Hello all! I had my BTKR done on 3/15/2023. So, today I am POD 5. I know it’s still early days, but I am definitely spending the majority of my time just resting, icing, and elevating. I get up to the bathroom every 2 hours or so, relying heavily on my walker. I do not fully weight bear yet. And, when I sit and elevate, I am usually just in the recliner. I do “toes above nose” only a few hours a day. Do I need to be doing that big elevation all the time? And my bend is very minimal. My heel slides are pretty tiny. They are like little anthills, definitely not big bends. I just feel like my knee is so tight across the front. I have been following these boards for about a month now and I have so appreciated your stories. Thank you! I keep hearing that the first two weeks are pretty rough but I would love to have some idea of what things look like in those first few weeks, as one gets past day 5, 8, 12, etc, keeping in mind that everyone is different, of course. But, maybe a general idea of how people progress.
Also, how can I find the March 2023 knee people? I think I’m in that group, but don’t know how to access it.
Thank you all, you fantastic BoneSmarties!
Also, how can I find the March 2023 knee people? I think I’m in that group, but don’t know how to access it.

Thank you all, you fantastic BoneSmarties!
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