Hi Gladys, I had a partial knee replacement done 4 weeks ago tomorrow. I have had a really great recovery period, but I do not think I would try to fly and vacation.
I agree with everyone else, you will be pushing it. If I spend much time up and around, I need ice. If I spent a full day traveling to my destination, it would take a whole week of vacation to undo the swelling, and then I would be flying home again, with no week of vacation to "undo" the traveling trauma after. Does that make sense?
Another concern, would be that if you had a complication, you are away from appropriate medical care.

I wish you could go, a sunny vacation is exactly what we all need at that stage of recovery, but only if we could magically be transported in about 10 minutes!

Take care, and best wishes on your surgery. Kimberly

Glad to hear you are reconsidering, I hope that actually means rescheduling.....for about 4 months on. Good Luck.

We'll be ready then, for sure! Seriously, Gladys...hope you re-consider!,,, ((:0)
But when you do go you will have a great time and feel like doing everything............) you will have a blast when you are ready............
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