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UtI & Sinus infection

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junior member
Jun 16, 2009
United States
Well I am 5 weeks post op LTHR , I can truthfully say NOTHING has hurt like this UTI infection, I just got back from dr got 2 shots and presciption for keflex 500 mg which he said would treat both, I apparently have had this for a bit but man overnite it exploded and miserable over weekend. I am also taking azo tabs dr said it would help with pain of uti. My question how long does it take to start noticing any kind of relief. Seems ever since I got my hip I have been sick with sinus and now this ,Thank god my hip feels great , the only bright light , First thing dr asked is did I have a cath. in hospital I told him for 2 days , Is this common after surgery? I am sure the sinus infection has to do with weather

I know everyone is differant and responds diff. but like shpuld I see improvement within a couple of days and will the 2 shots of antibiotic help it work quicker.

Thank so much for your answers in advance & God Bless!
Hi there. Actually I just had a UTI infection 4 days ago. It does go pretty fast.. Cranberry juice. Thats what everyone said and Im sure it helped. Sinus I havent had but the weather lately isnt helping either...If you have a RX yes take it faithfully and you will be ok...I believe mine is gone....Hang in there.......
The U T I does not take long for it to go away. Drink and Drink
plenty of water and lots and lots of cranberry juice.

I get UTI a lot since another surgery. I never know I have them til
I start bleeding. It just amazes my doctor. I had one just before surgery and the nurse and the surgeon could not believe I was not doubled over in pain. I just don't feel pain much. And
NO that is not a good thing. I get in trouble with medical problems because of it.
Like Loggon said!!! PLENTY of water and cranberry juice!!! Just FLOOD yourself with liquids!
My doc said it was quite common after catheter use. I had one too but it wasn't discovered until 8 weeks later. I just felt a little uncomfortable, so I didn't know. I got an oral prescription and felt better in days. And do those liquids!
My issue is thrush....I suspect its aggravated by the heavily chlorinated water at the hydropool.....I wore a dark khaki green t shirt, and then when I washed it out the next day it had turned to light tan like the colour of a fox!...I hate to think what it does to our bodies.....and no I don't put my face skin is SO dry from the water splash as it is!
About the Sinus infection. When I went today for check-up today, I had a little sinus stuffiness. My children and grandchildren and always willing to share their germs!!! The little ones especially like to drink after me w/o me knowing. Soooo very nice of them.

Anyway, I asked if this would affect my knee. He said as long as it's viral, I should be fine. It's when it's bacterial I need to let him know. Well, I guess that means I have to see who around me is sick to figure that one out. He did indicate the color (:euw: sorry!!) like green puss would be a definite sign I need antibiotics. Knew this before, being a mom and all, but especially want to stay on top of it now.

Hope this helps someone else. Those replacement stories scare the stuffing out of me! Don't want to go there. Nope!
I would say sleep and drink. It should clear up quickly. Hope you feel better soon
Trish, so glad you are getting treated for your UTI. They DO really hurt until the medicine starts working. It shouldn't take long, though, for you to start feeling better.

All the suggestions to drink lots of water and cranberry juice are good. That helps with the pain also by diluting your urine - it's less irritating that way. In fact, all that liquid is a great idea anytime - whether you have an infection or not - for the same reason. It tends to flush all the bad stuff out faster and keep things watered down...more healthy! So hopefully you can make an increase in liquid intake part of your normal routine from now on.
thank you all for your help during my uti problem. I am not much on drinking a
lot of liquids but I am making a point to drink more as I never want an infection like the one I am:thmb: finally getting rid of. thanks again and god bless
Thankful to hear you are doing better. Keep up the fluids so you don't have a repeat! That's the mother in me talking. :p

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