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Using a cane how do you...

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junior member
Jan 15, 2009
United States
So PT said I can use a cane. How do you work the cane when you are dealing with two knees? I do not want to favor one knee over the I was thinking I'd just remember to switch hands on a regular basis. Using a cane and favoring one leg over the other was part of what got me into this predicament in the first place!
...and I was feeling so cool yesterday, I walked (with the walker) about 8 city blocks and back...whoa howdee...did I ever have swollen knees..I thought they'd just pop! Dr. apt today, didn't want frowning etc. so spent most of the night with ice and knees elevated well above my heart!

My friends out there with both knees repalced how did you manage with the cane?
Hi Lissa!

When you are using the cane, which side feels "right"? My right leg was weaker than the left so I mostly used the cane in the left hand, however, I did switch from time to time if it felt better the other way.

I also continued to use the walker outdoors and the cane indoors for a while--until I felt stable. I did the same with the cane--gave it up indoors but continue to use it outside where I didn't feel as safe.

Hope your OS was very impressed with your recovery!

For about two years leading up to my single-knee-replacement, I had to use two canes because both my knees were painful. It wasn't till right before the surgery (maybe six, eight months) that I went back to using just the one cane and reserving the two canes for long-walking (such as hospitals or malls, I didn't "qualify" for a handicapped placard).

I'd say use two canes, one in each hand and use them in stride like normal. It looks kind of goofy, but it was worth it. :wink:
Both these posts are excellent suggestions. Bottom line, Irene, is just to do what feels most comfortable to you. The most important thing will be to ensure you are walking with a normal gait. Whatever device it takes in whatever hand it takes to use it is what you should do to make sure you walk normally.
The cane goes on he OPPOSITE side of your operated side!! Have you ever seen House MD? Well he uses HIS cane on the WRONG side! My PT didn't even know that! Geeeesh!!! Take it easy! You'll be getting lots of empathy out there! Take advantage! ((:0)
Use two to begin with and, as Froggy says, use them 'in stride'. Eventually you'll feel able to ditch one.
......and everyone WILL get out of your way! :wahey:
After my BTKR, I used the walker for two weeks and then switched to a cane. The reason for the walker was to keep my balance and keep from falling. Then when my legs got stronger after the surgery, I used the cane only for insurance. I walked with my new knees and never lean on the cane. I can not see how anyone could use two canes at the same time. You might as well be using crutches.
The cane goes on he OPPOSITE side of your operated side!! Have you ever seen House MD? Well he uses HIS cane on the WRONG side! My PT didn't even know that! Geeeesh!!! Take it easy! You'll be getting lots of empathy out there! Take advantage! ((:0)
The Army physical therapist (wearing cammo BDUs and combat boots) taught me the right way to use a cane. In recent years, when I would use just one, I'd have some doofus ask me why I didn't do what House did- my reply was usually: "Well, he's not really in any pain because he's fictional!" :hehe:
Hi Lissa!

When you are using the cane, which side feels "right"? My right leg was weaker than the left so I mostly used the cane in the left hand, however, I did switch from time to time if it felt better the other way.

I also continued to use the walker outdoors and the cane indoors for a while--until I felt stable. I did the same with the cane--gave it up indoors but continue to use it outside where I didn't feel as safe.

Hope your OS was very impressed with your recovery!

Thanks! The surgeon has me outdoors doing back flips...when I got home after seeing him and all the excitement calmed down...I realized I don't want to do back flips yet!! I do plan to use walker outdoors, and cane indoors and switch..
The Army physical therapist (wearing cammo BDUs and combat boots) taught me the right way to use a cane. In recent years, when I would use just one, I'd have some doofus ask me why I didn't do what House did- my reply was usually: "Well, he's not really in any pain because he's fictional!" :hehe:
I love your therapist in combat boots..some of them are real scary...all muscled and cunning! I love tha House uses the cane incorrectly, never noticed!....and I love your pen name...Frogfeathers...what started that?
It has always felt natural for me to use the cane in my right hand with my right bad knee. It was only after I started physical therapy that I changed. I think the therapist said it could keep you from falling better if it was in the opposite hand.

I love your therapist in combat boots..some of them are real scary...all muscled and cunning! I love tha House uses the cane incorrectly, never noticed!....and I love your pen name...Frogfeathers...what started that?
Its the screen name I use on the snopes message board. The 'handle' I usually go by is in relation to my tarot card and palm-reading hobbies and snopes is an urban legend debunking website. A longtime member there told me if I used my usual screen name, they wouldn't take me "seriously"... so, while registering there, I tried to come up with a name... and I had a National Geographic Tree Frog calendar and a bunch of feathers I collected taped to it (I used to do Native American medicine wheels, that's what the feathers were for). So, FrogFeathers!

It has always felt natural for me to use the cane in my right hand with my right bad knee. It was only after I started physical therapy that I changed. I think the therapist said it could keep you from falling better if it was in the opposite hand.
That's because when we walk, we swing the opposite hand out with each step. That's why using two canes is easy once you get the rhythm going. My son's martial arts master said it was a "real art" to walk that way after he saw me gliding around at a tournament. :wink:
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